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Professor Paul's Bin

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Posts posted by Professor Paul's Bin

  1. I see that TNA wrestler Robbie E is doing a few shows over here.

    Anyone got a listing of which shows as I may attend one if it is close enough.


    Him and Haskins are going a show in Prestatyn, North Wales for a BWP show. Decent promotion I must say

  2. "WWE's upcoming No Way Out pay-per-view on June 17th from the Izod Center in East Rutherford, NJ will feature an "all cage matches" format, much like TNA's annual Lockdown event."


    Source - Wrestling Observer Newsletter


    A WWE version of Lockdown will be terrible. They can barely get away with a good cage match on Raw every few months nevermind an entire PPV. I find it funny that WWE are using the steel cage gimmick for a PPV at least TNA can brag how they were the first to introduce the steel cage stipulation PPV..


    If the wwe doesn't introduce a war games style match then this could be a very dull pay per view.


    Also a big massive middle finger to gimmick PPVs the majority have been utter shite.

  3. Richie, I know he retired but what's Thumbtack Jack up too?? Just wondering as I was watching TOD 8 earlier and seeing all his bumps with cinder blocks and stunts with syringes it was obvious he was never going to have a long career. However I remember watching a documentary on him a while back and he seemed an intelligent enough bloke to have something to fall back on. So does he or is he just doing nothing with himself now??


    I saw on his Twitter that he's gonna be having surgery and he's looking to do some MMA training.

  4. On average, what do these guys get paid for doing matches like this? What's the going rate for a deathmatch?


    Fuck all really. I'm sure I remember hearing Trent Acid before he died was on like $25-$50 a match or something like that. And didn't Ian Rotten end up working at Taco Bell last year?


    Remarkable some of the stuff they do. Sometimes its a good watch but other times they really push the boat out.


    Spot on. A huge problem I find watching ROH and I would call myself just about a casual ROH fan. Nothing pisses me off more than the no-selling often seen. Some matches it works but far too many do follow that formula and it's hard to watch.
  6. I thought Richards/Daniels was boring as hell. I was disappointed after the fun Edwards/Daniels fued.4/5 for Generico/Perkins? It was fun midcard fare, but it was nothing special.

    For what it was with no build or storyline Generico/Perkins was a solid and smooth match. Didn't find myself getting bored for the solid 10 minutes they were at. I'm probably being abit biased and favourable though due to seeing Generico at a local promotion BWP who had a show in Prestatyn last October.Daniels/Richards was decent saying that though I'm a mark for Richards though
  7. ManhattanMayhemIV.jpg


    ROH Manhattan Mayhem IV

    March 19th, 2011.


    Before reading this bare in mind I am only just getting back into ROH. I used to watch it back when we had the wonderful TWC but since then I've watched the odd match and odd episode of HD Net. I've decided to get into buying ROH dvds and was very pleased with this one. I've tried to put some comments on the event without spoiling it for anyone who'd may want to watch it.


    Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly Vs Michael Elgin & Mike Mondo

    Before this match I didn't know who any of the guys were but they put up a cracking opener. I really enjoyed this match and was one of my favorites on the card. Michael Elgin really stood out to me and he gave a brilliant performance. Elgin seemed quick, strong, agile and powerful. Him turning on Mondo at the end of the match was great aswell. Will make sure to look out for him. I thought Truth Martini was brilliant aswel and his involvement in the main event was another highlight of the show. Cracking Opener 4/5


    Tomasso Clampa Vs Grizzly Redwood.

    I enjoyed this match it didn't last too long but Clampa seems like a powerhouse not too sure if he's too my taste though. As a first time seeing either guy I enjoyed Grizzly Redwood. A modern day spike Dudley and not bad in the ring. Nice unique look aswell. The match wasn't anything special. I have a slight understanding of The Embacey but not much. 2.5/5


    Steve Corino Vs "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett.

    Before I start I can't stand Corino I've always though hes shit from his ECW days and he was worse than usual for this match. On the other hand Bennett has a great look and seemed decent in the ring. I was drifting out of focus with this match and it wouldn't be one I'd watch again. 1.5/5

    The Briscoe Brothers Vs The All Night Express

    I'm a big fan of the Briscoe Brothers and think they're one of the best tag teams out there today. Briscoes gave a decent performance but I wasn't buying into Titus Riley (I'm sure that's his name.. from All Night Express) wasn't really digging his style and I felt he no sold a fair few moves. Throughout the match there were a fair few spots and some decent action. Saying that it was a solid tag team bout and I'd watch it again. That Kenny lad isn't bad though. 4/5


    El Generico Vs TJ Perkins

    I'm a fan of both guys here and they put up a decent match. Wasn't majorly memorable but provided a solid a match. 4/5


    Kings Of Wrestling Vs Homicide & Hernandez

    I've been wanting to see this match since I first heard about it in March and to be fair it was one of the main selling points for the dvd. I am a big fan of both tag teams and didn't mind who'd win. Although looking back the right team won. The crowd had some great chants as they brought back the "Fuck TNA!" chant and a few others. Both teams put out an outstanding performance. LAX looked great together and it makes you realize what a daft idea it was from TNA's part to split them up, especially in the shitty way that they did. Highlight of the match would go for the Boarder Cross out of the ring to Homicide onto Castagnoli and Hero. Hero and Castagnoli are great I've followed the two slightly through the years. Castagnoli is an outstanding worker and I hope his future WWE career is bright. 5/5


    ROH Television Championship: Davey Richards Vs Christopher Daniels

    Brilliant match between the two with the Pure Rules being used. Davey Richards is modern day Benoit and is an outstanding competitor who in this match took a brutal botch when messing up the Shooting Star Press and landing on the top rope stomach first. Daniels is Daniels he's good but sometimes abit shit at the same time. I've preferred more of his ROH work compared to his recent TNA work. 4/5


    ROH World Title: Eddie Edwards Vs Roderick Strong

    The American Wolves are a great Tag Team but I was abit weary about Edwards main eventing the event. He reminds me far too much of Matt Sydal (who I think is utter shite) but I was suprised Edwards won me over in this one. I've always felt Richard's overshadows him and makes Edwards look shit but Edwards was on his own to give an outstanding performance against Strong. I've always been a fan of Strong he's a great talent and I'm a fan of his teaming with Truth. Cracking Main Event and I loved the ending with The American Wolves with the foundations for a feud between the two. 4.5/5


    Not too sure what everyone thinks of this event but I thought it was top notch. Easily I'd give it a 8.5/10. Recommending the opener Briscoes/ANX, Daniels/Richards, LAX/KOW & Strong/Edwards. Again I'm not a massive fan of ROH so please excuse me if I seem abit daft on some comments regarding booking or use of talent.

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