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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. 4 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

    Resident Evil 7 - absolutely terrifying. Couldn't play it for extended periods because it's just so scary in VR. 

    I bought it during the last sale and still haven't had the balls to play it.

  2. 13 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    I’m convinced that Leicester City winning the Premiership sent the world into some kind of parallel dimension. Everything went to shit after that

    Surely that was already part of the parallel dimension. I mean, it was Leicester fucking City!

  3. In a sporting sense it's fucking ridiculous to have several world championships in the same company but it's not too much more ridiculous than calling it a world championship in the first place when it's only contested domestically. I say let everyone be a world champion, like Queen would've wanted.

  4. This is the sort of thing that normally entices a keffer to actually do it, but it's not a flaccid job, so here's hoping malbranque never reads this. 

  5. I fear me talking sense is dragging this thing off course. 

    How about making a shockmaster helmet for your old boy? You could spray some deodorant about for atmos. 

  6. 1 hour ago, gmoney said:

    Unfortunately we live in a flat without access to a garden, but I will bear that in mind for if we move, or if I need to burn somewhere down for insurance purposes. 

    Then I guess chickens are out of the question too?

  7. They make great firelighters. I haven't used anything else to light a fire or barbecue in years. They're also great in compost, if that's the sort of thing you do. 

  8. 39 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    I’ve been excited all year to see all things the Brexiteers were going to rush out and do with all their extra sovereignty today that they couldn’t do yesterday. I’ve been disappointed thus far.

    On the plus side, my life as an ex-pat in the EU has been made immediately and immeasurably more complicated. God bless David Cameron! I'd give quite a bit for the pleasure of 1 minute with him in a dark room. 

  9. Personally, I thought the title of the thread promised so much but it quickly became a dry and joyless collection of information. It's worse than both the Speaking Out and Thread That Shall Not Be Named threads put together. 

  10. Post of the Year
    Thunderplex - The Apple of his Eye
    Astro Hollywood - When Animals Attack
    Loki - Thinks he's been nominated for POTY.

    Off Topic Poster of the Year
    JNLister - I get my information from many sources but I hold his political input on this forum in extremely high regard.
    Super Bacon - I feel I've liked more of his posts than anyone else.
    Astro Hollywood - For me, the glue that held the forum together this year. Entertaining in every thread.

    Funniest Poster
    Astro Hollywood
    Super Bacon

    Thread of the Year
    Chippy Tea

    Please Post More - who lurks when they should post?
    I can never have too much Guy Bifkin

    Good Au Award
    John Matrix

    Worst Thread of the Year


  11. 13 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    It's the most wonderful time of the year: 


    I got to number 2, which was titled "Chippy Scrap". I saw several legs of kebab meat. Absolutely sick of fake news.

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