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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. @Gus Mears I was the other person who voted for Colt, but he was the only TV character on my list. I didn't vote for Boon because I assume he is going to piss this. 


    I've not seen any of the Reeves films. I can't get past how shite he is an actor. People say how good he was in The Matrix, but he was 7th choice for that role. So he obviously wasn't who they wanted in the first place. 

  2. Incredible episode. Nice nod in the direction of Zulu with the Dothraki appearing over the top of the hill. 

    Also anyone notice that the way Jamie fell into the water at the end was an echo back to the way Bran fell from the tower when Jamie pushed him. 


    I don't know what the spoiler rules are herbie but I wait until after the 9pm showing on Atlantic before I post anything in here not in tags. 

  3. Thanks wand, I was just watching that fight, and you are right. Teddy Atlas's pronunciation is annoying as fuck now you've pointed it out. It was even more annoying than Timothy "Timmy" Bradley's comments, and that is saying something. ESPN must be putting him on as a favour to Atlas. 

  4. Proper Test cricket you big jessie! Some of the bowling today was fantastic. If we'd still had Ballance at 3 we would have been 2 down in no time. Morkel's opening spell was a thing of beauty. The ball Rabada bowled to get Stokes was a cracker. I'm not sure Malan looks like a test player to be honest, but Westley looks like he has potential. Not a flamboyant days cricket I'll grant you gadge, but an engaging one. 

  5. Jamie has had everything that made him who he was taken away from him. No longer a legendary swordsman since his hand was chopped off, in fact the only sword work he is known for these days is when he is banging his sister, and even then he isn't the one in charge and people don't even snigger about it behind his back anymore, they are more than happy to do it too his face.  His children are all dead, his sister is in charge and he is constantly getting put down by Euron Greyjoy. The only people he has made any sort of connection with are Brienne and Tyrion, and they are both on opposing sides to him. Jamie never was the hero, but now he is barely better than Theon Greyjoy let alone Jorah 

  6. They also only wanted to do 7 series anyway. Benioff and Weiss are big fans of the books and the number 7 is fairly significant in them. 7 old gods, 7 new gods, the 7 kingdoms, and when he gets around to finishing them there will be 7 books in the series. The show is well in front of the books now, and it is basically spoilers every week for the book wankers. 

  7. I think Wlad has done the right thing. Even a fight in Vegas would struggle to top a fight at Wembley in front of 90000 people. I hope he has a long and happy retirement, and I hope he rings up Carl Froch once a week to tell him how he fought in front of 90000 people at Wembley. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Sergio Mendacious said:

    So Mr. Chinnery is actually Arya, right?

    I don't think so. We've seen him before. Stannis borrowed a shitload of money off him in one of the earlier series. That doesn't preclude him from been Arya but I would say it is unlikely. 


    I do like Jim Broadbent as an actor, his little cameos as Archmaester Ebrose almost make me care about Samwell Tarly. His little "Well you didn't expect a reward did you" after Samwell cured Ser Jorah was just perfectly done. It also fits perfectly with what watching the show is all about. When something good happens we as viewers very rarely get a reward. 

    Now we are also going to have The Unsullied marching across Westeros to get back to Dany, and Ser Jorah going from Oldtown to find Dany. It wouldn't be a surprise if they met up. 


  9. @Chrismorrisbits on twitter surprisingly it's bits of The Day Today and Brass Eye. I didn't know it was 16 years ago today since the Pedogeddon episode of Brass Eye. 

  10. The "Peel Face Reveal" took so long for Arya to learn @WyattSheepMask but has to be booked sparingly I agree. There are certain things that have to be paid off properly. Clegane Bowl is one for sure. For me Jamie killing Cersei is another. Also at some point Littlefinger has to go, not in a straight out murdered way, but in a finally politically out maneuvered way where he doesn't see it coming because he thinks he is ahead of the game but he really isn't.  

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