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Accident Prone

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Posts posted by Accident Prone

  1. Another sappy one, but my wife and my son are guaranteed pick-me-ups.

    A more short-term positive is still being able to WFH until the end of March. Being able to play some guitar, read a book, watch some TV, have a blast on the Vita/DS, pop downstairs to see the family and browse freely on the internet all whilst on the clock (as well as all the time saved with travel) has been incredible. God knows how I'll cope in April when I'm back to nodding off at my desk and making idle chit-chat in the office kitchen. 

  2. The ladder match was spectacular and outdid anything that GCW attempted on last weekend's Hammerstein show. Always leave it to Cody for some big dick-swinging when it comes to ruffling feathers.

    Can't say I'm keen on that Danhausen signing. I just don't get him. There's "funny" and then there's "funny in the context of pro wrestling", and DH hits neither target for me. In fact, AEW rarely hits when it's comes to their attempts at comedy. Oh boy.

    It's an unpopular opinion on this forum but I'd have preferred Gargano, mainly because I'm a work-rate pervert. He's one of my faves and I want to see him wash the stink off from his 2018-2021 NXT run.

  3. It feels like he starts off each straight line mission with an ardent regard for upholding the rules and boundaries of the trip, but when he cogs on that he's probably majorly fucked up somewhere that's when he gets slapdash with his approach. He used to be quite militant on doing it all in one run, but he changes his mind after large set-backs in order to carry on and not let the trips go to waste. Definitely agree that this attempt has raised a few questions but I'll just ignore them in the same way that I ignore a magician sticking a card up his sleeve during his patter.

  4. Yeah, pretty much. I'm reading lyrics from the Radical album now and it's pretty clear who he sides with.

    The more I think about this situation, the more sad it is. An extremely influential and popular hardcore band just lawyering up and not really having that goodbye sucks.

  5. That line about Jordan is VERY telling. Keith doesn't mention or single out any particular ETID member apart from that, so I wonder how deep into the Q-anon/right-wing rabbit hole Jordan was. Whatever the case, this is such a crap way for the band to end.  

  6. 8 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    This is actually a recognised psychological phenomenon, and where the name Tetris Effect comes from!

    Tetris effect - Wikipedia

    Basically, after a prolonged focus on a repetitive, simple, visual task, your brain will continue to see things in terms of that task, and you'll often dream of it, or see (in Tetris' case) coloured blocks when you close your eyes. I used to get it with the old Megatouch game Word Dojo about ten years ago, if anyone remembers that.

    I get this when I commit to any task for more than four hours in a day. Video games, TV shows, chores, the lot. It all comes crashing into my dreams and it's infuriating as all hell for some reason.

  7. Keith has posted a legal letter to his Instagram that he received last month. Apparently, the rest of the band started the legal proceedings to kick Keith out of the band but it's so out of context. If Keith is still doing his UK speaking tour next month, we might find out more but he might be legally tied up, who knows.

    It sucks either way. I've never been fond of their newer stuff, but their angry, more chaotic work from the mid-late 00's is etched into my head forever. First time I saw them live was at Wolverhampton in 2008, with blasts from the past like Scary Kids Scaring Kids and Drop Dead Gorgeous as supports. Hell of a gig that really won me over despite the awful venue. Looking forward to what the ex-band members do next.


  8. I still believe that the AEW Dynamite following Punk's return halted so much momentum they had from new/lapsed fans who were jumping in to take a chance on AEW post-Punk Rampage. A dull show that highlighted almost all of AEW's flaws whilst keeping the light away from many of their positives. If any episode of Dynamite should've threw caution to the wind and gone all out (pardon the pun) with wild action from the get-go and been stuffed to the brim with feud recaps, teases for the future and an emphasis on just how large the company's scope is, THAT should've been it. I don't know who had TK's ear that week, but "We should carry on, business as usual" was shite advice.

