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Pier Six Brawler

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Posts posted by Pier Six Brawler

  1. IIRC Hulk was ranked in the first PS50, somewhere in the low 40s. Like most people, Martin was excited about Hogan going to WCW and working with all the WCW guys, then somewhat less enthused when the whole promotion was changed to accomodate him and his buddies and it just became a second rate retread of 80s WWF.

  2. 20 year anniversary of the mag soon. I have fond memories of buying the first issue with Owen Hart on the cover after winning KOTR. It was a breath of fresh air even though it only semi-broke kayfabe, since it had news only a couple of weeks out of date compared to the about 3 months of the Apter mags at the time. And it covered Japanese and Mexican wrestling which weren't really covered elsewhere for the most part. It's been a long downward slide since then. I really don't know why Fin doesn't sell up, he's clearly beyond jaded with wrestling. What magazine covering any other form of sport or entertainment would be so constantly down on what is currently happening and so in love with the past?

  3. Latest RF Video shoot interview is with

    , Matt Striker hosts. Should be interesting. I've always thought the shoot interview format could be used in other areas of entertainment or business besides just wrestling.
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