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Professor Paul's Bin

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Posts posted by Professor Paul's Bin

  1. Robbie E in the "Bro-Off" a moment ago on Challenge made me laugh harder than anything in wrestling in a long time. What a talent that guy is. Top angle too.


    I haven't watched the segment yet but will do tomorrow.


    Robbie E is absolutely brilliant. I was raving about him on the Lockdown thread a few days ago aswell. What makes Robbie E so good is the bloke lives the gimmick and adds some brilliant dynamics to his character such as his over the top selling. He comes across as a natural and was a nice guy when I met him. I got the chance to meet him and get a photo last year courtesy of BWP Wrestling.

  2. Can anyone give me the listings of what the ROH Vs CZW Feud had from start to finish? (Matches, promos, interviews etc)


    I don't know how complete this is, but here's what I know of :


    14/01/06 ROH Hell Freezes Over

    ROH WORLD TITLE : Bryan Danielson (ROH) VS Chris Hero (CZW) - Hero signed one of Dragon's open contracts

    27/01/06 ROH Tag Wars 2006

    Sterling Keenan vs Ace Steel goes to a no-contest when CZW wrestlers interfere and attack both.

    11/03/06 ROH Arena Warfare (at Viking Hall)

    BJ Whitmer (ROH) VS Necro Butcher (CZW)

    Crazy show closing brawl, Joe/Whitmer vs Zandig/Dragon/Wifebeater/others, staples, spray paint etc

    11/03/06 CZW When 2 Worlds Collide

    Kevin Steen begs ROH to take him back, Steen/Whitmer brawl with Necro

    Ruckus, Eddie Kingston & Necro Butcher (CZW) VS Austin Aries, Roderick Strong & Matt Sydal (ROH)

    25/03/03 ROH Best In The World

    Jason Blade & Kid Mikaze (ROH) VS Chris Hero & Necro Butcher (CZW)

    Adam Pearce fights Hero/Necro afterwards, Hero tries to persuade Claudio to help them.

    15/04/06 CZW Any Questions?

    Chris Hero vs three ROH students handicap elimination match

    Super Dragon & Necro Butcher (CZW) VS BJ Whitmer & Kevin Steen (ROH)

    Zandig claims BlackOut challenged ROH wrestlers for the main event but none showed up.

    22/04/06 ROH The 100th Show

    Jim Cornette/Zandig in ring debate

    Samoa Joe, Adam Pearce & BJ Whitmer (ROH) VS Chris Hero, Super Dragon & Necro Butcher (CZW)

    28/04/06 ROH Weekend Of Champions Night 1

    Cornette asks Cabana to help ROH in the main after Cabana's match with Jimmy Jacobs

    Joe calls out CZW after the tag team title match

    Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer, Ace Steel & Colt Cabana (ROH) VS Claudio Castagnoli, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb & Super Dragon (CZW)

    29/04/06 ROH Weekend Of Champions Night 2

    Pearce made lieutenant commissioner by Cornette, attacked by Nate Webb until Ace makes the save

    Samoa Joe (ROH) VS Claudio Castagnoli (CZW)

    BJ Whitmer (ROH) VS Super Dragon (CZW)

    12/05/06 ROH How We Roll

    Adam Pearce & BJ Whitmer (ROH) VS Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli (CZW)

    13/05/06 ROH Ring of Homicide

    Joe/Necro Butcher no contest

    Homicide (ROH) VS Necro Butcher (CZW)

    13/05/06 CZW Best of the Best VI


    B-Boy (CZW) VS Jigsaw (CZW) VS Austin Aries (ROH)

    Claudio Castagnoli (CZW) VS Jay Lethal VS Roderick Strong (ROH)

    Sabian (CZW) VS Sonjay Dutt (CZW) VS Matt Sydal (ROH)

    Ruckus (CZW) VS Derek Frazier (CZW) VS Chris Daniels (ROH)

    - subsequent ROH involvement throughout quarter finals and final 4-way

    Daniels/Gen Next attack KOW/BlackOut after Ruckus vs Hero title match

    10/06/06 CZW Strictly CZW

    Iron Man Title : Kevin Steen (CZW) VS Necro Butcher (CZW) VS The Messiah (CZW) VS DJ Hyde (CZW) VS BJ Whitmer (ROH)

    Zandig issues challenge to ROH for Cage of Death

    17/06/06 ROH In Your Face

    Adam Pearce (ROH) VS Claudio Castagnoli (CZW)

    Homicide (ROH) VS Chris Hero (CZW)

    23/06/06 ROH Throwdown

    Adam Pearce (ROH) VS Necro Butcher (CZW)

    Homicide (ROH) VS Claudio Castagnoli (CZW)

    24/06/06 ROH Chi-Town Struggle

    Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer & Ace Steel (ROH) VS Necro Butcher, Claudio Castagnoli & Nate Webb (CZW)

    15/07/06 ROH Death Before Dishonor IV

    CAGE OF DEATH : Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe, Ace Steel, Adam Pearce & BJ Whitmer (ROH) VS Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb & mystery partner (CZW) - widely considered "official" end of the feud.

