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Professor Paul's Bin

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Posts posted by Professor Paul's Bin

  1. Plan B was surprisingly good but Michael Caine was excellent in that film. He was so believable in the role which he portrayed.


    I'd like to mention Karl (Alexandra Godunov) who sadly passed away in 1995. Maybe not the best Villain but an excellent right hand man.



  2. La Parka is excellent and I'm a fan. The heel turn from Savage was much needed. When about's is the match between the two?


    In the build up to Bash At The Beach. Scott Hall accompanies Savage and goes to give Zbyszko some grief at the commentary desk. It's one of my favourite matches of 1997, possibly ever.


    Also a question about this period, what happened to Scott Hall? Is he off TV due to story line or actual real life?


    Rehab. Hall was fighting the demon drink at the time, and for most of the next 15 years.


    Cheers for that man. Looking forward to seeing it too. The whole Cruiserweight line-up during this period is remarkable. Shame about Hall I'm sure I remember that coming up during a shoot interview I've watched over the years.

  3. Alonzo Harris in Training Day


    Certainly thread worthy, wish I'd mentioned that one now. I loved training day and the nude shot of Eva Mendez is certainly another plus. Talking about Denzel Washington I thought he was great in American Gangster.


    Mickey & Mallory




    Just brilliant. Great soundtrack and I recently read online that Bret Hart was in this film too. I will need to rewatch it to keep and eye out for him.


    I should have mentioned these two rather than Ryder to be honest. I just didn't put much thought and time into my post.

  4. Fuck your negativity The Taking of Pelham was a good film (Minus the massive flaw of the young lad being able to get signal on his mobile internet connection whilst in the underground which wouldn't happen). Other than that is was quality.


    One of my favourite Travolta films.


    Edit - Fuck the reviews (On Imdb), weren't very good at all, 6.4 in fact.


    Just to clarify I'm not classifying Ryder as one of the "best of all time" as he wasn't. I just really enjoyed Travolta portraying the Villain of Ryder in this film and have put him in my favourite 3 villains.

  5. I've been working through Nitro from 1996 onwards. I'm just before Spring Stampede 1997 and the angle with DDP/NWO is great television.


    Please come back and post again when you get as far as Randy Savage VS La Parka.


    La Parka is excellent and I'm a fan. The heel turn from Savage was much needed. When about's is the match between the two?


    I've just watched Spring Stampede 1997 which wasn't as good as I was expecting apart from the main event really. I never knew that this was the infamous event where Booker blurts out the word "NIGGA" at the end of his promo saying he's gonna win the four corners match and face Hogan for the strap. It's an incredible promo, Booker and Stevie deliver the goods but Booker ruined it with that line. The expression on his face and body language after saying it are hilarious.


    Also a question about this period, what happened to Scott Hall? Is he off TV due to story line or actual real life? I could look online but I can someone on here would have a better explanation for what occurred during this period of time.

  6. I think Gallows's a solid hand to have for TNA. He has a great look and I think he is pretty decent. Despite that he hasn't really shown anything since signing with TNA other than being "Another Aces and Eights Guy below Anderson" which I think is a shame. I can see where Ian is calling him useless as he has done pretty much nothing throughout his time in TNA but I'm a fan of him and would like him to be doing something better than he is currently doing.


    I still think Devon/Angle wouldn't be all that. Both are doing fuck all and I'd be interested in seeing a feud between the two.

  7. Impact was very good this week. It was really fresh and good to see D Lo Brown back in the ring. I really wasn't expecting him to be competing in the ring during the Aces and Eights angle. Talking about the Angle I'm still enjoying it. With the Tag Division rather bleak I would like them to throw together Knox/Gallows into the tag division and add them to a multi-man match for Slammiversary. Sabin looked fantastic during his return. The team of Ryan/Jesse/Robbie was such a great combination I hope they decide to continue this one. The AJ Styles storyline still has me interested.


    They need to do something better with Angle. I recon they should do him against D Von at Slammiversary for the title. Have Angle with the belt and be like 'I'm gonna wrestle every week with this' but this time actually do it.

  8. That Double Foot Stomp is horrific. There both idiots for doing it, especially Richards. It's not the worst thing I've seen as I remember someone posting a clip of Devon Moore kicking some bloke in the face and kirb stomping him in IWA. Whilst he was doing this Devon Moore shouted 'Learn to fuckin sell'. Disgusting.


    Edit - Also to make the incident worse the fans chant "You killed Paul".

  9. There's all manner of oddities like that floating around. You can find Cena squashing Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan from a 2003 Metal, all sorts. Hey, that might make a good idea for a th....


    ... never mind.


    That strangest ones are AJ Styles Vs The Hurricane, and Samoa Joe against someone. Joe looked bloody shocking in 2001. He didn't have a wrestling attire and his hair was a gingerish blonde if I remember rightly. But just mental seeing them in a WWF ring.

  10. watched the old WCW home video Feel the Bang last night which is an hour long highlight package of DDP's stuff from between 97-99...it made me realise how much good stuff i missed during the NWO era/Monday night wars WCW. I've gone back and caught up on the main NWO footage but there so much that i missed :(


    I've been working through Nitro from 1996 onwards. I'm just before Spring Stampede 1997 and the angle with DDP/NWO is great television. I'd highly recommend that. Dallas is one of those very likeable babyfaces and is just brilliant at what he does.