  9. 2 hours ago, Sheffbag said:

    not really a petty one, just a general annoyance. People who buy front row seats..then stand up blocking the view for everyone behind them 

    So glad that I'm not the only one bothered by this. It's all good if they get excited and stand up for big highspots, kick-outs or moments, but most of the time the fuckers just...stand there.

  10. The 'local lad' might've been our very own door-to-door DVD anti-piracy man, Chris Masters. This is from http://www.thehistoryofwwe.com/ and is the second Holly match after the Dupree incident (he still wrestled Dupree the following night in the exact same match);

    WWE @ Rochester, NY - Blue Cross Arena - November 23, 2004
    Chris Masters defeated Hardcore Holly
    Doug & Danny Basham defeated Paul London & Sho Funaki at 5:43 when Danny pinned Funaki following a double choke powerbomb
    Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak defeated Robby McAllister & A-1 at 2:17 when Reigns pinned McCallister with a kick to the chest
    Shannon Moore, Chavo Guerrero Jr., & Nunzio defeated WWE Cruiserweight Champion Spike Dudley, Billy Kidman, & Akio at around 8:54 when Moore pinned Spike with the Mooregasm
    Rey Mysterio Jr. pinned WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champion Rene Dupree with the springboard legdrop
    Rob Van Dam defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champion Kenzo Suzuki via disqualification when Suzuki began choking Van Dam with his scarf
    Kurt Angle defeated cody Steele
    Dawn Marie (dressed as an Indian) fought Jackie Gayda (dressed as a pilgrim) to a no contest at the 34-second mark when both shoved referee Charles Robinson and were broken apart by Charlie Haas moments later (Viva Las Divas)
    WWE World Champion John Bradshaw Layfield & Orlando Jordan defeated Eddie Guerrero & Booker T after the Bashams interfered

    Masters wouldn't properly debut on TV until February 2005, and so he spent the majority of the '04/'05 winter months beating jobbers in dark matches and house shows. So although Chris isn't from NY (he was from Santa Monica, California), he did get the rub from Hardcore. Bob would also do jobs to Jesus and Luther Reigns before rejoining Charlie Hass in their much-loved tag team.

  11. Pleasantly surprised at the lack of "Look, it's Kane with a cape!" photos that always get trotted out.

    WWF ran a series of house show Razor vs Shawn ladder matches in 1994, which blew my mind when I saw photos of them in PowerSlam years later.




  12. 10 minutes ago, simonworden said:

    Sounds shockingly like my first driving instructor. His name wasn't Mike was it? I'm sure more than one of them were creeps. This guy used to make comments about girls my age and possibly below especially in the summertime, always left me super uncomfortable. 

    Can't remember his name but if you lived in Birmingham during that time, it may have been him! From what I remember, he looked like a 90's-era Matt Priest (drummer from 'Dodgy', suitably enough).

  13. This thread actually brings up the memories of my first ever time learning to drive way back when I was 16. My parents bought me ten driving lessons as a birthday gift, and the instructor's idea of practicing the 'drive, slow down to a crawl, then drive off' technique was to have me drive past schools during the morning/afternoon rush and slow down past them so he could ogle the mums (or at least thats what I assume he was doing).

    "Coooorrr! Look at that bit of kipper!" he'd hiss at me, before commanding that I quickly drive off. No wonder I didn't learn to drive for another decade.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Cunk was, and still is, the piss break during Brooker shows. 

    I'm pencilling you in for a negative 2022 UKFF award now, sorry. Can't be having slander like that.

  15. 24 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    If you’re poor, you won’t be able to afford an automatic. I have to change car every few years and I’ve never had an automatic come up on my limited budget. 

    I'm sure it's different for everyone, and all depends on your requirements and tastes, but I have never spent more than £800 on a car. I'm not a flashy petrol-head who drools over whatever shiny new motor is being advertised in the media landscape, so I've always gone for the ever-dependable 1999 - 2002 Toyota Corolla. Hell the only reason I've ever had to get replacement cars in the first place is due to incidents that were totally out of my control. Mechanically, they've never let me down.

