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Pier Six Brawler

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Posts posted by Pier Six Brawler

  1. Duggan hates Austin, always goes off on him whenever he's mentioned. Always goes on about the wife-beating but I'd imagine there's a bit of jealousy there too, Austin's working-man gimmick was similar to Duggan's Mid-South and early WWF gimmick before they dumbed him down with the tongue sticking out and boz-eyes. Duggan could have been a lot bigger than he got, but he was hindered by the fact that both Hogan and Dusty were nailed into their top spots in the big 2 promotions.

  2. They used to call the Samoan drop the fallaway slam (or reverse fallaway slam, I can never remember which one is the reverse one) when Tatanka did it. Was it called a Samoan drop before that but they thought it'd be confusing to have the Injun doing that, or did it only get called the Samoan drop later on?

    Fallaway slam is the move Razor Ramon used to do. Holds the opponent horizontally in front of him then throws then falls back and throws them over his head.

  3. I seem to remember one of the Sheepherders claimed to be the original Tiger Mask (or it may have been the original Black Tiger) in New Japan?

    Manny Fernandez tells loads of lies, including having fought in Vietnam despite being too young to do so. I think at what point he claimed to have been former NFL player too (there was a player with the same name but different guy).

  4. The football result is the classic episode everyone remembers but my favourite is probably the night before the wedding when most of it is shot in the one room.

    I am a massive fan of the Likely Lads but that episode always struck me as strange and really out of character. Two 30 year old geordie blokes in the 70s spending the night before one of them's wedding sentimentally going through a box of toys and then spending the night together in bed? Really?


    Really great series though. 70s was certainly the best decade for British sitcoms and maybe for British TV in general.

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