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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. On 12/10/2017 at 6:37 PM, AVM said:

    Lio Rush is an indy guy, young, his inexperience shows, but he's pretty fun. Not keen on the spot mentioned above, but he is decent.


    Damn right his inexperience shows. Just catching up with this week's show and as he gets in the ring you can see the ref shouting "HARD CAM" at him twice to remind him where he is supposed to be looking. Also you'd have to say he looks very indyriffic and is going to need some work to even make it on to 205 Live. 

  2. The food in this thread is a bit robust for the constitution of poor Punkstep. The poor luv will never know the savoury delights we normal folk know. 

  3. This thread is on its arse. Had to downvote BigJag for bringing the concept of a "Dining Club into this thread. A weekly street food festival is what you call a "Market unless you are some sort of time wasting hipster. 

  4. He is certainly breezing through the bin men and bouncers in a way big Audley never did. If he carries that kind of frightening 1 punch power up the levels then it's going to be a fun watch for the next few years. 

  5. His training is to be arranged and paid for by Betfair. It's a similar deal to when they turned Victoria Pendleton from a track cyclist into a jockey. If he ends up as good as she was he is getting sparked. 

  6. I think we can all agree that whoever wins out of Canelo and GGG we want to see them twat Billy Joe Saunders. 


    Also good news today Lomachenko v Rigondeux announced December 9th. The great fights keep coming this year. 

  7. So Frampton is going to be trained by Jamie Moore. That is an interesting choice. It will be good for him to have a change of trainer, especially after missing the weight last time out. 

  8. 7 hours ago, JNLister said:

    It's the insanity/beauty of cricket that this results in a draw. Can you imagine if the commentary line had been "Agueroooooooo-oh somebody's fired a crossbow on the pitch. We'll call it a draw, so United win the league."

    To be fair John they were about to go into the last hour of the game, Middlesex were 170 odd runs ahead with 3 wickets left and Surrey still had their second innings. It was going to be a draw anyway. 

  9. I thought the whole Night King and why they want to kill everyone had already been explained. The Children Of The Forest  created the first White Walker to fight the Andals when they came over the sea from Essos and started cutting down the forests. The Walkers got out of their control pretty quickly and started killing everyone and then raising them up as zombies to fight for them. They want to kill everyone because that's what they were designed for. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

    Ah, I just assumed there would be 7 episodes again like this series, what with 7 being a meaningful number in Westeros. Still, if they are all 90+ minutes, then that's bloody sweet. Looking forward to seeing what the Golden Company will be like.

    7 is an important number, that's why they only wanted to make 7 seasons in the first place. Imagine how rushed it would have been had they not been talked into another season. 


    Hopefully the Golden Company will look spectacular, to really make them look different to the others. Cersei said they have elephants, so that will be a fun battle. Dragon v Elephant. 

  11. I really enjoyed that episode. The Wall coming down was predictable but it was certainly spectacular, and it had to happen. The army of the dead can't be a threat if they can't get by the Wall. Let's face it even Hulk Hogan can spot a Wall he can get past from a mile away. 


    Just 6 episodes left now, and we may have to wait until 2019 for them. Certainly enough time for the real hardcore fans to ramp the anticipation up to a level so high that it is impossible to meet, and perhaps even time for

    *BOOK WANKER ALERT* the 6th book to come out *BOOK WANKER ALERT*


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