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Posts posted by Mr.E

  1. From The Independent:



    Donald Trump has threatened to withdraw federal funds from the University of California at Berkeley after protesters caused a talk by the senior editor of Breitbart News to be cancelled.

    Demonstrators hurled smoke bombs, started fires and smashed windows ahead of Milo Yiannopoulos' scheduled visit on Wednesday.
    "If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view - NO FEDERAL FUNDS?" the President tweeted. It was unclear how the threat would be carried out.


    It started as a peaceful protest, with a small minority kicking off and throwing stones etc.


    Edit: He's also kicking off on Iran now as well


  2. Yeah the Aussies have said that it was a productive call, whilst Trumps straight on twitter to bash them about it.


    He also held a call with the Mexican President (I think he's held calls with several leaders recently), and advised that if they don't crack down on drug cartels he'll be sending troops to sort them out.

  3.  If people get offended by the tamest of things, surely that's their problem? 

    To pick up on this minor point:


    There is a difference to being "PC" and being overly offended by stuff, which as you correctly point out that would be that persons problem. I personally don't use any non-Pc terms to describe anybody, (if fact I try not to say anything that overly suggests people are different at all, IE by naming a person by skin colour "that black dude over there" for example), but I don't get offended when others do, because I know each person has their own thought process on what is "correct" or not. 


    As others may say of their own family, my grandfather is terrible for using non-PC terms to describe others, yet it is never done in a hurtful way, that's just his generation not knowing any better and he'll never change. But as we move forward in generations, this is changing, for the better.

  4. Re: the toilet stuff, does it really make a difference?


    In a previous place of employment, we had a transgender lady on the premises. She used the women's toilets, although some of the other women found this "odd" due to her formally being a man (and still showing this in stature/bodiliy shape). an email had to go out informing the staff, not to be worried and why.


    In the grand scheme of things, if a person uses the women's toilets, they use a cubicle. If a person uses the men's, they either use the urinals (if they have sufficient equipment to do so, which men are then pre-programmed not to look at) or the stalls accordingly.....so surely it doesn't matter than much?

  5.  Even America aren't as stupid as to prod the sleeping giant superpower...are they?

    America as a whole? No. A bunch a idiots making all the decisions? maybe.


    If that were to come true, America going at it with China, would the UK have to get involved? Personally I'd like to think we wouldn't but with the 'special relationship' garbage, you can't help but wonder.


    Are China still pally with Russia? I imagine it'd escalate very quickly.

  6. From the Independant:



    Donald Trump's closest adviser, Steve Bannon,  thinks that the US will be at war with China in the next few years.

    The far-right figure, who has been given unprecedented power in the White House and has suggested in the past that he supports white supremacy, suggested that the two countries are headed towards war over the South China Sea.
    “We’re going to war in the South China Sea in five to 10 years, aren’t we?” Mr Bannon said on his radio show in March 2016. “There’s no doubt about that. They’re taking their sandbars and making basically stationary aircraft carriers and putting missiles on those. They come here to the United States in front of our face — and you understand how important face is — and say it’s an ancient territorial sea.”
  7. There's a good 20 mins of extra stuff, (about batgirl doing some stuff) to basically get more reaction later down the line. I can see why as Killing Joke isn't exactly a long story in the grand scheme of things. There are some other minor "bits" in there as well, but the animation quality is what really lets it down for me, looks like it was done on the cheap. Saying that, my wife really enjoyed it as its her favourite comic book, so maybe you would like it.



    He did a fantastic turn in the latest DC Animated Movie: Return of the Caped Crusaders. Involves almost getting cooked as part of a giant ready meal at one point.

    Incidentally how can DC/WB manage to get the right feel and produce generally good animated films and then get the live action stuff so bad?

    I think it's a case of the budgets are so small in comparison to films that they fly under the radar without much interference and seem to have a lot more input from people actually in the comic industry. Killing joke was shockingly shit though.


    The animation for Killing Joke was one of the worst I've seen from any of the Batman animated movies. It had such immense potential, but ended up being a bit crap.


    Story-wise its word for word the comic book, with like 20 mins of extra stuff at the start, but I can't understand why it was so bad. Maybe over hyped?

  9. Trump has fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates, after she advises to not enforce the potentially unlawful executive order on the travel ban.


    She has been replaced by the pro-Trump Dana Boente, who immediately has issued a statement that all orders from the president are to be followed.

  10. Its a shame as well as BvS has good bits but altogether its just "meh". plus a whole lot of stuff you either have to be 'in the know' about, [or read up on afterwards via comments from directors/writers], which the common movie goer just isn't going to know.


