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Posts posted by Callum1993

  1. After Raw I’m inclined to think Balor is going to win the belt on Sunday. The only stumbling block I see then is who he faces at Mania? Like he and Mcintyre have had PPV matches already this year and that doesn’t exactly scream a Mania main event. Could do Balor vs Cena? Or a rematch with Brock? I can’t really see them doing another face vs face with Seth after the damp squib that was AJ and Nakamura last year. Actually really intrigued by the Rumble. No clear winner.

  2. I absolutely love Athletico Mince. As mentioned the Beardsley stuff is gold and the song with him and Jordan Henderson recently nearly killed me. I had to stop listening to the podcast on the train as it just makes me laugh too much. Big fan of the Barry Homeowner parts too.

  3. On 10/15/2018 at 10:13 AM, Supremo said:

    I’ve started catching up on NXT TV after not watching it for months. I’m still a few weeks behind, so maybe things will change, but I’m absolutely amazed at what a mess they’ve made of the Gargano character. The purest babyface they’ve had since peak Daniel Bryan and they’ve now got their fans chanting, “Johnny Failure,” and singing the Goodbye song at him. I can’t see any way in which this can be salvaged. They’ve fucked him.

    Kassius Ohno’s physique looks even worse when he’s in street clothes, sitting in Regal’s office. I’d love it if the payoff to this storyline where he’s whinging about being overlooked concluded with Regal going, “look at the state of you, mate. Hit the treadmill!”

    I can see them revealing Gargano as the guy who attacked Black to be fair. May as well make him a heel now because they’ve completely fucked him as a face. 

  4. 6 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    The beauty of Rock/Reigns is that, on paper, it's a match entirely about putting Roman Reigns over the biggest star in the world to pass the torch and cement him as the top guy. But if they want The Rock walking into Saudi Arabia as champion, Reigns is doing the job. 

    It's got to a point where the whole Roman Reigns project is just hilarious to me. A top guy that they never put conclusively over anyone.

    He’s gone over Triple H and The Undertaker clean at Wrestlemania and beat Cena clean on PPV last year. The stuff with him and Brock was damaging but to say he hasn’t conclusively gone over anyone is unfair. 

  5. The nickname thing is definitely getting worse. I can’t stand Cole bellowing out ‘THE BIG DAWWGGGGGG’ every time Roman appears or the 300 nicknames Rollins seems to have ‘The Workhorse’ ‘The Architect’ ‘The Kingslayer’ etc. Way too much. 

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