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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. I thought the end of ep 3 of the new series of Homeland was brought together nicely. Brody who was terrorist but did not do the thing he was accused of is trapped in a room with no control over his situation, and he took the drugs because it was the only way to escape the awfulness of his situation, and you have Carrie who was right all along about Brody but still finds herself trapped in a room with no control over her situation, and she is taking the drugs also to try and escape her predicament but in a different way.


    It was always going to be difficult to stretch Homeland out much further but they are not making a bad job of it so far.

  2. I voted West Wing number 1, I don't know if anyone else did.


    I am fairly gay for anything Sorkin writes to be honest, but The West Wing really stands out. Great acting from the whole cast and incredibly well written. Season 6 is probably the weakest, they had to adjust after Sorkin left. Bartlett's battle with his MS is treated really well, as is Toby's "Problem". A drama that could make you both laugh and cry in the same episode. For me the best tv drama, that's why I voted it number 1.

  3. In fairness, it's taken longer than usual for people to moan about why people would choose certain programmes as their favourites.


    That is because the earlier entries were not bad. You could see why people would pick them.


    Dallas was essential 80s TV viewing. As has been said J.R was the man. Every episode seemed to consist of him calling Cliff Barnes "A no good loser" and banging a woman with massive 80s hair behind his wife's back. Or possibly drinking at the Oil Baron's Club. When Tom in Father Ted was seen wearing a "I Shot J.R" T-Shirt no-one watching thought "Who?" As Loki said it is like crack cocaine, but at the time it was quality tv.

  4. Poorly written, poor actors, cheap looking set. When you think of great drama non of these things spring to mind. One episode featured a dog having a dream. On the whole it takes every formulaic trick in the episodic TV genre and uses them. It is not great drama, it is the televisual equivalent of a pot noodle, and you don't get Michelin stars for that.

  5. Neighbours is the first one that I have thought "You are fucking kidding arn't you"


    Awful TV, worse than Hollyoaks and that is saying something. A procession of flange so poor they can't get a gig in porn and actors who make this man





    look like Sir Ian McKellan


    Neighbours can fuck off back to Bouncers dream

  6. I voted for Hamish Macbeth. The tv show was great, but never read the books. M.C Beaton is not the most politically correct writer. It is full of stuff like "She deserved a slap because she was a woman" and "Never trust a gypsy they are all thieves"


    The TV show was quality, Robert Carlyle was superb in it.

  7. No change for England you would guess provided KP is fit. Root's wickets in the last test probably did Monty's chances no good even if it is going to turn as much as they think.


    The convicts though could pick anyone. They were talking about a recall for Simon Katich earlier on the radio. That would be real desperation if they go for that. Lehman might as well pick himself if it is getting that bad.

  8. The trouble Haye had on Ringside was that whilst Fury generally talked a lot of cobblers there were a few grains of truth in what he said, and that was enough to shut Haye up most of the time.


    Fury has 10 or so weeks to get in shape, the first 4 of them he is going on a cruise, if he turns up in that sort of shape he will be pooped out before he gets off the poop deck and Haye will win easy.

  9. Nice non controversial day. Agar looked out on the stumping, certainly more out than Bell in the Champions Trophy final. Root would probably have been given not out on review, it didn't look like he hit the ball, but hotspot and snicko have been having a mare. Trott was sawn off. Clearly looks like he hit the ball.


    Like I said, non contreversial all the way through.


    On the whole Finn debate. He gives away lots more runs than a top flight quick should. I hope Tremlett gets to play a part in the series. I do rate him.

  10. What a mental day. When England were bowled out for 213 my trousers bore a striking resemblance to Mark Cavendish during this afternoons stage in the Tour De France. Great comeback by Finn and Anderson though. 14 more wickets tomorrow and we will be 8 down at the close. Tickets for the weekend looking worthless at the current rate.

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