  16. Ignore everyone who gives you shit about learning auto, ignore everyone who qualifies manual as the "proper way to drive" and ignore everyone who tries to give you any reason why you should learn manual first. I spent so many hours and so much cash trying to learn manual, and I dreaded every single lesson because it was such a frustrating pain in the arse. Any money I would've apparently saved by learning manual was spent in lessons trying to learn fucking manual.

    I stuck to manual lessons for so long because friends and family championed it, and took the piss out the "go-karts" that are becoming more common. After a LONG while of getting nowhere, my driving instructor recommended I try one lesson with an auto. The penny dropped harder than an ACME anvil as soon as I drove out of my street that day. Everything slotted into place because there was less multi-tasking and less fucking around with a clutch and the bite and working through gears. I've been driving for six years now and never experienced an issue due to "only" having an automatic licence, whether it was buying a car, getting a car repaired or renting one. You're definitely on the right track, and all the "YEAH BUT WHAT IF" shitehawk arguments that the old guard will give you will amount to nothing when you've got the open road at your beck and call.

  17. The lads at GameSack spoke highly of this channel, so I gave them a whirl and ended up binging a whole load of their videos. It's a really nice, well made, charming show and the hosts aren't annoying in the slightest. This is their big end-of-year round-up show, so if you're after some new and old games to dive into, this is a great place to start.



  18. Thanks for all the advice guys, I appreciate it. As much as I want the full gym experience again, I think I'm gonna hit the local parks on these cold frosty mornings before work and I'll go from there. Maybe I'll get a day pass just to see what the gyms are like later on, but with a young baby at home right now it's not worth the risk.

  19. 25 minutes ago, neil said:

    Honestly I say do a home workout. I'm a fan of the no equipment, light impact ones that Joe Wicks has. 20 minutes tops and its a really solid workout. 

    I scratch my head whenever I walk past a gym and see someone running on a treadmill during this pandemic.

    Cheers, I'll look into that. I used to be well into my Couch25K/Couch210K stuff but after a while I plateaued and got frustrated with my lack of progression, so I quit because I'm an impatient bellend.

    I've found faster success with treadmils and I don't have to deal with weather, traffic and people not picking up after their mutts, but going back into the great outdoors is probably the safest, albeit slowest and least comfortable, path right now.

  20. 7 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    I mean. Yeah, it's a particularly high risk environment. You need to decide what your risk appetite is. And have a look specifically about what measures your gym is taking. Ultimately none of us are experts and the science is very abstract and intangible. So I suspect you'll do what we all do and that is make a gut decision and then find a way to rationalise it to yourself.

    Best of luck!

    Michael Scott Reaction GIF

    It's the typical "We're wiping everything down and providing cleaning supplies, please respect other users social distance measures, etc etc" spiel on their website, but who knows how much of that is adhered to. You're right though in the end, I will rationalise my choice and I'll blame it on everyone else when it goes tits up.

  21. How is everyone finding the gym recently? I've grown quite the dad bod (and not the flattering kind either) and I am absolutely disgusted with how I look, so I'm looking at hitting the GYMGROUP near my work, but obviously being in an enclosed environment with sweat particles flying everywhere doesn't sound safe at all. I'm also one of these twats who just can't work out and leave, I HAVE to shower straight afterwards which is another safety issue to contend with.

    I'm triple-jabbed so as long as I socially distance myself whilst working out and showering (steady on!) I should be okay but I'm still not convinced. Am I over-thinking this?


  22. 35 minutes ago, Chili said:

    I'm happy to see him in AEW if it leads to pointless complaining that some other bland as a woodchip Kyle O'Reiley type gets overlooked. Variety. 

    The Rock Reaction GIF by WWE

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