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Joey Joe Joe Jr

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Posts posted by Joey Joe Joe Jr

  1. Yeah I understand why it happened and all that; but it would be cool to hear from Bryan about who approached him and what they said, whether they knew in advance they would bring him back and anything else funny from that time. It was a unique place to be in after all, having worked so hard to get to that point and then being back on the indies (which he had only recently said goodbye to) but still in contact with WWE.

  2. I really loved two he cut after he was voted off NXT. One was when he initially started "shooting" on Cole and basically went over and pie-faced him, eventually kicking him on the ground.


    The next was where he was meant to apologise to Cole but attacked him again when Cole slaps him. The crowd gets right into it with security pulling him away. He then gets confronted by Miz on the ramp, and snaps on him which gets a HUGE reaction from the crowd.


    I would love to hear more about what went down when he choked Justin Roberts, how he was dealt with and such.

  3. Watching RF shoot with Katie Lea. Sorry to say but it's boring; but then she wasn't involved in anything major and seems like she stays away from any drama backstage, so its no huge disappointment. Doesn't help with Rob asking her about a random tag match she had on Raw once. HOWEVER I think I'm in love. Those eyes and that accent, and she has a very playful nature about her. She looks fantastic without the makeup and highlights I remember her having in WWECW and TNA. Go on, go check out the preview on YouTube and lose an hour...

  4. Enjoying the Stevie shoot. Like Jerry Lynn, it's a nice change to watch a shoot where the guy is just so positive and seems like a friendly chap. His story about Stevie Night Heat being cancelled was pretty funny. Still got two hours left. Surely one of the longest shoots ever?

  5. Good show as always from them. As I said in the feedback, I was quite disappointed that it wasn't more like Tough Enough, and more like X Factor instead after the first two shows. Once you accept that it's going to be the wrestling version and admire the publicity it got TNA and the hopefuls, then it's easier to enjoy (if you can enjoy the scripted nature of reality TV).


    Next week's show looking at that Donahue edition with Bruno, Vince and Meltzer ought to be awesome.



    Also, this week's Valentine's MLW was a snoozer.

  6. Oh god is she back on? How did she get on there? Just tweeting all day and night with them? She doesn't fit in with the feel of the show at all. You have Konnan calling women 'bitches' and 'hos', and then a middle-aged (sounding) woman who has just started a podcast with no other kind of profile.

  7. Just catching up on some podcasts I've had waiting to listen to, and listened to the last two Interesting People Talking Wrestling. Really enjoyed them both, especially the Blaustein one. Keep up the good work mate, you've got a really great basis for a podcast there and your approach is like you've been doing this a while already :)

  8. New episode of Community was very underwhelming. Premiere episodes don't need the strongest episodes because often fans are just happy to see it back. With last night's episode it felt like the creators were thinking 'the audience like subversive stuff; they'll like this...probably'. Very all over the place and with too much crammed in. Characters felt like louder caricatures of themselves. They could go in a really interesting direction, by acknowledging that they brought everything to an end quite nicely last season and explore a darker timeline route; an idea which they've already introduced. Everyone already has these expectations that things won't be the same, so they might as well go way down the rabbit hole with it; though I'm sure with new showrunners in place of Harmon, the network are wielding more influence to appeal to a broader audience.


    The Office wasn't bad compared to the general standard of the last two years, though I hope they haven't already settled the Jim/Pam problems. I have to say that Clark/Dwight Jr, despite the actor annoying me in most which I've seen in him, has settled in quite nicely, along with Pete. I suppose it's the longtime closeness to the characters, that they can come out with the odd ensemble episode that makes you realise why you still watch despite the plummet in quality.

  9. I like the podcast for the wild stories and the fact that they don't give a fuck; but Konnan really comes off as not having a clue sometimes. Like a simple joke that one of the other two makes, he'll jump on and struggle to make sense of, and you can hear in their voices that they don't want to insinuate he's stupid or something :laugh: It's almost Michael Scott-esque.


    Liked this week's podcast as they had stuff to address rather than rambling on or answer random mailbag questions. A part of me thought the Nash feud was to build something for the Hart Legacy Wrestling show where I think they were on opposite sides of two teams.



    Also for those who care, Meltzer, who usually answers every question posed to him concerning a rumour or possible news story with 'I doooonnn't know' or 'it could happen', actually had something big to say on the LAW this Sunday, hinting at the Bruno announcement. First time for everything!

  10. Has anyone caught The Following on Sky Atlantic, with Kevin Bacon. It's written by the same guy who wrote Scream (and Dawson's Creek, though that's not as relevant here). The pilot was quite entertaining, a bit of gore and a nice way of providing background. Not entirely convinced by Bacon's performance at times though, but I think I'll stick with it.


    Also, started Sons of Anarchy this week and almost went through season one in a day. Very easy to throw on another episode.

  11. I watched the first season, and though I enjoyed it, the focus on Walt's cancer and general tone was so bleak from most other things I had seen up to that point, it took me ages to get myself ready to continue with it, perhaps even a full year. I'm so, so glad I did. Not only is it superb in terms of characterisation and story, but it's a treat visually to watch. One of the cooking scenes from the last season was absolutely gorgeous (a small section that really does it no justice but oh well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJkOADZrHlI). I'm really looking forward to re-watching it with all the seasons on Netflix.

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