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Posts posted by Callum1993

  1. Christ I thought after TLC they'd solved the problems they had with Reigns but he's still getting mixed reactions leaning towards booing. To be honest I think they'd be best turning him heel and rebuilding him that way. Not gonna be good if he's booed again for the second year running in the Mania main event against who is supposed to be the biggest heel in the company.


    I think Reigns as a face is dead. I'm not the biggest Ambrose fan but I think in the long run it would be better to have Dean win at fast lane and win the title at Mania. If Rock is gonna wrestle at Mania I'd do like Reigns, Rock and the Usos against the League of Nations. They can play up the family aspect of it. Reigns won't get booed as much and it protects Rock. Then the night after on Raw you have Reigns turn on Dean and that's the big story coming out of Mania.

  2. I thought the whole point of Social Outcasts was that together they were gonna string some wins together. Nope, fed to bafflingly face Big Show. How stupid is it to turn Show again?! You just know certain cities are gonna shout 'please retire' even louder now, and at this point I agree with them. He makes for a shite babyface anyway, even ignoring that he's been turned 8586336758 times. Also the Outcasts in their 3 week history, get a heel win over Ziggler, chase Wyatts out of the ring and stand tall in the ring with Ryback, job to the BFG. Are they gonna turn like every week or something?


    Charlotte/Becky is good. Becky's interviews are really hit and miss but she was great on the mic this week.


    Paige and Natalya are mates after the OMG who attacked Natalya?!? angle...fucking Total Divas


    Henry/Truth/Titus/Neville v Stardust/Ascension/Breeze for most thrown together tag match of all time...was that.....for MLK day? Blacks do all the work, white gets the pin, I see


    I can just about get over the shitty booking at this point and get behind Kalisto at the Rumble. Won't accept anything less than LoN interference a plenty and Kalisto overcoming it


    Y2J was a twat obvs but his cartwheeling refereeing antics did crack me up. Got the crowd going and made him actually seem like a biggish deal. Not a big enough deal to pass himself off as one of the 3 favourites/any threat at all to Lesnar, surprised the crowd didn't start laughing. Ending pretty decent with the Wyatts. I wanna see an F5 to Strowman badly.



    In fairness I'm pretty sure it was revealed that Team BAD had attacked Natalya rather than Paige. I'm not 100% sure though.

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