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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. It's amazing the bargains you can pick up. Whatever it is that Asda call their bargain range, I had some value Stilton that was very nice. had it with Pork Pie. Cut 1 quarter of pork pie, mash on Stilton with a fork. Eat. Simple but efficient.

  2. Deep fried Turkish delight is pretty special, and if we are talking special then a toasted After Eight mint sandwich is so wrong it's right.

  3. I don't think any culinary high ground can be claimed by you southron's Punkstep. At least us northerners know that the correct accompaniment for jelly is cream, ice cream, and custard. Not eel.

  4. I thought they stopped rowing because they were in shock at seeing the Night King raise all the people they had just killed. It wasn't dumb it was totally believable. The look on Jon Snow's face is one of someone whose brain can't believe what they have just seen. I think that is probably fair given the circumstances his character finds himself in.

  5. I like Ian Darke as a commentator. Nick Halling is fucking awful. How that twat had managed to get from Southampton stadium announcer to ruiner of American Football and Boxing on Sky is beyond me.


    Wand correctly summed up Jim Watt. Just a joyless cunt. As a pair Halling/Watt are also terrible suck ups to whichever fighter the promoter wants to win. I have on occasion put them on mute.

  6. As a cricket umpire we get a quarterly magazine (Thrilling as you would imagine). In the latest issue a picture used to illustrate an article about the need for a signal to the scorers to tell them there will be multiple signals they used HHH in his DX years first time round doing the crotch chop. They think it could be used as a low "X" to mean multiple signals, I don't have the heart to tell them it means SUCK IT.

  7. Chavez Jr reached almost Audleyesque levels of delusion after that fight. How the interviewer kept a straight face When he said he thought he was winning was remarkable. Just a one sided battering. I can't see Froch fighting anyone now. Why lose again to Andre Ward for next to no money when you can be remembered as the guy who filled Wembley Stadium and went out by knocking out the one guy you really hated.

  8. Mine is really petty, it's unsanctioned matches that are treated no different from normal matches. Take the unsanctioned street fight between Shawn Michaels. And HHH at Sumerslam 2002. The ring announcer announces it. Why, it's unsanctioned. A referee comes out and refs it. Why. It's unsanctioned. They both come out to their entrance music. Again, why, it's unsanctioned.


    If you are going to say it's unsanctioned make it look like it is. Don't just make it look like every other match on the card. Have them come out of the crowd. Have them start fighting in the street and work their way into the arena, try and stop them from fighting but have them wipe out security so they can keep fighting. Have a ref come out in street clothes to ref them halfway through the match, he is only there to count the finish anyway, and it's not like any falls are going to take place early.


    As you can probably guess that has pissed me off for nearly 13 years.

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