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Posts posted by Mr.E

  1. Fair enough!


    Being a straight man, my only exposure to any of the "gay scene" is basically the clubs in Manchester, which may be a huge misrepresentation of what really goes on hah.


    What steered you onto back onto Women then?

  2. 205 should be filmed in its own arena like they do for nxt.




    205 should be filmed in its own arena like they do for nxt.

    NXT's a development arm. They're happy for it to be a loss leader. There's no sense in running "205 Live" (which sounds like a shit Radio station) if it's going to lose money. It's bonus programming for the Network, filming it in a place they already have the equipment makes perfect sense.




    Ii think its own arena would be better


    Tiger Rick answered you mate.


    Yes it would be nice, but it'll cost them more money than its worth. So probably not happening.

  3. So I'm five dates in with this Australian girl. She's pretty awesome. First time dating a girl in a long time after coming out of back to back relationships with guys.


    She's been incredibly supportive and understanding so far.

    You a guy a or a girl Wrasslin?


    Wondering how the "gay scene" compares to the "straight scene" in terms of dating? I presume its not different in the slightest, I just imagine random techno clubs and drag acts for some reason.

  4. Watched 47 Ronin last week, and I'm not sure what to make of it.


    If you take the overall actual story of the 47 Ronin, add some nuts looking CGI monsters and Keanu Reeves, and thats basically it. The latter 2 things could have not been in it, and it would be a much better film. All the asian actors/actress' in it were real good, so not sure what the selling point of the other garbage is, other than "it looks pretty good".


    Also, it has Shang Tsung from the Mortal Kombat movie.......so that was a plus.



    i don't think they could have made a worse start than by putting the Bollywood Boys on first. Who is that gimmick aimed at? the US audience isn't going to be into that soft shit. The video package before hand was pure 'American Idol' stuff, sob story nonsence, then they came out doing the Bollywood dance and tried incooperating Bollywood dancing into their moves. Absolutely horrid.

    I see them as just a bit of harmless fun. I don't think they look overly great, and having them go over Nese (who looks like he could destroy them on his own) was a bit much, but they'll be a decent faces to use going forward. 


    Hopefully we'll get Cruiserweight tag belts as well.


    Kicking off a new show with some harmless fun was a shit move though, my first impressions of 205 Live were 'well this is gonna suck'. Harmless fun or not it was terrible. If that's the kind of faces the WWE expect fans to get behind on 205 Live i don't think there's much hope going forward.


    I'm not sure what to make of Jack Gallagher either, he's unique. He's got that going for him.


    Is the show filmed after Smackdown?



    Ah man, each to their own, but for me its more "ahh, this is a bit of fun", but then you get to the main and have your socks blown off. Plus my expectations are already set thanks to the CWC, so I know exactly the type of thing that'll be on the show. Maybe not everybody else is on board, but I'm fully ready for a quality show.


    Also Jack Gallagher is awesome.

  6. i don't think they could have made a worse start than by putting the Bollywood Boys on first. Who is that gimmick aimed at? the US audience isn't going to be into that soft shit. The video package before hand was pure 'American Idol' stuff, sob story nonsence, then they came out doing the Bollywood dance and tried incooperating Bollywood dancing into their moves. Absolutely horrid.

    I see them as just a bit of harmless fun. I don't think they look overly great, and having them go over Nese (who looks like he could destroy them on his own) was a bit much, but they'll be a decent faces to use going forward. 


    Hopefully we'll get Cruiserweight tag belts as well.

  7. WWE Superstars is apparently no more.

    Its WWE's longest running show - must be nearly 30 years, if not more?

    On and off wasnt it? It was just the "go to" name when a smaller 1 hour show was needed, if I recall correctly.


    To be honest, glad its done. Nobody was airing it on TV anymore were they? Just need Main Event to sack off now, and we'll be set with 2 main shows on TV, and 1 or 2 (potentially more) network exclusives like NXT/205 live.

  8. I'm looking forward to 205 live, hoping it'll be up there with NXT in terms of enjoyment. (Also hoping we get Cruiserweight tag belts eventually as well).


    My only down point is more title changes, when I wasnt sure why TJP dropped it so soon (with winning the classic and all), but Swann is a solid wrestler who is very likeable (when he's not being a twat; see his first CWC promo for reference)so good stuff.


    Hoping they keep this going now.


    I would have preferred Charlotte go the distance as champion until 'Mania for Bayley to step in and take it. Sasha as champ is "ok", but unless they do have another match where "loser doesn't get a rematch" or something like that, I'm not really into these title switches.


    For me it's almost pre-determined that Charlotte regains the title on a PPV between now and Mania, preserving Charlotte's "unbeaten on PPV" schtick, and wrestles and loses to Bayley at Mania, assuming Bayley has to beat Dana and possibly Nia in between to prove she deserves a crack. That Sasha's third reign could end up being her being Bayley's fluffer upsets me greatly, but then if they'd intended her to be the figurehead of the division as a babyface, she would have won at Mania, SummerSlam or most poignantly, Hell In A Cell. She didn't.


    To be honest, thats fine, but why does Sasha have to win it all? I'd have had Charlotte retain last night, a rematch on the PPV (Loser doeskin get a rematch etc), which then takes you into WM season, for Charlotte to run through who-ever, leading to Bayley getting it back at WM?


    I'm just not down for all these title changes, that involves Mick Foley chubbing one out over his women being in the main event

  10. I would have preferred Charlotte go the distance as champion until 'Mania for Bayley to step in and take it. Sasha as champ is "ok", but unless they do have another match where "loser doesn't get a rematch" or something like that, I'm not really into these title switches.

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