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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. Tenby until high school, then we could afford Majorca. I loved every single minute of Tenby and go back there as often as possible but Majorca was an amazing experience for a young man. The ladies there take their blouses off to sunbathe.

  2. 1 minute ago, patiirc said:

    She's offered. Up to Mathew to take her up on it. 

    What she's essentially done is dare him to take her up on it. He's looking for a long and happy relationship with this girl so it has nothing to do with getting bent out of shape. It's about long-term trust, which is also up to partners to "share if they want to, not because it's demanded". She's demanding it.

  3. 2 minutes ago, patiirc said:

    She's been open here, take her up on the offer. 

    She hasn't been open. Open would've been showing him immediately. What she's done is shift the onus back to him, which is exactly what you would expect from somebody who has something to hide.

  4. 3 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    It has absolutely nothing to do with Brexit though. Not a thing. 

    In this instance it probably has more to do with the fact that the UK is riddled with the delta-variant and the UK government has an extremely slack arse when it comes to doing anything about it. In fact, its main priority seems to be facilitating holibobs for the riddled.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Genuinely sickening to see those last few punches and the groan from Ty. 

    I have to disagree. We've already seen him get up for more and anyone that comes at you like Red Shirt does is going to need those extra few digs in order to realise that they've really lost and go home.

  6. 9 hours ago, SaitoRyo said:

    As a UK citizen living in the EU with an EU national wife and two half-EU national kids

    Chalk me down as another ex-pat in the EU who's had nothing but problems. Thanks a lot homeland, you dick. 

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