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Professor Paul's Bin

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Posts posted by Professor Paul's Bin

  1. I'd echo the comments regarding ROH not having anything exciting going on anymore. Another problem I find with the current product is the production values, they've improved but I prefer the style they used prior to 2011. I just feel that for the scale of the promotion it doesn't suit them or appeal to me. Another problem with ROH is the way the promotion carries itself as the self proclaimed real wrestling and having the best athletes in the world on their shows. Which are both far from the truth.


    ROH standed for showcasing the best Indy wrestling but it has lost it's identity. PWG has taken over that niche and in my opinion I'd say they are outstanding at what they do. Continuing to go on about PWG; what I feel are one of its strengths in comparison to ROH is that they don't take themselves as serious and the product they are putting out reflects this. The wrestlers love working there and the fans are a good crowd. Not your insider CM Punk fans who live in their parents basement who are the worst sort of fans.

  2. Really liked impact this week.


    Solid from top to bottom


    In the last 12 months the majority of the shows have been very enjoyable to watch. They have the odd week where nothing seems to happen but at the moment it's on top form. The whole Bound For Glory series is just great, I find it difficult to watch a wrestling match which wont exist in the history books once is over but with this they are fighting for points. I can engage myself and be emotionally attached to the match. It's one of the best feelings to have as a fan really.

  3. From the reports online - After the Abyss/Dreamer main event, Tommy gets on the mic cuts some shite promo about how ECW made him and blah blah blah. Anyway he tells Dixie she should hold a PPV there and that gets a PPV chant from the crowd. JB gets on the mic and promises that TNA will be coming back to the Hammerstein Ballroom some time soon. It's just perfect for the product, an intimate setting, a venue they will sell out and rowdy fans. It's just hard to believe after all that they haven't bothered.

  4. Sean Oliver is the best and most interesting when it comes to the shoot interview. I get gripped in and his interpersonal skills are far superior from the others out there. The whole Youshoot format is brilliant in my eyes, it's allowed the shoot interview to evolve and become more interactive. Some of the questions/videos which get submitted are interesting, hilarious, appealing, enjoyable and thought-through. The whole process flows really well and it works. Then we've got the other series of shoots he's released which are very good to. For example I was reading online that on a RF Shoot Feinstein asks Jesse Ventura if he would like to be inducted into Hall of Fame. Ventura tells him "I am already" and Feinstein replies saying "Oh". He's just abit of a tool really. I recently watched the Scott Steiner shoot which was the highspots release, I had high hopes for this one but bloody hell it was dull. Steiner looked bored as fuck and kept losing interest throughout the entire interview. Anyway this is to agree with Ian they are both bloody rotten alot of the time.

  5. I was browsing through Twitter this morning and came across the picture of the Hammerstein Ballroom which looks incredible. 17cy2e.jpgNow as far as I know TNA drawn a pretty good attendance when they did a house show there in 2010. They even gave Amazing Red the X-Division title before changing in the next night back to Lethal. I've been looking through a few YouTube videos and the crowd was great for the show. Now I'd just like to know why on earth they won't hold events there or tape something there. It's a lovely venue, TNA would be in the Big Apple and they could easily sell the fucker out. It looks fantastic on that picture.

  6. After recently watching the Randy Orton Documentary he did on his DVD set which was excellently produced. I've started proper bumming off Orton and thinking he is the best thing about the WWE. Anyway I haven't properly seen any WWE for the last 12 months after Over The Limit 2012 left a rather sour taste in my mouth. Anyway can anybody tell me any good Orton stuff to check out from the recent few months? I've heard alot of good things about him and especially his match at Extreme Rules.

  7. Slam Wrestling are doing a show around here soon. They any good? Their site is http://www.slamwrestling.co.uk Anyone there stands out as especially good/poo?

