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Posts posted by Callum1993

  1. I wasn’t a massive fan of the show overall. Some good stuff but as already mentioned a lot of really bad shit. One take away I had was that Jungle Boy has the potential to be massive. Moxley is also by far the biggest star they have. The pre show was atrocious as previously mentioned. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

    Imagine how bad your writing has to be to have THE UNDERTAKER turn up at Raw and no-one is talking about it. 

    Before the Raw 25th anniversary DVD, Undertaker: Tombstone was the biggest selling Silver Vision DVD. Had the record for years. In recent years, Undertaker has taken whole years off and come back to huge cheers. Now? Crickets. 

    Imagine not being able to get The Undertaker over. 

    Edit: I just checked YouTube and fair play his segment is the most popular vid (I think this is how we gauge segments now?). But is anyone clamouring for what he's going to do next? 

    He’s going to lose to the Best in the World babaaay

  3. WWE loves shortening wrestler’s full names … including the latest subject, Mustafa Ali. 


    Pro Wrestling Sheet had heard from sources that Mustafa would soon have his name shortened and now his WWE.com profile reflects that — as it simply lists his name as Ali. 

    Mustafa has also changed his handle on Twitter to reflect the name change.

    Ughhhhhh so stupid.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Max Power said:

    I watched Raw tonight for the first time since Styles had his heel run against Cena (when was that by the way, just out of interest) and Roman is a complete star. Seriously. What a man.

    Twitter is full of neckbeards saying that this is all a work. I know it's been said already in this thread, but wrestling fans really are the worst.

    That would have been around early summer of 2016 I think. 

  5. Fantastic to see Roman back. If anyone boos him now there can be no helping wrestling fans. I wonder what the plan is for Roman for Mania? You’d assume some kind of 6/8 man tag with Ambrose, Strowman, Lashley, McIntyre etc but I wouldn’t be surprised if they do that at Fastlane. Maybe Roman and Ambrose in Dean’s last match before he leaves? 

    Loved the Batista return too. I’ve seen a lot of people on Twitter saying he should have come in as a face but given how bad the return went last time as a face i can see why they’ve done it. Plus if I remember rightly I’m sure Batista has said in interviews that he much prefers being a heel. In other news EC3 lost on Main Event this week to Apollo Crews. What an absolutely awful set of call ups that last lot were. They seem to be high on Lacey but other than her the rest have been completely pointless. 

  6. I wonder if they are going to go the way of Flair with Angle and do one of those ‘The next time I lose I’ll retire’ angles with him. He’ll probably lose to Corbin at the top of the second hour and that’ll be that. I wonder though after last week if they are going to build to Strowman and Angle against Mcintyre and Corbin at Mania. 

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