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Professor Paul's Bin

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Posts posted by Professor Paul's Bin

  1. I liked the Kevin Nash YouShoot.


    It depends what your wanting from the shoot. If your looking for a shoot with loads of insider stories about himself and the Kliq then this isn't for you. If your looking for something where your a fan of Nash and generally enjoy listening to the bloke then it's great. The scene at the bar where himself and Sean Oliver are giving tips to a fan how to pull girls at a bar was pretty funny. Nash seems like he knows the moves with the ladies.


    It was a interesting shoot and had its funny moments. I personally find Nash hilarious and interesting at the same time so hence why I see the shoot in this light. Also he gave a few previous Kayfabe commentary guests some shit.


    A favourite moment of mine was where a fan asked, "what would your #6 move be to your moveset", Nash replies.. "Well that would be T-Bagging Jim Cornette". Brilliant

  2. Just looking at the biggest disappointment of 2012 thread and looking at the gif. Which leads me to this question..


    At No Way Out 1998, was Savio Vega meant to be the replacement for Shawn Michaels in the big tag match? I was watching the PPV recently and he just doesn't seem like the ideal replacement for the match. I'm sure around the time that Latino stable Vega was in were just being jobbed out when they were used.

  3. Lesnar returning easily. I thought we'd never see him back in the WWE but here we are. What a great way to return to the best episode of RAW of 2012. Great TV. It's sad that the WWE went really fucking dull after Extreme Rules

  4. PWG's been alright. I'd recommend last years Kurt RussellMania III which was fantastic. 2012 saw new guys featured more such as Elgin and Cole too which was nice to see. Steen was on top and there was a cracking ladder match between him and Generico at Steen Wolf.


    Since they introduced the commentary to the DVD's I've found myself enjoying the events much more. It compensates for the entrances not being on there.

  5. It's worth noting the BBC lost tons of footage because it never stored it right or lost and disposed of tapes because they felt no one would want to watch old episodes of TV shows repeated.


    Regarding the BBC I thought it was a cost cutting measure?

  6. Does anyone know where one could get a hold of the music that WWE have used for years when a steel cage or the HIAC is being lowered?


    Are you on about the one where it sounds like a woman singing a hymn?


    I've been searching for that for a while but find it difficult to describe.

  7. One of my top pro wrestling pet hates (alongside the double-clothesline) is WWE's insistence in recent years on everyone referring to "The Royal Rumble event" and "The Royal Rumble match" in case we're not clever enough to work out that if a guy says he's going to defend his WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble, he doesn't mean during the actual battle royal, but on the PPV card.


    One of my pet hates about Wrestling is actually about the Rumble


    During this weeks RAW, Cena cut a promo about the Rumble and mentioned something along the lines of "The Winner gets a First Class Ticket to the Main Event of WrestleMania". This won't be the only reference along those lines as there is bound to be more. But during the past Manias it has only been Mania 19,20,21 & 25 where the winner has Main Evented


    Really frustrates and to me loses some of the prestige of the Rumble match itself.

  8. You've brought up a fair few points of the year that I've forgot about there. I have every PPV of 2007 on DVD but it tends to be the year I least go back to and watch the events (apart from Mania, Batista/Taker was an absolute beauty from that year but it's not the best Mania by any means, there was far too much talent in the MITB which made the rest of the card suffered).

  9. I'd agree stay well clear of Unforgiven 2007. Actually stay clear of the majority of 2007. Personally one of my least favourite years for the WWE.


    The only good thing is the weird film styled promos hyping Takers return. Which is a pretty flat return

  10. I've played the game since it first came out and never tried it with a gun. Never knew it was compatible. I tried the 2nd game the Las Vegas one with the gun which was alright it was just a pretty shit game.


    The music from the 3rd person shooter mode is excellent




  11. With the anticipation of GTA5 I've found myself once again restarting an old classic. That's right GTA San Andreas this is literally about the 25th time I've restarted the game and it's hard to get sick of it. Such a brilliant game. Currently on the first few missions for OG Loc (which is one of my least favorite parts of the game the 2nd least favorite is having to improve your under water breath for that mission on the 2nd island). Such a good game and soundtrack is incredible. That game really has been worth the

  12. Tyson Kidd is a difficult one really. They've gave him a few pushes which haven't been that bad in all honesty. But is the bloke marketable? It's alright saying he's a good worker in the ring and the fans like him. But which ever position on the card lower, middle and upper card there are gonna be crowd favorites. I personally don't think other than a few "feel good moments" i.e. Kidd defeating Tensai; then there is not much to do with the bloke.


    He came across cool on his AOW aswell.

  13. CZW Tournament of Death XI


    Jesus Christ! That's all I can really say from the event. Abdullah Kobayashi Vs Masada was absolutely brutal and I couldn't believe the shit they were doing to each other. When Masada picked up a piece of smashed glass and cut open Kobayashi's skull with it I was lost for words. Masada is great, he reminds me of Opey from Sons of Anarchy aswell which is always a good thing.


    The Drunken Scaffold match was great aswell. I thought it was pretty good throughout and have no idea how they didn't knock the bottle of jager over on the top of that scaffold.


    All bouts were decent and pretty violent but I couldn't help but feel disapointed with the finale. The STF from Masada to Drake Younger with a chair did look brutal but it just felt abit flat to end the tournament. I know the two were in bad shape from the previous rounds; Drakes head was bleeding shit loads and Masada cut his arm badly on the glass against Abdullah Kobayashi but I was hoping for abit more.


    Great event. I really recommend it to anyone who likes CZW.

  14. I'm not saying he's making movies to the standards of Godfather 2, Casino, Deer Hunter, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Once Upon a Time in America, Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Cape Fear etc. But I've enjoyed the majority of the films he's brought out in the past few years.


    Some have been shit films especially that 'What Just Happened' but I enjoy watching him acting. Limitless was good, Machete was shit but I thought he was decent during the very small role he had, Stone wasn't too bad and Meet The Parents was enjoyable aswell (shocking that they were the most successful films he's been in).


    It's difficult. De Niro is one of the best at what he does. He by no means is featured in Cinematic Masterpieces but he still does a good job.

  15. Watched Killer Elite a few days ago on Blu Ray and thought it was bloody brilliant. The cast of Robert De Niro, Jason Statham, Clive Owen and Dominic Purcell was brilliant. Purcell looked absolutely brilliant in his role and he's done well for himself since the Prison Break days. De Niro is De Niro it's difficult for him to be shit even if he's in a shit film.

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