    An example, I lost my shit when The Flash burst through time to speak to Bruce in BvS, [just after the equally confusing Nightmare sequence], as he's my favourite superhero and I've years reading the comics etc,  yet the entire cinema full of normal people just sat there wondering what the bloody hell is going on. That type of stuff needs explaining to a degree, as it'll put people off.


    Some that Marvel does very well is appeal to both comic book fans and regular movie goers alike.

  11. The DCEU's issue is that they are playing catch up, and wanting to get justice league out sharpish, instead of properly building the universe up, like Marvel have.


    Man of Steel was OK, (I enjoyed it at least), but the latter two movies have been so jarring in there reception (which I've seen ranges from "that was alright" to "what a pile of shite") where as Marvel seems to hit it out of the park every time, with their "worst" movie still being fairly decent.


    In fairness to Affleck, he was one of the best parts of BvS, and I am looking forward to his solo outing, despite this minor set back of the directing the Batman movie.

  12. Just watching last night's Royal Rumble, and it got me thinking...


    How exactly do they book the thing? Is it mapped out step by step, or are the entrants given certain spots and told to just work on the fly until it is time to go into them?


    Not 100% sure on the definitive answer on this, although Matt Morgan recently said in an interview that in the rumble he was in, (2004?) he was given a brief thing like: " you come in at number 7 and eliminate Hurricane" [for example] and it was left to them to plan out what they would like to do/how to do it. I imagine a lot of guys who are the main entrants are given more instruction than that though.

  13. I just don't get Billie Kay at all, her face looks weird and she's not the best wrestler either. Peyton Royce is the better of the two, (The spin kick reversal into a widows peak was great), but again I don't buy her as a legit threat in the division at all.


    Nikki Cross though, is amazing. Definitely up for Cross/Asuka at some point.

  14. Still needing to see Split, as it looks really good.


    Did manage to see an older movie of McAvoy's . Filth is an amazing performance from him, being very dark/grim but also really funny (albeit dark humour) in places. Some really minor parts would be terrible if not supported by the amazing cast, (Jim Broadbent is a good stand out), but overall it's a great movie.


    I never used to rate James McAvoy all that much, seeing as a good stage actor who does movies, but a lot of his recent movies have really turned me around.

  15. Bill O'Reilly influencing U.S national policy, the man that didn't know there was an explanation for how tides work...

    ....and when I thought I'd heard it all, this pops up. I just googled the above, and I honestly have no words to describe this. How has this escaped my attention until now? Bloody Hell.

  16. I know its only a small thing, in comparison to some of the other nuts stuff on that list, but things such as:


    * On January 21st, 2017, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer held a press conference largely to attack the press for accurately reporting the size of attendance at the inaugural festivities, saying that the inauguration had the largest audience of any in history, “period.”



    to me is scary.


    The idea that press/organisations are being attack for basically just saying things that are true, and then being "corrected" in a 1984 style THIS IS THE TRUTH type deal.


    The abortion stuff is also crazy beyond belief. It's mad to think this  has happened so quickly, does it not need voting in congress of anything?

  17. Just been reading about his stance on Torture methods in interrogations. What is this guy on?


    I might be wrong, but isn't the majority of any information gained from torturing people false? As they are saying anything they think you'd want to hear to stop hurting them? 

  18. Rant over I actually preferred the first Logan trailer to his one, but I still have hope, love X-23 and hope we get to see Daken on screen too at some point.

    Regarding this last point, apparently fox didn't know anything about X23 at all (that she's the new wolverine in the comic books etc) and her involvement is due to the writer wanting to set up a decent father/daughter style set up with the two, rather than it being some ploy by the studio possibly carrying this on with her.


    And with the comic book thing, I personally think it makes sense. In a "real" world, if these types of people existed there would be books/comic books/merchandise about them knocking about. (I believe First Avenger shows Captain America comic books for example).


    Otherwise, I like the x-men movies (despite the colossal fudge up of the timeline and other continuity issues), being a fan of Xmen 1-3, First class, Wolverine, DOFP, Deadpool and Apocalypse. Origins can go do one though.

  19. Really enjoyed last nights impact race for the case is a much better concept than feast or fired



    On the flip side I really don't like EE as champion and I'm very much looking forward to that reign coming to an end


    Re: point 1 - Race for the case, is it not the same idea but slightly tweaked? Regardless of that, its still a knock off Money in the bank so should be scrapped.


    Point 2: Edwards - I never understood why he won the ROH title, and It's the same with the TNA title. He's another Chris Sabin for me. Talented, yes. World champion material? Not right now, no. He's best suited to his tag team really.


    In other news: apparently Anthem are looking to drop the TNA name altogether. I'd imagine the belts would be replaced if that is so.

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