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Professor Paul's Bin

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Posts posted by Professor Paul's Bin

  1. Christ that looked nasty. Those One Night Only PPV's were very disappointing. The dead crowds just make the events a chore to watch. Every match seems to feel far too similar and there isn't anything special. It's a shame considering what the concept of the events was supposed to be. Then like usual.. due to poor management on TNA's behalf they thrown out this shite.


    The World X Cup later in the year should be a right laugh though.

  2. Really glad to see Team Single against the Unbreakable F'N Machines. I have really high hopes for this match and I'm sure it will deliver. Interesting to hear about the new venue, whats the capacity of it? Whats the prices of drinks? I hope they aren't the sky high Lava prices. In all fairness from the pictures it looks like a better and more suitable venue for PCW. At some shows when you'd come in abit late it could be difficult to get a decent view of the ring due to the layout of Lava.


    I hope they put on Davey Richards Vs Dave Mastiff in a Battle of the Daves. Both have history from the August show last year where Mastiff called him a dickhead in the ring. I'd be a very happy man if they put this match on.

  3. The current job I've been offered is subject to references. I've had to give six references altogether. Does anybody have any idea when they'll let you know when the references have pulled through? It's horrible waiting for them to get back to me. I've been offered the job which I'm excited about but they keep saying "Subject to references". Is there anything to worry about with the references either?

  4. I will start out on a positive note; Styles Vs Aries was a very good match which we'd all expected from seeing the pair go at it in the ring. The ending wasn't fantastic but the match was, I thought. I'd have liked to see the two go at in a longer match instead of a throw away 10 minute match on Impact.


    The August 1 Reveal was VERY disappointing. Initially I thought it was Low Ki and thought "for fucksake" but then when I realized it's some 40 year old MMA bloke who was a referee at Hard Justice 2005 I was bitterly more disappointed. So Tito is gonna be either the referee of a match or be an enforcer. Urgh.. I'd have hoped this hype would have been during the middle of the show, have the guy debut and have him squash some Gut Check person in the ring. That's how I'd have liked the reveal to happen with an actual wrestler instead of another MMA bloke.


    Once again TNA fails to deliver which is pretty disappointing. This shows the amount of power and control Spike TV have over what TNA is putting out on a weekly basis. They don't understand wrestling, I'd presume they'd say to TNA "We want something like WWE but we want to have an MMA influence because UFC is doing so well". It's not going to mix well, its like chalk and cheese. They are two completely different entities.


    Edit: Also there is very little feuds and direction going on in TNA these days. I just don't really understand who is feuding with who anymore. It just seems to be the Bound For Glory series, Knockouts every now and then plus Aces And Eights/MEM

  5. Christ! Raw must be dull at the moment if it's a Wednesday and there is no thread. Even the UKFF's Love/Hate relationship with IMPACT gets a reasonable debate and discussion on a weekly basis.

  6. Ended up watching 127 Hours last night and thought it was pretty boring. I thought the bloke who the unfortunate accident happened to is a right dickhead as a person. The film was shite and didn't have much structure after the initial 15 minutes.


    I also hate how Danny Boyle shows so much product placement in his films.

  7. Did anybody see Bam Margera's Fuckface Unstoppable? It was a rather fun gig in Liverpool but fuck me it was hot in the venue. The set was very short and Margera was supposed to do a DJ Set but didn't turn up for it.


    I was buzzing from meeting Margera and Novac earlier on in the day at Pulp which I'm still very glad I got the opportunity to do. I feel for the Glasgow fans who had there signing cancelled last minute.

  8. Yeah Spud was bloody awful this past week. He just looked like he was trying too hard and he didn't come across as a natural. One part where he ran the ropes and bounced off the middle rope made me cringe. He moved sort of like a woman wrestler would. I can't see much potential for the bloke in TNA to be honest especially since British Boot Camp hasn't aired in America (as far as I know?).

  9. I've just finished watching CZW 14th Anniversary Show from this year which wasn't by any means the best CZW show but there were enjoyable parts throughout. Rich Swan Vs AR Fox made the show which was in fact the opener. The two are great talents currently in the independent circuit and I'd like to praise Drew Gullak who is really growing on me lately.


    Anyway, the show main events with a Death Match between the CZW World Heavyweight Champion, Masada against Christiana Von Eerie (Yeah thats the bird who teamed up with Ink Inc in TNA for 2 months in 2011) which was a strange, strange match which had a rather shite ending. Throughout the match I did in fact feel rather uncomfortable seeing Masada slam Christiana on thumbtacks, using a staple gun on her, sticking kebab sticks in her skull and slamming her on broken glass. Apart from that the match wasn't as bad as you'd imagine, Christiana Von Eerie really did put her body through hell in this match and fair play to her for the match not being a shitfest.




    As you can see on the picture above she took a fair few bumps which not every wrestler will take. She was bleeding everywhere and just as much dished out the punishment to the CZW Heavyweight Champion.


    The shittest part came on the ending where Joe Gacy and Matt Tremont interfered in the match. Where the Death match ended in the a no contest after the two of them (Gacy and Tremont) brawled inside and outside the ring. Looking back I'm rather glad it ended that way as I really wouldn't have liked to see Christina take a megabump for the finish of the match. It's just the way that it did end wasn't the best.


    Anyone seen this match? What did you think?