    Mix that with the whole Sting Vs nWo feud throughout 1997 and it's a great year of television.


    Also the whole Cruiserweight divison is at its peak in 1997.

  11. I haven't seen it and have no wish to do so as Rob Zombie is a useless cunt.


    I expect it will be a long time, though, before I see a better remake than The Hills Have Eyes, as that was superb.


    Your right Rob Zombie is a cunt. He makes very shit music too. Although I was pleasantly surprised with the remake he produced in 2007. Plus his Mrs's, Sheri Moon Zombie is in it who is really fit.

  12. I did first time around, but when I played it recently I found it much more interesting. You have the Wu-Zhi (or however his name is spelled) missions, T-Bone, that pimp and the fed agent. The stealthy missions on the ship are here, and bloody great. San Fierro was much better than I remember. Just don't do the Zero missions, I didn't this time around. At all. You don't have to.


    And remember if you're still stuck in a lull, think of what lies ahead. The fucking desert, the best part of the game. Power through, fella.


    I didn't know you could skip the Zero missions. If you don't do them does the "Z" still appear on the corner map on the screen?


    Your right there is some excellent missions ahead of me and the Desert ones are the best. Apart from the difficulty of obtaining the Pilots license.

  13. I've finished watching the 25.04.2013 (US Airdate) Episode of Impact and thought it was a good episode. Even seeing Hernandez & Chavo Vs Aries & Roode wasn't a chore to watch for another time. Taryn Tarell looks mint in her wrestling attire too. I have to mention Bully and D-Von holding both the TV title and WHC title at the beginning of the show was a great visual. I just wish the TV title had some relevance.

  14. So will those 3 be playable characters?


    Supposedly the camera zips back into a Google Earth-style shot and then zaps over to where the other chosen character is located.


    That reminds me of the map function they had for Driver Los Angeles.


    Sounds brilliant so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what the actual gameplay looks like as afterall that is the most important part of the game. I don't want it to be too unrealistic like Saints Row but I don't want it to be too realistic like GTA IV was.

  15. Yeah your right. It's just easy to be very bitter, negative and critical of the new ones in a series of films your a fan of. Although I didn't particularly enjoy the fourth one it hasn't at all changed my opinion of the first three which is good.


    Just out of interest - What did you think of the remake of Halloween by Rob Zombie?

  16. I got round to watching The Silver Linings last night and really enjoyed it. I've been enjoying Bradley Cooper in general lately and he's doing really well for himself these days. Him and Jennifer Lawrence were great together. The storyline involves bipolar which I thought was interesting; as so many people all of a sudden claim to have the condition. It wasn't your typical cheesy rom-com either and really worked well. Also you've got the greatest of all time, Mr Robert De Niro in it who plays Coopers dad and is great. I remember Bradley Cooper was on Jonathon Ross a few months ago and mentioned the scene where De Niro was on top of during the little fight scene he could feel the outline of De Niro's package, brilliant. Chris Tucker was in it too, his face looks really different these days, it looks fat but his body isnt fat. Anyway overall I'd give this one a 8.25/10

  17. I've been seeing Die Hard 6 pop up abit on Twitter which isn't something I'd like to see popping up. I love the first 3 and the fourth one is alright when ITV are showing it when your not expecting it. I haven't bothered with 5 as it doesn't interest me. I just don't want to see them cashing in on another one yet again. McClane was my hero growing up, I had white vests just like him and played Die Hard Trilogy on the PS1 for years none stop (I still play it to this day). Heartbreaking.

  18. Been playing San Andreas on and off for a few months. Currently got to San Fierro in the garage and just got abit bored around this period of the game. I'm soon approaching the Zero missions which really were the least favourite of the game which doesn't help. Did anyone find abit of a dip in the game around this period?

  19. ROH were doing PPV, and TNA wanted their talent only on TV/PPV through them, I think that was the crux of it. Same way TNA talent can't appear on other people's DVDs at the moment.


    How has TNA suffered though? I can't see Jay Briscoe, Jay Lethal or Matt Hardy setting Impact's ratings on fire. In fact, if TNA wanted them, they'd be there rather than ROH.


    Oh, so it was when ROH went on PPV?


    I always thought it gave them a sort of developmental area where many of their roster improved from working with ROH whilst working for TNA.


    Plus it would have been interesting to see which ROH faces would have continued to show up on TNA. I really liked the partnership. Plus by continuing it they may have had access to alot of the talent who the WWE have now signed up which is a main point I'd like to mention. Currently I don't feel that the Gut Check concept is particularly working, some of the talent are dull, green and don't show anything unique about them.


    There was an good match they did on PPV with Roderick Strong Vs Austin Aries in a winner of some internet poll match from Unbreakable.

  20. Bronson


    I watched this with the girlfriend the other day as it was on offer for a fiver in Asda. I was pleased by it as I've never heard of Charles Bronson before. From watching the film I had no idea Tom Hardy was the one playing Bronson. Fair play to Hardy he did great in the role and even participated in some full nudity which is never something you'd want to see from a bloke. After finding out Hardy was Bronson I couldn't help but think it may have been a influence to why he played Bane in the recent Batman. I'd recommend the film but it's not a must see film.

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