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Posts posted by Callum1993

  1. I think the final two in the Rumble will be Zayn and Strowman. Zayn wins. Getting us to Reigns vs Strowman for the US Title and Zayn vs Owens vs Balor for the Universal title. Finn can come back and demand the rematch because he never officially lost the title. Plus who wants to see a straight up Owens and Zayn one on one match ever again?

  2. That Flair segment was fucking terrible.

    Charlotte doesn't seem capable of being able to emote convincingly in a promo. She says all the right things but in an unconvincing manner. Like she was supposed to be this big ruthless bitch tonight but you could she was on the verge of tears whilst cutting the promo on Ric. She seems to get affected by the crowd chants more than most as well.





    The Colons "debut" was a bit anti-climatic after weeks of vignettes, some nice moves and all but i can see them feuding with Breezango (sp?) in the not too distant future.

    I think FaBreeze is a better tag team name.


    FandanGorgeous surely?

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