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Posts posted by Callum1993

  1. You know the more I think about it I think we might get some version of the American Bad Ass rather than the deadman. With him leaving his gear in the ring last year and everything. Plus Kid Rock is going in the HOF he could sing him to the ring. Would be more interesting than the deadman again certainly. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, TheBurningRed said:

    Another really good show. 

    Undisputed Era vs AoP was good. Told a good story of them working over Akam’s leg, being the crafty and smaller heels working an old school style. Finish was neat too. Hopefully TM61 are the next challengers as those four guys could do something special. 

    Dream vs Ohno was a solid match. Dream continues to impress and Ohno is great in this player/coach role he seems to have at NXT. Dream is so over with the fans. 

    Moon vs Baszler was alright. Others have rated it more highly than I have. The submission sequence went on too long and Moons selling of her arm after the eclipse was ridiculous. But the finish was fine.

    Black vs Cole was really good once it got started. Even the interference didn’t harm it. I wondered what that crate was doing near the announce table and thought it would play a bigger role in the match with extra weapons or someone being chucked inside. The stomp to the chest through the table was cool though.

    Almas vs Gargano was one of the greatest matches of all time. They have incredible chemistry together. I had multiple orgasms during that match, felt like I needed a fag after. Gargano winning would’ve made it even more wonderful, but I’m glad to see Almas continue as champ. Thought Ciampa would appear a different way but it was good nonetheless. Not sure if Ciampa is fit yet, so perhaps the Takeover after the Mania weekend one is where they have their match. Yet again after a Takeover, good luck to the main roster topping that. 

    One of the greatest matches of all time? Come on now. It was fantastic but that’s a massive call. The show really exceeded my expectations. Interesting to see what they do with EC3 as well.

  3. Yeah he debuted on the main roster in April 2012 as the ex Swiss military member turned Rugby player turned wrestler managed by Aksana(What a horrible gimmick that was) That match teaming with Ohno against Punk and Rollins was in the October of 2012. He seemed to do a fair bit between the main roster and NXT for his first year or so in WWE because he had those great matches with Sami Zayn in NXT as well.

  4. Massive shame if true. He and the Usos have been probably the best acts on the roster for the last year. I wonder if like Austin Aries he didn't want to be pigeon-holed into 205 Live and creative had nothing for him going forward on Raw/Smackdown. I'm sure he could make some good money on the indies mind 

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