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Pier Six Brawler

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Posts posted by Pier Six Brawler

  1. While I'm here, has anybody read The Squared Circle: Life, Death, and Professional Wrestling by David Shoemaker and can you recommend it?


    I haven't read it yet, but I think it's mostly a collection of his Grantland columns, which are spectacular. Shoemaker's the best wrestling writer out there today, by far, really smart, insightful, and he's got a huge cultural frame of reference, unlike most of the 'wrestling writer' types who work in the wrestling bubble, and just regurgitate what the million other terrible columists have already said.

    Isn't he the guy that thought Mike Quackenbush was the same person as Mikey Whipwreck? And also thought Phil Lafon and Doug Furnas were "French wrestlers"?

  2. The Harts in WOS article was good but what was the deal with Ross and Owen Hart's tour of the UK in 1984? I am not aware of Ross ever wrestling in Canada and Owen didn't officially make his debut over there for several years later.

  3. Did Undertaker ever tombstone Chris Benoit and if so, did it get included on that video? They had a match at Rebellion 2000 but Taker won with a roll up.


    may have been posted before but I still think it's one of the best videos WWF ever did, highlights of the year 2000 set to the Backstreet Boys of all things.
  4. Mark Lewin has a new book out that looks like it could be really good but unfortunately it's ridiculously expensive, and only available from his website.




    $53.50 including shipping, which is

  5. The most interesting thing about Terry Funk's book was finding out that he's the cousin (maybe 2nd cousin) of Billy Bob Thornton. Everything else I pretty much had heard before from all the various interviews that Terry has done over the years.

  6. Just bumped this thread because I had a wrestling related dream last night and didn't want to forget it. I was watching the Kentucky Derby on TV and they were interviewing people around the course, Ric Flair, Bret Hart and Steve Austin and someone else I forget were there together, and I remember thinking it strange that Bret and Flair were hanging out. I also remember seeing Jim Cornette with Tennis racket (makes sense in Louisville) and for some reason, Bruce Mitchell, who in my dream was really tall, I don't know if he is in real life. I even remember going on Twitter to tell Bruce he'd been on TV here and someone else had already done it and posted a video of it, and Bruce tweeted that the BBC owed him so many thousand dollars for his 3 second appearance.

  7. That might be good if he's not worried about burning bridges and if Feinstein isn't completely useless in questioning.


    Good chance we'll get at least one Kayfabe Commentaries release with Bruce as well, he could do any of their series, Timeline, Guest Booker, YouShoot.

  8. Enjoyed the Michinoku Pro article very much, and also the Jim Cornette column on Mid-South.


    Didn't enjoy the articles on Randy Orton and Kurt Angle as much, they seemed to be the sort of thing you'd find in PS every month. I guess you need articles like that to draw the casual reader though.


    I was expecting a review of UFC 165. Did that just miss out on getting in to the issue?


    You should review Shoot Interview DVDs instead of reviewing WWE PPV DVD releases when you've only just reviewed the event itself. Now Highspots and Kayfabe Commentaries have UK stores you'd think there'd be more interest in them.

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