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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. 1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Just got the booster, another Pfizer. Going to the chippy when I get home because there's no McDonald's near Levenshulme's Jain community centre.

    I had a McDonald's after mine and had 2 days of fever to show for it so I'm starting to seriously doubt some of the advice that's been given in this thread. 

  2. I've never come across this opinion that Let it Be is sub-par and I'm baffled by it. It's 35 minutes long and includes Two of Us, Across The Universe, Let it Be, I've Got a Feeling, The Long and Winding Road and Get Back. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Let It Be is not a great album. Still better than anything by Queen, but it’s not a great album. 

    Listen, so-called "Keith", you're essentially saying that the Beatles weren't a great band, which is clearly nonsense.

    And Queen had 3 greatest hits albums. How many does Tori Amos have?

  4. 3 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    I thought it was about Let It Be?

    You shouldn't ever be allowed to share your musical opinion. You should have one of those sex-pest electric shockers that kicks in whenever you think about music.

  5. I've been gently awoken by the new album from The Darkness this morning. What a musical journey! "Speed of the Nite Time" in particular could be dropped into any 80s montage and improve it. I've never brushed my teeth so well.


  6. 5 hours ago, simonworden said:

    Most will let me use a foreign number but not HSBC nope!

    I had to leave the "world's local bank" when I left the UK too because they were absolutely incapable of any form of overseas transfer that didn't take an age and cost an arm and a leg.

  7. 10 minutes ago, kieranjennings said:

    I would say in WWE's defence, look at how they handled Roman Reign's illness, look at how they put Bryan Danielson's & Samoa Joe's health before his willingness to wrestle (which got them a lot of pelters at the time too). 

    This is your defence against the rape, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc? You might as well rest your case.

  8. 1 hour ago, Teedy Kay said:

    I'll catch myself rolling imaginary fags from time to time

    This has blown my mind! I do this too but never made the connection because I only roll the roach end.

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