    Poo.http://www.slamwrestling.co.uk/Lord Graham Thomas was the guy running that Midlands based promotion behind Corino's infamous "flight" details and the guy Kid Kash recently refused to work for after he hadn't been paid yet.Only other guy I've seen out of that lot is Rik Van Damage and he is a horrible, horrible RVD wannabe to the point it's cringe inducing.
    I was at a local show (BWP) and he said a farewell to the fans. I think he said some shit about an injury and got a send off from the fans. Obviously me and my friends didn't join in as we know what he's about and how bloody awful he is in the ring/on the stick/at life.
  8. What's everybody experiences of recruitment agencies? I've applied to one and went for a short meeting with them yesterday. They've arranged me a job interview for Aldi tomorrow which I'm unsure what to do about. They've stated I'd be employed by the agency for 12 weeks and there is a "good chance" Aldi will give me a permanent job after this. I wouldn't be too arsed about taking a probation period with Aldi but I'm really put off about the probation period being with the agency. The pay is slightly better compared to what I'm on now. Despite not liking my current job, it's safe and it pays the bills.

  9. Anyone seen Hated - the documentary about GG Allin just before his death?


    I have, I absolutely love it, he was the real deal, that's why I find it so interesting, he's not playing it up, he's a disgusting bastard nihilist who does not give a fuck and he proved it. Did the one you see have the whole concert after from (I think) the day he died where some guy from the audience follows him around with his hand up his arse and they get kicked out of the venue and start walking through the streets? That was fascinating too.


    I recently came across this online. It's bloody shocking seeing what he was like. Taking a shit on floor, naked in the middle of a gig and then battering the fans. Regarding the sexual assault/rape to both females and males was this a regular thing he did? I saw him mention it on the Jerry Springer show which is on Youtube but I haven't seen much mention or footage to support this. It's rather "he got naked, shit everywhere and hit people". He really was a crazy bastard. I remember one of his slogans was "I'm bringing danger back to Rock N Roll", haha.


    It's cool on CKY (Volume 2?) When they visit his grave on one of the skits.

  10. He may just view the business much differently and positive compared to the likes of Kendrick and London or any washed up ECW bloke who claim they were under used and all that shit. Paige got given a wonderful opportunity by Bischoff and has never looked back. He's not broke and he's really doing well for himself.

  11. I watched As Good As It Gets for the first time last night. One of the best film's I've seen for a while. It was just an outstanding film. My favourite Nicholson film and him mixing it up with the lovely Helen Hunt just made it great. Found myself laughing throughout all of it and even shedding a few small tears. Being a dog lover myself I really liked the connection with the dog too. Wish I'd found about this film sooner 9.2/10

  12. Has anybody been following all the shit with Kid Kash and a UK promoter on Twitter recently?


    Apparently the bloke did it with Corino which I recall happening a few months ago and has now pulled the same with Kash who isn't standing for it. Basically the promotion is known as wrestlemidlands and the promoter is Lord GT (Lord Graham Thomas? Is that him? If so he is absolutely diabolical, that man should not be in a wrestling ring). Anyway this bloke has promised to pay Kash's deposit 3 times and hasn't. Kash is kicking off on Twitter and is threatening to post the emails on like that Corino did.


    I'd like for Kash to come over and kick the shit out of him. Kash looks tough as fuck these days.

  13. If the idea of the Hate Thread previously was to enforce suspensions for calling other posters thick cunts in other threads, am I right in thinking the absence of the Hate Thread for last month and (it looks like) this, represents a conscious effort to make us all nicer to each other and that calling a poster a thick cunt in ANY thread now risks being reported/suspended for flaming?


    He's probably on about me on this one.

  14. Wait, they did Mrs Brown's boys? I've not seen much of it thankfully, but it's miles away from what they've done in the past.


    No I think he means the shitty sitcom in Extras ( When the whistle blows) that Andy makes is basically just Mrs Browns Boys or as its described in the show "silly wigs and catchphrases"




    Derek is nothing like Mrs Browns Boys.

  15. I recently watched The Extras Season 1 & 2 and have really enjoyed them. I was surprised to see such famous names appear throughout it and got a right boner when Robert De Niro made an appearance. I thought Barry and Stephen Merchant made this, they were phenomenal. I couldn't help but think the program they did just was that shite known as Mrs's Browns Boys. Which is literally the most dreadful program I've seen.


    After watching that I watched Life's Too Short which was very similar and enjoyable to watch. I'd really recommend this.

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