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler


    Danielson walks out fairly early on. The mystery partner turns out to be Eddie Kingston. Homicide comes out to save the day for ROH.



    [close spoiler]


    28/07/06 ROH War Of The Wire II

    Barbed Wire Match - Homicide VS Necro Butcher (I always feel this is the ACTUAL end of the feud)


    Apologies if I've missed anything.


    Thanks for all that man. I've seen bits of it and want to see the feud from the beginning to the end. The matches they had sound brilliant. Wish we still had the two company's thriving like they did back then, today.

  3. havent watched czw in a few years and have heard good things since dj hyde has taken over and was wondering if anyone can recomend me and good shows in the last year or so


    I thought 2012 was a great year for CZW starting from Excellent Adventure featuring a hard hitting Zandig/Hyde match which I really enjoyed as there goodbye to The Arena before moving to the Skatepark. The event before then; Cage of Death 13 was another good one. Tournament of Death was bloody insane last year and Drake Younger had a brilliant year where him and Callihan ended up making their PWG debut half way through the year. I haven't fully watched the year but intend to I've seen that Masada went against the likes of Davey Richards and El Generico which sounds like a really unusual match type.

  4. I've been watching WCW Nitro 1996 Season throughout the past few months. Not only has it been some brilliant television and one of the best years of wrestling. I found myself really enjoying Kevin Sullivan especially his feud with Benoit. The bloke cuts a hell of a promo, unique look and was decent in the ring. I've really become a fan of the bloke in the past few months. Is his run in ECW worth checking out?

  5. Really tempted to go to the Manchester show. Pretty nice that Doyle and Danzig will be performing together for the first time in the UK. I'd love to see that. It beats the shit out of that shit Jerry Only comes over to the UK with.

  6. It's not always cunts though... A little while ago I saw a "Thank You" card from a satisfied customer on display in a Chicken Cottage.


    Good to hear.


    I have no idea what I was expecting from that Fried Chicken Documentary but it was pretty dull. I just thought it would be alot more interesting then it was. It watched the entire hour of the show and nothing really happened.


    On a slight off note, I thought the prices were fantastic for the food they were serving.

  7. I completely agree with the above. The usual matches they throw together at on Impact don't seem overexposed and ones you've seen far too many times before. I suppose this is because they have the right amount of TV time for them which is roughly 80-90 minutes per week. To add to this there is still a fair share of feuds I'd like to see in the near future. I struggle to think of many I'd like to see in the WWE these days as most possibilities have been done.

  8. I'd love to see Bully Ray turn heel especially as I have enjoyed the Aces & Eights storyline since it was filmed over here in the UK. Plus Devon and Bully never got to have the big "blow out match" so it'd make perfect sense and Bully would look great with the belt. He's the sort of bloke who could have a match with anyone and match the star power.


    Also I wonder what the last 2 Impact Zone tapings are going to be like. I wonder if the fans are gonna appreciate (spelt it write for once) it or if they are gonna shit on it as they're moving out of Orlando.

  9. I understand that but the event should have ended as soon as they got confirmation of Owen Harts death. Just seems really brutal that they continued the matches despite the roster finding it difficult to work aswell. The event will have always of been tainted as the event which killed Owen a few extra matches would have soon be forgotten about.

  10. Currently watching WWF Over The Edge 1999, Just before The Rock/Triple H match JR tells the fans at home about the death of Owen Hart but they didn't tell the crowd in the arena. Why was this? Just seems really odd when I've watched this as I've got older. They must have known they couldn't have released the event on video and they could have rescheduled the matches on RAW if they cancelled the event.


    To be fair it was a solid event, if the accident with Owen Hart wasn't to have happened.

  11. I read last week that Kid Kash was gone from the TNA roster as he was removed from their website. Anyone know if this is the case?


    If so, that is unforgivably shit. He was great with Gunner, and that's someone else who's been off TV for too damn long. "Gunner & Kash" were a great tag-team.


    They wasted an opportunity not having the both of them in the Aces and Eights. Gunner also looks very similar to one of the characters on Sons of Anarchy called Otto


    Not the best picture to prove my point


  12. Positive signs for the first of forever running Non-Orlando TV tapings...


    According to pwinsider.com, tickets for the March 14th TNA Impact event look to be selling well. At this time, there are no seats available in the $73, $43 and $23 price range. Tickets still remain for $125 VIP Suite seating, which includes pre-show appearances by TNA talents, as well as the $13 tickets. If tickets continue to sell well, more seating could be opened up once the production layout is finalized


    More seats have since been released.


    Fantastic news.


    On other news.. Glad to see Rubix is making another appearence with TNA. I'd love them to sign him and I feel a masked wrestler like Rubix would be a great addition to the TNA roster. Plus Rubix was really over and impressive during his skit in 2012 for them.


    Talking of masked guys in TNA, I really liked Suicide when he wasn't played by Kiyoshi.

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