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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. I don't know about anyone getting killed off too soon. That is part of the show. No one is safe. At that point Joffrey is just coming to the point of coming fully to power, anyone who thinks they have control of him will undoubtedly meet a terrible end, as a viewer you know already what sort of king he will be. You don't need to see it, you've already imagined it, and to have him struck down at that point is pretty close to perfection.

  2. Did any of you share Jean Pacal's view that the ref stopped the fight too early on Saturday and that he deserves a rematch because of it?


    The opinion here was that the ref saved him from being knocked out and risking serious injury. Kovalev was a beast again Saturday and I bet Adonis Stevenson is really pleased that the WBC have made him mandatory

    For the title.

  3. It's a superfight in Hull, which has no history of producing any boxers of note. All they have to look forward to is Steve Bruce's shiny face, average rugby league, and the Deep. For Hull this is bigger than the time They gave £100 to every teenage mother in the city and racked up a debt equal to Greece.


    It will draw 20k+ and will be over in about 5 rounds.

  4. It's a shame Martin Gethin had to pull out of that fight with an ear problem. A far more cynical man than me might think his ear problem was Eddie Hearn whispering in it "You're ruining a massive payday for me in the summer, here's 10k to pull out injured"


    He certainly didn't look upset he had to pull out of the fight.

  5. Mayweather is never fighting GGG. Mayweather isn't going to fight anyone who he thinks might beat him. That's why he has waited 5 years to fight Pacquiao.


    As for GGG, who does he fight next. I don't see any of the current middleweights pushing him harder than Murray did. Would a fight with Andre Ward at Super Middle be a possibility. GGG does not look that big at Middle, would he be able to carry his power up to Super? I hope so because it might make an Andre Ward fight interesting to watch for once.

  6. As much as it pains me to say it Mitchell looked tremendous. My dislike of him is that he supports West Ham, so not boxing related.


    That John Ryder fight was so dull until the finish I nearly lost the will to live.

  7. The second series of Brian Pern: A Life In Rock has been equally as superb as the first. A veritable who's who of British comedy actors. From Al Murray as the over the top drummer in the backing band to Paul Whitehouse as the sulky Thotch guitarist. Just superb. The added Roger Moore this week was also brilliant. Watch them on iplayer if you missed them they are great.

  8. I have seen the Pascal/Bolonti debacle today. It was naughty of Pascal to throw the punch after the ref called break. Pascal clamed he didn't hear the call over the crowd. The only problem with that defence is that the ref was pulling them apart at the time. Bolonti was a fucking joke however. If he is going to try that kind of shit he needs to learn to sell it better. He was out of hospital by 2am the next morning and then straight to the airport to get on the plane back to Argentina. If you are going to try and pull that kind of bullshit he really needs to Andy Kaufman/Jerry Lawler the thing and spend a couple of days in hospital selling the thing. Just woeful.

  9. During the fight I thought that Cleverley must have an injury to his right hand. To find out he didn't is really odd. Had he spent a lot of time watching Herol Graham fights, because that's what it reminded me of, the way he was flicking with the jab. If there is a third fight I will find something else to watch, paint drying, pro celebrity ditch digging, or Andy Murray Live At The Apollo would be preferable.

  10. Bellew will do just about anything to sell this fight won't he. Asking Cleverley today if he had been to any Alcoholics Anonymous recently during today's press conference is pretty low.

  11. The punch that finishes Donaire off is to the back of the head surely? He was getting beat up in the fight but from where the punch lands, and how he goes to the canvas, that doesn't look like a legal punch to me.

  12. BJS problem is that you can't take the pikey mentality out of him. It's the same with Tyson Fury. All the PR schooling in the world isn't going to help either of them. They will continue spewing forth profanity at the drop of a hat.

  13. I'm with you about Joshua, Ebb. Until Saturday he had disposed of the dustmen he had been fighting in the manner you would expect him to without really showing any real spite. Saturday Was different, he showed a real nasty side.


    As for Price saying that you don't know how good Joshua is until he gets a big punch on the chin. He would know all about that after all.

  14. I really enjoyed the episode and the way it matched up with the title, The Children. From Jon Snow telling Stannis he was the son of Ned Stark, Tywin Lannister having trouble with his daughter and his youngest son, Dany chaining up her dragon "Children" after the man brought the remains of his child to her in the throne room. The Hound and Brienne fighting over Arya, the Children of the forest with Bran and Arya escaping by boat at the end.


    Not how the other seasons have finished but it has set up the next season nicely. My favourite scene though was the Hound trying to goad Arya into killing him and her walking off. I was sure she was going to do it but to have her walk off as he begged was brilliant.

  15. And also, as a spinner myself, we know the LBW rule, we just pretend not to as at grass roots level umpires are easily intimidated by a big appeal. If it hits the pad, have a go.


    As a player I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment, with my umpiring hat on. BOOO


    The progression from starting as an umpire to getting to the top level is very clearly laid out Max but it is not easy. The first 2 course Level 1 and 1A can be done within a couple of years, but after that you just have to be good enough to get invited to do the next level. Level 2 is ECB Premier league level. Level 3 is minor counties and multi-day games and Level 4 is First Class and above. I think it took Richard Illingworth about 10 years to get from step 1 to step 4.

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