  10. I checked out the Ladder match from Hardcore Justice and thought it was alright. It was just the bleak atmosphere made it seem not worth my time watching. I do hate the horrible ladders TNA use as they look like they're made out of plastic and then coated in rubber. I'm not the biggest Young Bucks fan but it was nice to see them back in TNA for the night. I'd have liked to see them brought in throughout the year.


    The whole idea of using guys for one night is a perfect solution for TNA at the moment. I really hope they continue to invest in this idea in the future.

  11. I thought that was a very good episode this week. What rating did it get?


    The Main Event was brilliant, I thought and the crowd were great for it. My favourite part of the episode was the Aces and Eights coming out escorted by the Nevada police, I thought it looked cool as fuck. Bad Influence are brilliant, Gunner/Storm have a great double team finisher, Bro Mans are a good combination and Mickie James is much more entertaining.


    But I have to say, fuck me.. James Storm has never been particularly in shape but this week he had the body of Tommy Dreamer.

  12. Ugh. . WWE feels pretty fresh at the minute, the last thing I want to see is an Orton push. I don't get it myself - dull, contrived matches, boring character whether heel or face, totally wooden on the stick - honestly, the most I've liked Orton was recently as a tag wrestler with Sheamus, that was fun. His role should be the guy the rising star goes through before they move onto Cena like they did with Bryan.


    Orton has a fair bit of love on here so there will be many who disagree with you. Including myself

  13. I watched Django Unchained last night and was very, very impressed. I've got a new found respect for both Foxx and Waltz who were both incredible throughout the whole film. Tarrantino once again brings out another blockbuster here which is up there with some of his best work. Really enjoyed this one and I hope others on here did.

    Presumably you're familiar with Tarantino's back catalogue, given you've gone and ranked Django up there with some of his best stuff. So you'll have seen Inglourious Basterds? How could you possibly say you've got a new found respect for Christoph Waltz after Django? He stole the show in Basterds and won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for it. You didn't respect him already?


    Certainly, I enjoyed Waltz in Inglorious Bastards and do rate that as a good film. Although I didn't state it; the new found respect is mainly towards Foxx who initially I wasn't too sure would be a strong candidate for the leading role but he really pulled it off (I've only see him in Law Abiding Citizen, Horrible Bosses and Due Date). Back onto the topic of Waltz I'd like to say his performance as the character Dr. King Schultz was phenomenal. I'm not saying the role he played as the Nazi in Inglorious Bastards was shite or anything, as it was great. I just preferred him in Django and found it to be a standout role for the bloke.


    I'd really like to rate this film up there with Tarrantinos best work, certainly in his top 5 films he's produced. Probably going for a #4 or #5.

  14. I hope they decide to show the door to Chavo some time soon. I could imagine he is costing them a high price and offering absolutely nothing to the product. Before they sack him they should turn him heel and put Hernandez over (who has been brilliant for a long time now). On the topic of Gallows, I am a fan but he has done literally nothing worthy or memorable since being in TNA (shockingly he's been there like nearly a year now).


    I like how the Gunner Knockout Blow got some praise on here. I thought it legit looked like it hurt and Jesse sold it great. I like Jesse he reminds me of The Miz.


    I'm the same Loki, I watch it at the UK Pace and I whilst not getting overly excited for the show, I find myself enjoying a good 75% of the show most weeks. On the topic of Joe, he has been ace lately, I some how have this gut feeling they are going to do something decent with him soon. The past 4 years of his career have been bloody awful (apart from the tag team with Magnus and the feud with Lashley, Lashley was the worst but Joe was ace around that time).

  15. According to Steven Fludder, MVP comes with a pretty high price tag (Pretty sure I saw this on Facebook). Maybe if they were to rid of some more dead weight who are actually costing them money then this would be a good signing for them. Looking at the roster online it is very lackluster. Hopefully they sort this out rather than signing some MMA bloke again.

  16. Add me to the list of Kevin Sullivan fans over here. He's one of those wrestlers who I can listen to for hours. His Youshoot and End of WCW by KC were both very good. I thought the Youshoot was better with the best moment being Missy Hyatt asking him a question and Sullivan responding with "Maybe if you weren't sucking so much dick". I recently watched his Faceoff with Jake and Raven. Sullivan is steaming throughout the whole shoot mumbling how Jake is the greatest worker he's ever seen over and over again. Good stuff.


    Raven is also a very fascinating individual to listen to.

  17. On the subject of Taz, did anyone notice Taz putting over Samoa Joe during his match with Anderson? Usually Taz buries everyone and just ruins everything. Taz ended up saying something like Joe is tough, this is going to be a tough one for Anderson, maybe Anderson will get 7 points. I can't remember the way Taz worded it exactly but it was rather pleasant to hear compared to the verbal shite he usually chats.

  18. Good episode of IMPACT once again. The Main Event Mafia reunion is pretty decent. I'm looking forward to be seeing who the fourth member is (I'd rather let it unfold when it airs next Sunday compared to reading it on here and ruining it for myself). The Gut Check segment was awful once again. Aries was back on top form. The teaming of Jesse and Robbie is great and really looking forward to be seeing where they go that duo. Gunner looks intimidating as fuck.


    Anyone think they will pull out Aries Vs AJ Styles at Bound For Glory? Judging by the teaming of Sting, Angle and Joe they very well need Bully to step down from being champ to add some credibilty to the multi-man they will put on.

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