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Professor Paul's Bin

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Posts posted by Professor Paul's Bin

  1. The Big Lebowski


    I got recommended this from a few members on here and after it collecting dust for a few months, I decided to watch it with a few beers. Whilst I can't say this was one of my favorite films I've seen I can certainly say that I enjoyed it throughout. Great cast, with Walter and The Dude being the absolute highlight of the film. I was shocked to see Tara Reid make an appearance as Bunny Lebowski and wow, she looked incredible. 7/10

  2. Currently watching the year of WCW Nitro 1996 and really love Jerichos theme tune. I can't pinpoint what I like so much about it but its brilliant


    That is a great tune. There's a version on youtube with lyrics as well! It's cheesy as fuck, but good all the same.


    The theme tune is brilliant just seems like a perfect theme tune for a wrestler to have in the mid 90s. With that it goes well with Jerichos generic face gimmick around that period.


    If you could find the YouTube link then please let me know. I will have to rip that one off YouTube.

  3. Truth be told, I'd like TNA to bring back King Of The Mountain. Yes, it was bloody silly and convoluted, but I really enjoyed the matches. Just one of those things that shouldn't have worked on paper, but did in practice.


    The Thunderdome or whatever they called the round-roofed cage was the opposite - should've been great for the X-Division, but when it came to it was just shite. And any chance of it being used again was killed off when Homicide jobbed to the exit.


    I think one of the major flaws with the "Terrordome" concept match was the red bars. They were distracting and sort of made the match difficult to watch.


    King of the Mountain was great. It took me a while to fully understand the concept but there was some great matches. Especially at Slammiversary 2009 which had an X-Division one on the card aswell.


    The absolute shittest concept match TNA brought out was that awful "Reverse Battle Royal". Fuck you Russo and your terrible ideas.

  4. Was playing Far Cry on Xbox until my disc reader died and it wouldn't load. Thankfully other games load after a while so looks like it's the disc. Brilliant game thus far.

    Mine is doing the same with the exact same game. Some games, like GTA4 and Assassins Creed 2 run without a problem. But others like Far Cry 3, Batman and Red Dead require a bit of faffing first- open and closing the tray, resetting the machine etc. It won't even play FIFA at all.


    So aside from the ten minutes it's taking to start paying, Far Cry 3 is bloody great so far. Finely living up to the hype in my eyes. Unlike other games I've played in recent years, it actually distills fear into me and makes me nervous. If the pirates aren't driving around in 4x4's trying to fuck me up, then there's tigers. Or snakes. Or when I try to get a blue plant,a fucking crocodile just lying there in the water. Oh and of course, sharks. Makes the cougars and bears in Red Dead seem quite tame.


    Does Far Cry 3 have that mode where you can create a map? I loved that mode from Instincts Predator, I think that was the one?

  5. Ryback didn't need to win it. Cena winning was a logical move to organically set up Rock-Cena II, but Ryback could have been handled a lot better and still look strong without winning.


    Yeah, I think they really dropped the ball with Ryback in the Rumble, he didn't stand out in any way. He should have at least had a moment where he cleared the ring out completely and stood in the middle doing his "feed me more" shit, waiting for the next entrant.


    That's why he should have had Cena's number. There was plenty of guys he could have eliminated at the time. Instead Cena came in at that time and eliminated those guys. Ryback should have had the spot. Instead Ryback came in last, he was the freshest bloke in there, came in, did fuck all and then Cena eliminated him. Just awful, who has been booking Ryback so horrendously?

  6. I'm the same with the Rumble really. Ryback should have won it and really needed the victory. But you can see why they got Cena to win the Rumble for Mania. I thought the first third of the Rumble was really good but after then it felt abit flat and just chugged along. Henry would have made a better return by returning at the Rumble but at least the way he's returned has been good thus far. I thought Cena should have been in the match much later, wasn't he the #18 entrant to the match? It would have been good for Ryback to come in then and eliminate the blokes who Cena did. Jericho and Ziggler were both excellent throughout the match and I personally wouldn't have enjoyed the match anywhere near as I did without the two of them. Both stood out and were the highlight of the match I thought.

  7. I know age group doesn't mean much as they have became less strict over the years and it won't make any difference to the plot. But I was hoping for the new Die Hard to be at least a 15. When growing up Die Hard 1+2 were films my parents didn't want me to see and when finally seeing them when I was about 12 it felt like a massive deal watching them. It was one of those forbidden films to watch in my house. I just find it mental that you can take kids to see the films. Are they assuming kids have seen the previous installments? Then you have the argument of the films reaching a wider audience with the lower age.


    Still I hope the plot it alright. I would have preferred to see the film be at least a 15

  8. I saw Django last night. Late, I know, but yeah it was really good. Any interview of Jamie Foxx I've ever seen he comes across like a proper twat but he's a good actor.


    I'm off to see Die Hard on the 15th. I am looking forward to it but I can't remember if 4.0 was actually any good.


    Die Hard 4.0 was pretty shit. Don't you remember the scene with Willis hanging onto a jet and fighting the jet? It was just terrible. I'm a huge fan of the Die Hards and was disapointed with the fourth. I was expecting a classic but I was expecting it to be better. The fourth was an okay action movie but a shit Die Hard.


    Looking forward to the fifth one. Will be seeing it in London this weekend

  9. I found Blackman's match with McMahon the only good match he participated in. A brief run with the Hardcore title was good but that was short lived. Other than that I can really struggle to think of anything good Blackman did during his run in the WWF. Of course it was fantastic to see him make an appearence in 2007.


    If I remember rightly he debuted around Survivor Series 1997? So he was with the WWF for a good 3 and a half years

  10. It's been a very difficult angle to simulate in the Impact Zone and that has been one of the major factors making the angle come off so badly. With an actual crowd and arena it makes it feel more realistic. Another props to TNA I'd like to mention is how bad-ass Devon is looking nowadays. I'm one of those fans who like wrestlers looking tough and Devon looks tough as nails these days.

  11. It's a difficult situation for TNA to be in. They're the number #2 Wrestling Promotion in North America and there is a pretty high expectation for what shows should look like. With that expectation being it should look like the WWE does but TNA can't pull it off. I hope they use smaller venues as Ian said as it will look terrible overwise but I think TNA wants to use the big arenas so they don't look like an indy promotion. I really hope it works for them and the only hope I have is "Nobody buys PPV's so hopefully people will want to attend the TV Tapings" as a hope for attendance to be okay/break-even.

  12. I really hope this works for TNA. Personally I can see people buying a fair share of tickets to go to the TV Tapings which they take on the road. TNA isn't a Wrestling Promotion which is out for the Pay Per Views but is out to put all of their action on television. Hence why the weekly show is often better than the Pay Per Views too. One of the reasons why the Pay Per Views aren't rammed is because its not their Main Focus of the product. Pay Per Views seem to be a second thought with TNA the past few years. By cutting down the Pay Per Views that means more focus can be put on improving the current TV Product which will work wonders with a real crowd. It's a great decision by TNA.


    I hope they do a taping in the Hammerstein Ballroom. I've always wanted to see it. Some argue it's ROH Teritory but the house show they did in October 2010 seemed to go well from what I read online about it.

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