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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. 25 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    About all 11 being left wing, yes. 2 of them aren’t left wing. 

    Yeah, but the 44 seats in parliament thing. That sort of renders it entirely bollocks.

  2. I absolutely love a chatty front man. I can listen to their music at home, alone and crying if I want. I've paid 80 quid for Jon Bon Jovi to tell me that he gets up every day and after a cup of coffee he takes a long, hard look at himself in the mirror. Sometime what he sees, he doesn't like. Sometimes what he sees is himself, and the disappointment just sits in him, and eats at him little by little. Day by day. Sometimes what he sees makes him lay down, take the cards that life deals him and pretend it's all over. But not him! Guitar solo.

  3. 41 minutes ago, Shy Dad said:

    Was a great experience leading a team to produce it too. 

    That's what it's all about at the end of the day, isn't it? Win, lose or draw you're learning an absolute fuckload.

  4. 13 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    As it's also St. David's Day today, I had one savoury - cheese and onion.

    Aaah, a nod to the bygone era of the Rhondda cheese mines.

  5. 1 hour ago, Suplex Sinner said:

    We're only hearing about it now because 1) Boris is in trouble and 2) the over reliance on Russian energy

    The first point isn't true. It's being reported all over the world as a serious escalation and nobody there gives a fuck about that bellend, Johnson. Your second point is extremely true.

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