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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. The Bran stuff hasn't been a waste though. Without Bran you couldn't set up the Night King killing off the Three Eyed Raven, and the death of Hodor, and the return of Benjen Stark. The little line about the Wall having magical spells in its foundations to stop the dead from passing is important. As things stand the Night King can have as many wights as he likes, they can't pass the Wall. Obviously the Wall is coming down at some point, but without Bran you don't find out why it's important that it does.


    Throw into that, without Bran you don't find out that Jon Snow isn't Sansa's half-brother, he is actually her uncle, and not technically a Stark. Without Bran you don't have any of that. So while it may not be your cup of tea Chest, it is fairly important.


    Sam can Fuck right off though.

  2. The thing that makes the timelines stick out is the fact that they don't change costume. Jaime comes all the way back from the Riverlands and Cersei has the same dress on all the time. Blowing up the Sept of Baelor is a mornings work. The ride from Riverrun to Kings Landing is 750 miles and would take in the region of 70 days. During all that time it seems Cersei only wears one dress.

  3. Ramsey was always far to busy feeding living people to his dogs to bother with people who are already dead.


    As daz says, there was a scene with Baelish and Sansa where Baelish had a sly look on his face while talking about Lyanna. He could have been thinking about how his accent has gone so shitty though.

  4. I have read the books, and I try and keep the books and the show separate. There are things I don't like about the books, there are things I don't like about the show. On the whole both are incredibly enjoyable. Most of the book wankers don't feel like that, but that's their problem. A straight adaptation of the books would have been terrible television.

  5. The thing is though we just don't know now how far off book they are. George has obviously told them where he sees the stories going, they just haven't been published yet. I don't think we should worry about the books now. The only thing you have to really worry about are the tinfoil hat brigade of conspiracy theorists, of which there are many.

  6. I just thought that the Waif stabbing Arya like that was a call back to the way the Grey's killed Robb Stark's wife. Also the Waif went against what Jaqen told her to do in the last episode. He told the Waif not to let Arya suffer, so she has disobeyed Jaqen as well. It could be interesting to see what he makes of that.


    Strong episode though. Again. More advancing of story lines. The last three episodes should be good.

  7. Who the hell is that aimed at? I don't watch TNA, I feel I can keep up to date by reading about it in this thread. That doesn't make me want to watch. That makes me want to bleach my eyes. Also what is going on with Matt's accent? It's a touch of Dusty Rhodes and it wanders round the southern United states like a moonshiner trying to avoid the police whilst sampling his own product extensively. That is a shambles on every level.

  8. That is a very good question. Not Lancel, though. He is a Lannister. Although Tommen is Jaime's son he is technically a Baratheon. My guess would be that it would be The High Sparrow. He would claim that as the Crown and The Faith are as one, with no clear line of succession from the Crown, he as the leader of the Faith should take over. He has an army in the Faith Militant. He has a lot of support from the people. It could be a bold Power play that could work.

  9. I think King Of Swing mentioned earlier that he thought Tommen might end up as the Hampton for the Faith in a trial by combat. I agree. I think that the High Sparrow will get in his head and tell him that as the Faith and the Crown are now combined that he as King is the ultimate defender of the Faith and the gods representative of justice. Knowing Game Of Thrones he will probably be announced after Cersei names the Mountain as her champion and she will have to watch as Tommen gets sliced and diced by him. That would then bring Cersei's prophecy to completion that all 3 of her children would die before her.

  10. As for Bran's ability to look into the past with Mr Raventree (As we are now calling him). Bran and Mr Raventree use the roots of the weirwood trees to look out through the faces that are carved into the trees, and because the trees are thousands of years old they can look back to any time that the tree existed. This is fairly standard fantasy novel bollocks and you either love it or hate it.


    I don't know if anyone else noticed but as they cut into the scene where The Children Of The Forest created the White Walkers, the faces in the trees were smiling. That is the only time that they haven't had a horrified look on their face. Perhaps it was the creation of the White Walkers that caused all the trees to look like that.


    The Actor Kevin Eldon was spot on, as was the little bit of Richard E Grant that we saw. All that was needed was Thoros of Myr to turn up and ask him if he put the E in his name to appeal to the Braavosi.



    Why do you keep calling him The Actor? Of course he's an actor!?

    It's a Stewart Lee and Richard Herring thing Herbie. When Kevin Eldon started out he was a stand up comedian but he thought of himself as an actor. They generally refer to him as The Actor Kevin Eldon and fans of theirs do as well.

  12. I'm going for:


    * Cerys returns with Baelish and claims the throne, only for Arya to turn up and kill them both. The show ends with their heads on spikes outside the castle.


    * There's a post-credits scene in Dorne. Elleria Dorne is at the seaside. Melisandre comes out of the sea in a red bikini and makes a joke about the southern climate being good for her skin. They strip off and start kissing. No reason.

    I don't think that the woman out of Catatonia will turn up with Baelish. I think she is busy.


    I like the post credit scene. Purely from an artistic standpoint obviously.

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