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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. Aiden Gillen's accent wanders around like a tramp on meths.


    The look on Ramsey's face when Osha asked if he ate the people after he flayed them was priceless. He looked surprised, which is unusual for him. The way he went back to peeling his apple after he stabbed her was exactly what you would expect from him.

  2. Upstart Crow was terrible. Half an hour of my life I will never get back. A really good cast doing there best to grapple with s really clunkily written script. I can't remember the last time Ben Elton wrote something funny, Blackadder probably, but he had Richard Curtis doing most of the heavy lifting.


    Cunk On Shakespeare on the other hand is superb. I actually cried with laughter, and there is a bit where she mispronounces Montague and Capulet to a Shakespeare expert where you see his eye twitch like he wants to kill her. Watch this instead of Upstart Crow.

  3. Watt is utter shite, but Nick Halling is worse. He knew Fuck all about American Football and he stunk that up for ages, and now he provides shite commentary on the boxing. What exactly are his qualifications anyway? I know he was stadium announcer at Southampton but what else has he done?

  4. Only had PCC election here in sunny Lincolnshire. It seems our top 2 choices were a chinless Tory and a ukip woman who lied about her son getting wounded in Afghanistan. Chinless Tory won, but it just means that he gets to arrange the deckchairs on the Titanic. Lincs police face such a budget shortfall that in 2017 they will probably have to axe 225 officers out of 1130. So commission that.

  5. Last week's episode was needed to set up the key moment of this week's episode, which was the killing of Roose Bolton and his heir by Ramsey. The look on Ramsey's face last week when Roose says he is hoping for a son was priceless. Ramsey knew at that moment his power would be on the wain if that happened. It set up his killing of Roose, and the subsequent feeding of Walda and baby Bolton to the dogs.


    It also echoed last week's coup by Ellaria Sand. In both instances you have a bastard seizing Power by killing the rightful rules and his heir.


    The killing off of Balon Greyjoy was also well done. The interplay between him and Euron and the little touch of Balon clinging to the rope bridge as Euron stood in the middle of the bridge surefooted. It was never in doubt as to the outcome of that conversation but it was nicely done.


    The return of John Snow should be interesting. The Night Watch oath presumably no longer applies to him as you serve until death, so we shall see where this leads.

  6. This question stems from the ongoing handbags that are going on in the LPW thread in the British Wrestling sub forum. I don't want to have any actual facts discussed in that thread as its not what it's for


    Has there ever been a real life punch up caused by what people have posted on the UKFF? Baz says he remembers someone getting twatted at a show once for stuff that had been said on here, but he remembers no more than that. Can anyone recall anymore?

  7. Who on earth is Sheikh Fahad Bin Khalid Al Thani?

    The Al Thani family is the ruling family of Qatar. Normally more into horse racing and human rites violations than boxing.

  8. Went to Cheltenham today. Had Blaklion in the RSA. Managed to get 11-1 in the betting ring. Backed Sprinter Sacre in the QM. As soon as I saw him come out on the track I barged my way to the bookies and doubled my bet. Un De Sceaux looked like a pony next to him. Was a superb performance. So had a pretty tidy day.

  9. That is James Nesbitt's default setting. I have seen him a few times at the Cheltenham Festival and he is always hammered.


    For once last night I thought Joe Gallagher did a bad job in the corner. How he could think that Quigg won any of the first 6 rounds I don't know. He didn't say anything to Quigg until he told him that he had heard that Sky had him 7-1 down. He really should be better at judging how his fighter is doing.

  10. Last night I dreamt that I was sat in a WWE creative meeting and that Kevin Dunn had convinced Vince to call Finn Balor up from NXT to the main roster under the name of Brian "The Badger" Balor. His argument was that the badger is the national animal of Ireland and that it would be of massive appeal to both the Irish and Irish-American market. When I pointed out that the stag is the actual animal of Ireland Kevin said that he'd already had the costume made and he was going to be a badger whether it was the right animal or not.


    I guess my subconscious mind doesn't think they'll book Balor properly when they call him up.

  11. Had a quick look at the betting for Haye's next opponent. Briggs is favourite followed by Alexander Ustinov and Bryant Jennings. I'm not sure that anyone really knows, even Haye, so he could end up fighting Johnny Briggs, Peter Ustinov, or Pat Jennings at this point.

  12. When Fury took off his waistcoat and threw it down for a moment I thought he was going to go full on Ric Flair and start elbow dropping it whilst going Woooo. What a bellend he looked.

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