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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. To say that Michael Conlon was upset today after "losing" to the Russian fighter is somewhat of an understatement. Calling AIBA fucking corrupt cheats live on Irish TV, and then tweeting Vladimir Putin to ask how much he paid them is an interesting way to start your professional boxing career.

  2. I was stuck in traffic the other day and managed to get 7.4k of a 10k egg just by having the game on as I slowly crawled into Lincoln. Also hit about 15 pokestops whilst in the queue. Normally I have no patience at all so this actually calmed me down loads.

  3. Not had a Mankad so far. Have had a few bowlers warn the batsman that they are watching but never had it go any further. Most umpiring is pretty straightforward. You have to pay attention though when the unusual happens. I have had in my short umpiring career already to take a bowler off for 3 quick beamers, have had a ball hit the helmet behind the wicket keeper, and had a player knock off his hat whilst trying to take a catch, drop the ball, the ball ended up in the hat, he then picked up the hat with the ball in it. The ball going into the hat off the drop isn't penalty runs, because it wasn't intentional. Picking up the hat with the ball in it is deliberate though, so that then becomes 5 penalty runs! That took some explaining to the skippers I can tell you.

  4. That's absolutely brutal batting. You wouldn't be wanting to bowl against that.


    On an unrelated note, I had to give someone out Handled The Ball a couple of weeks ago. I was at square leg and the ball hit the batsman pad and looped in the air as he was trying to pull the ball. It was heading towards his stumps as it came down so he caught it and rolled it towards the slips. There was a big appeal from keeper and slip and having seen him catch it, I had no choice but to give him out. From the look on his face it was clear he knew what he had done. The other umpire has been umpiring 50 years and it was the first one he had seen live.

  5. I know they are calling it the Universal Championship because of the whole "WWE Universe" shtick they insist on, but when they announced it I immediately thought of it as a homage to Bill Watts and the UWF. The old "What's bigger than the World Wrestling Federation, the Universal Wrestling Federation" but this time played out in belt form.

  6. Having heard Eddie Hearn on the radio last night talking about Eubank Snrs demands for the fight no wonder they didn't do a deal. He wanted control of the show overall, including, the security used, the hotels used, what fights would be on the undercard, and what purses they got. No wonder Eddie said no.

  7. Brook having to come up 2 weight divisions will be interesting. Is he a big welterweight? I'm probably more excited for this than I would have been for the Eubank fight.

  8. Daz is right, the part was played by somebody else in series 1. Just checked to see what they looked like, no wonder I don't remember- they look nothing alike other than the ginge!HNRIiFn.jpg

    I had forgotten about him. From what I remember he's in one scene in the throne room where Ned Stark tells him to go to the riverlands. All the stuff that Beric does after that, the fight with the Hound and so on is done by the second one.

  9. Cersei is dead by the end of next season surely. Even The Mountain can't protect her from dragon fire. We've seen the shot from Dany's vision in the tower at Qarth of her walking into a fire damaged throne room in Kings Landing with Snow falling through the roof. That must happen next season after they take Kings Landing.


    Next season has to end in the North. They've been alternating from the start. The last shot of next year has to be the Night King lowering his arms and the wall crashing down.

  10. Sorry, of course cousin. Had a slight brain freeze there.


    As Punkstep says, the son of Rhaegar Targaryan. The only problem with that for me is that the Targaryans are all blonde/silver haired, and a true targaryan can't be hurt by fire, but Jon was burned when the wight attacked Lord Commander Mormont in season 1 and Jon saved him, and he has dark hair. That aside I am sure that will be sorted out.


    The best thing about the library apart from the size was the astrolabes hanging from the roof that mirror the one from the opening credits. Sometimes attention to detail can be a bit hit and miss, but that was a nice touch.

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