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Posts posted by Callum1993

  1. 21 hours ago, Mr.Showtime said:

    I loved Amish Roadkill!


    I still couldn't tell you why, though. He looked like the least-daft one standing next to ECW tag partner Danny Doring, and I liked his name. That's all you need!

    Reading up about his later career on Wikipedia, he seemed to have a bit a stint under different names in OVW until 2008 and even got an IC title match there against Santino Marella, supposedly. Good lad.

    The first guy to pop into my head here, though, was Yokozuna. He was great. There were definitely reasons to hate on him but during that early 1993 stint, 9-year-old me was fucking terrified. Even if it only took two minutes for Hogan to ruin his entire aura.

    I’m sure I read something a while ago that there plans at one point for Roadkill to be Mania opponent for Undertaker around that time. Imagine that instead of Taker/Michaels. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    That kind of revisionist thinking has been going on for years now with the Attitude Era. You'll have people passing it off as if it was this lurid time span that got over thanks to all the teenage boys at the time popping for stuff like  Marlene's miscarriage and that the whole thing was just this of its time embarrassment, really.

    In fairness that was a particularly harrowing episode of Only Fools and Horses. 

  3. 2 hours ago, King Pitcos said:

    That is the story, that’s why the announcer’s line was so odd (as well as being Schiavone-esque bollocks).

    Surely they’ve had singles matches on PPV since 2004, though? They were feuding in 2010 for a while.

    Yeah there was that one where Orton fucked his own wrist up pounding the mat and they had to end the match on the fly.

  4. I'd put a shout in for Sting in this. Debuted at Survivor Series 'ending' the Authority. Finally getting that debut after it being rumoured for years. Then they had the build up to the Mania match with Triple H with WWE repeatedly drilling the narrative that WE BEAT WCW. Which naturally you'd assume would lead to Sting winning at Mania. Instead the commentators spent the majority of the match continuing the narrative that WCW LOST and then so did Sting. One more Pay Per View match after that where he lost to Rollins, got injured and ended his career. 

  5. Of all the post Mania call ups over the years the Forgotten Sons might be the least interesting. They were barely over or featured on NXT so really no idea what they'll bring to the main roster. Can definitely see this being another Sanity situation where they are called up and then they do nothing with them. I could potentially see Vince liking Ryker as a singles guy down the line. 

  6. I know people will say they were wasted and what not outside of NXT but considering they were on the main roster for three years I could barely come up with a stand out match or feud they had. They were booked poorly sure but I don't think they lived up to the hype either. 

  7. The Boneyard match was absolutely phenomenal. Really enjoyed the Ladder match and Owens vs Rollins too. Strowman and Goldberg had the worst world title match in Mania history. The show didn't feel like a Mania at all but that main event will go down as one of the best ever. Phenomenal! 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Divorced Dad said:

    Just found out the wife is a complete wrong'un but also can't stop laughing at her. 

    She just revealed that today for the first time she wiped her arse whilst sitting down on the toilet. Prior to this she's wiped her arse her whole life while standing completely upright. Fucking wiping your arse while standing upright. Bloody weirdo. 

    I am also a stander upper...

  9. 39 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    Really enjoyed the show but as someone who doesn't watch NXT regularly I just have one question - is Mauro always that unbearable!? 

    Pretty much yeah. I don't think any of them are particularly good on NXT. No idea why inexplicably Nigel kept calling Pete Dunne 'Pete Doone' 

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