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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. 6 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    Pies that don’t have a base or a crust. Just putting a puff pastry lid on a bowl of meat and gravy isn’t a pie.

    You're poking the dog there. The repercussions of that statement could tear this forum a new one.

  2. 3 hours ago, Tamura said:

    Oh we used to dream of living in a cupboard! Would've been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woken up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us!


  3. 5 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

    Quickly forgotten that they were the cunts that paved the way for that cunt Johnson. 

    You have to remember that the electorate also played its part. I'm perfectly willing to enjoy the sight of one tory cunt taking another down.

  4. 1 hour ago, Vamp said:

    Isn't it considered good practice for PMs to send troops off somewhere to create a wave of patriotism and improve their approval ratings? 

    Not if said action triggers a world war. Although, now I've typed those words, I'm already doubting myself. Thank god we sent those war-mongering fuckers back to where they came from when we had the chance, eh?

  5. 2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    I've been playing Dirt 5 recently, which I just this moment learned grew out of the Colin McRae franchise, though you'd never know it.

    Up until Dirt 4 the game was still purely rally based, then the Dirt Rally series took over the role. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Le Mans is a great circuit and whenever I'm on a racing game that has the circuit I'll usually end up lapping either that or Monaco if that's available. 

    You are clearly a very broken human being. I know these tracks like the back of my hand because of the practice involved but fuck driving them for fun!

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