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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. Jamie warned Loras that he would never marry Cersei. Loras replied "And neither will you".


    I don't know about Tyrion choosing Jaime, Keith. Jaime is Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. The Kingsgaurd should really be on the side of the King, which is the prosecution. They can't really fight for the defence.

  2. I enjoyed this weeks episode, but fuck me was it short. I don't know how the rest of you watch it but I watch it on Atlantic. Thrones starts at 9 and then Thronecast is on at 10.15. Thronecast was on at 10 last night. There is loads of stuff in the books that they are not covering and loads of stuff they are adding in that isn't in the books. Why have such a short episode as last nights.

  3. A beautiful day tone umpiring today. The pitch was green but it didn't do loads. There was a bit in it for good bowling. Team batting first collapsed from 50-2 to 72 all out. Gave 3 lbws in the collapse, all of them plum also turned down another that was very close but just outside the line of off stump. Team batting second collapsed from 43-0 to 60-7, but got home from there. Including one that pitched middle and was hitting middle half way up that the batsmen gave me the right evils as he walked off! That's cricket for you though. Batsmen never think they are out.

  4. Froch and Groves on Ringside didn't get as stupid as I thought it might. I still think Groves is winning the mind games battle but who will win the fight I just can't decide.

  5. The really good thing about tonight's episode is that the "Read the book wankers" like me and various others can now shit right off. The whole of Bran and John Snow's story at this point are nothing like the book so it's actually as exciting for us.


    The bit at the end with the White Walker "King" was really good. At the very least it shut those 2 twats who they have on Thronecast every week up.

  6. Having been a distinctly average club player and one of the worst players you could ever wish to umpire, I decided that over the winter I would take the Level 1 ECB ACO umpiring course. Did the course over 3 Saturdays and sat the exam on the 4th Saturday.


    I soon discovered that as a player I knew chuff all about the rules of cricket and that also what you see on TV are ICC match regulations and not the laws of the game. It wasn't just that it was also about man management and a lot about junior players playing in senior games, and the bowling and fielding restrictions for them and such like.


    The exam itself was 50 questions with 80% required to pass and on top of that in the 50 questions were 12 "Red" questions. You had to get 10 out of the 12 Red questions within the 80% or that was a fail. Luckily I got 96% and no Red questions wrong so I qualified as a Level 1 umpire.


    I live in Lincolnshire and there are 4 main leagues round here. ECB Premier, Lincolnshire, Lincoln, and South Lincs and Border. ECB Premier uses umpires that are 2 levels above me, but I have got games in various divisions of the other 3.


    Last week was my first game. Lincolnshire League Division 3. Luckily nothing controversial to give, a caught behind that he really should have walked for and some no-balls that spot fixers would be ashamed of but on the whole a good game.


    This week the game has been called off because of a waterlogged outfield after lots of heavy rain over the last 2 days. That is a shame for me because it was Lincolnshire League Division 1, and that is the highest standard I have got in the first half of the season.


    I will keep you informed about games in the coming weeks, unless you tell me to sod off obviously.

  7. The midget who played Renly really looked like him.


    There were lots of little bits at the wedding that were just great. Jaime warning Loras about marrying Cersei and Loras's reply. Oleanna and Tywin verbally jousting and Oleanna cutting Mace off before he had chance to say anything. Cersei and Brienne, in fact Cersei and everyone she crossed swords with really. Cersei trying to show she was still the power behind the throne.

  8. Thus doesn't need hyping really it sells itself. The older champion who has been in a lot of good fights against the younger challenger looking to claim his crown. The challenger feels he was hard done by in the last fight, and a lot of people agree with that, and add in the fact that they don't like each other in the slightest and voila you have 60 thousand tickets sold already. It will do a decent ppv number as well. British boxing doesn't need to improve its draw. It's doing pretty well at the minute.

  9. With the push and not looking Groves in the eye and the pretending Groves breath smells it all looks a bit childish from Froch. Add on his brother acting like a prize idiot and Groves is laughing already. Set no store in Eddie Hearn either. Froch is his best mate of course he will back him up.

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