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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. As he said the people of Sheffield seem to disproportionately like him compared to the rest of the country. The phone conversation could have come from any of his shows. It really is a favourite prop of his.

  2. Groves knows exactly how to wind up Froch. He did him psychologically in the build up to the to the first fight and this is just the preamble to the next fight. How Froch responds will be interesting.

  3. I saw Stewart Lee at The Crucible in Sheffield on Saturday night. He was very good as always and was doing material that has been recorded for TV. He didn't say it was for Comedy Vehicle but that was the implication. It should be on fairly soon because he did a bit about "The UKIPs" that he said can't be broadcast after the middle of March because of an upcoming election.

  4. Why stand for 40 seconds and let a guy punch you without response. Why do it so many times. You don't take it in turns. If that was the ref from the Froch v Groves fight then Pascal would have been stopped.


    Bute does look a shadow of himself though.

  5. The Bute vs Pascal fight from the weekend was one of the oddest things I have ever seen. I thought Pascal knew he was winning that fight no matter what he did. It looked very odd.

  6. The ref was rubbish all the way through. Both of them could have had points deducted for numerous and quite blatant cheating. He needed to be more like the ref in the Ward fight from the week before. He was great and he soon had them under control.

  7. It really was "My dad is harder than your dad" stuff. I know it is designed to try and attract those last minute ppv buys, but seriously, if you were undecided about buying the fight that would not compel you to get your money out of your pocket.

  8. Broad has been vilified by the by the convicts press. But instead of being a whinging Pom he has come out and stuck it right up them. Fair play to him. Tremlett has looked a little down on his pace but the ball that got the spaccy little bastard Smith bounced a bit more than he expected. With Tremlett's height and action he will surprise a few even if he is down a little in pace. Had Finn played he would have gone for the best part of a hundred runs of 19 overs, so I think Tremlett did his job.

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