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Pier Six Brawler

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Posts posted by Pier Six Brawler

  1. Just got Booker T's , Hardcore Holly's and Lex Luger's ready for my holidays.


    They all seem very short and small compared to many other releases :(

    Holly's is good, and not particularly short.


    I just read Downtown Bruno's book, heard good things about it and was pleased to find it lived up to my expectations. For those only interested in WWE, that part of his career is kind of skimmed over, the vast majority of the book is about his pre-WWF career in the territories. One thing I did find weird is that he keeps going on about some WWE management type guy called Bob Clarke who he hates. I've never heard of him. Anyone know who he is?

  2. That sig image made me thing, is Jeeves and Wooster considered a sit-com or a drama? What about Auf Wiedersehen Pet? Where exactly do you draw the line between comedy and drama? There's shows like the Wonder Years, Northern Exposure, and Moonlighting that really straddle the fence between the two genres.

  3. I remember seeing somewhere that the main way for low level indy guys to get in the lower reaches of the PWI 500 was simply for them to send the magazine a bio and some pictures. Nowadays it's even easier, and you can email them some links to Youtube matches as well. If British guys like Dar and others on his level aren't doing that, they really should be.

  4. Top 30:


    1. John Cena

    2. CM Punk

    3. Hiroshi Tanahashi

    4. Bully Ray

    5. Kazuchika Okada

    6. Sheamus

    7. Jeff Hardy

    8. Alberto Del Rio

    9. Dolph Ziggler

    10. Kevin Steen

    11. Daniel Bryan

    12. Austin Aries

    13. Ryback

    14. Big Show

    15. Randy Orton

    16. Kane

    17. Suwama

    18. Antonio Cesaro

    19. James Storm

    20. Kofi Kingston

    21. Wade Barrett

    22. KENTA

    23. Kurt Angle

    24. Bobby Roode

    25. Chris Jericho

    26. Dean Ambrose

    27. Jay Briscoe

    28. AJ Styles

    29. Jack Swagger

    30. Takeshi Morishima

  5. I like the magazine but it does seem to have dipped in quality a bit from last year when you had the fantastic 6 page AJPW article among others.


    I don't see the point in reviewing WWE and UFC PPV events on DVD when they have already been reviewed as live events only months earlier. I'd rather see more reviews of things like PWG and shoot interview releases, maybe the Kayfabe Commentaries ones.


    I agree about the "university essay" style of some of the articles. Will Cooling seemed to go months writing articles with only a tangential connection to pro-wrestling or MMA, seemingly trying to build up a portfolio of "real sports" articles. Luke Dormehl's articles come across very dry, as does Michael Campbell. Alan Counihan's articles are usually very good, as are David Ditch's.


    The magazine is still way, way better than Powerslam though.

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