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Posts posted by Callum1993

  1. The rumoured announce teams are interesting. Cole and Graves for Smackdown and for Raw Vic Joseph and Dio Madden(From 205 live apparently). Assuming Renee hosts the studio show for Smackdown on Fox. Don’t really care about Saxton but Tom Phillips has always been decent.

  2. I think they were trying this in mid 2000 when they had him cut his hair, change his gear and music and put Trish with him. Problem was they just made him bland. Although him and Rikishi did have what is now a pretty forgotten about feud which was really good during that time frame. 

  3. Would actually be good for once if they did Multi Man matches confined to each brand. With say the surviving members of the team get a title shot or something. A lot better than ‘THE ONE NIGHT OF THE YEAR WHERE SMACKDOWN AND RAW GO HEAD TO HEAD’. 

  4. I disagree that Cena needed that win considering the next month he lost to fucking Johnny Ace to kick off ANOTHER feud with Big Show. If anything that year should have been the year to kick off a Cena heel turn. You had him losing to The Rock at Mania then potentially losing to Lesnar at Extreme Rules. They should have done a self-doubt story with Cena which could have led to a heel turn or if not that at least something different to what he’d been doing for years at that point. 

  5. On 9/6/2019 at 3:47 PM, HarmonicGenerator said:

    Today I learned that Roman Reigns has been runner-up in the Royal Rumble more often than anyone else. He's the only three-time runner-up.

    And I think in the only other one he entered he finished up in 3rd.

  6. For 9/11 I can remember being in school(I could have only been about 7) but I can vividly remember a boy in my class being massively upset because he had an uncle who worked in New York City. I can’t remember Diana’s death at all because I was too young sorry you old bastards.

  7. 5 hours ago, gmoney said:

    Modern slang is the most interesting area of the English language, full of creativity and wit. I include twitter slang. People who complain about developments in language do so from a position of insecurity and fear that the world is leaving them behind and that the modern world doesn't give a shit about the knowledge they hold dear. 

    Yeah many of them are perfectly cromulent words

  8. 5 minutes ago, mim731 said:


    Reading these two posts back to back (although they aren't actually related) makes me want Smackdown, or really any wrestling show, to have a western-Deadwood style set. Wooden saloon, the whole thing. 

    Monday Night Yee-Haw?

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