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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. The Italian argument holds no water because that's how you say it in Italian and we're talking about English. That would require us to pronounce Volkswagen follksvargun, but we don't because we're not Bosch. Producers should be telling these people that they'll be needing one more take with the correct English please.

  2. 13 minutes ago, CAREBEAR LUVVA said:

    Unless you're planning to bump into the Bottom Inspectors from Viz, does it matter if there's a bit of smearing? It's not like anyone's going to know.

    I remember watching some Italian guy on Eurotrash who claimed to have fucked an unbelievable amount of women. When asked what his number 1 tip was he said to always have a clean downstairs. You're the opposite of that guy.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Steve Justice said:

    Timberland clothing typically have the zips on the other side. I look like Arsene Wenger when I'm trying to zip up my Timberland jacket. 

    You sure you're not wearing it backwards?

  4. 1 hour ago, Suplex Sinner said:

    the current Covid situation is ridiculous as well as the UK is the only country from which they are enforcing 14 day quarantines and even more tests before they will let you out into the wild. 

    That's the opposite of ridiculous, if you ask me. You lot are riddled with it. 

  5. 34 minutes ago, DiscoPistol said:

    HR couldn't work out how Vlookups worked

    That'll explain why the Chinese prick #N/A at my last place could afford a yacht. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Putting food on the tray to put in the oven, putting the timer on, sitting down, going to give it a turn when the timer goes off, finding I haven't put it in the fucking oven in the first place.

    Most of mine are oven related, it seems.

    This never happens. You need outside assistance. Setting the timer is the bottom of everybody's list in this situation.

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