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Posts posted by Cobra1000

  1. Anybody ever watched "The Last Temptation of Christ"? Scorcese.


    Don't usually go for those religious epics, but that was quite decent. Brilliant Peter Gabriel soundtrack too. Excellent.


    Anybody watched it?


    Harvey Keitel -"UR KING OF DA JOOOOSSSS!!"


    Yeah its amazing, I bought the dvd ages before i actually watched it. When i finally bothered to watch it it was incredible. I'd recommend the guys book too.


    not quite a film but I watched Bio's Inside Story: Dances With Wolves the other day and loved it, one of my favourite films this documentary was really good, featuring stuff you prob already know, but it has Costner being awesome so what more could you want?

  2. Not feeling the Batman one really. It'll probably be decent though, like the last 2.


    I'm a little worried about Prometheus. There's something about the look and feel of what we're seeing in the trailers... Ridley Scott's scifi was always gritty, dystopian to an extent, dirty and slightly worn down - both the ships/locations and the characters. Everyone and everything in these trailers is so shiny. Prometheus looks like a Lamborghini crewed by the cast of 90210.


    After the trailer played on Sunday, my wife said "meh", and pointed out that Ridley's not made a good film since Black Hawk Down. So I'm worried that this will actually be a bit of an anticlimax.


    Disagree! :p I may be the only person in the world that likes Kingdom of Heaven, but American Gangster is quality depending on your tolerance levels of Russell Crowe. As others have already explained yeah its a research crew so is meant to be shiny and pretty. I'm well crazy for it, think it looks really amazing and the music is pretty intense! Can't wait.

  3. Just finished the last book of the Hunger Games - it was pretty good. Fucking depressing, though.


    I'm going to go dig into the submissions pile in the sci fi department, and see what I can grab.


    I have read the first two, still haven't got around to the third! I'be been making my way through The Terror by Dan Simmons


    Do you work in a Publishers Rosegarden? If you don't mind me asking what do you do exactly?

  4. Fucking hell! I didn't even know he was in it, I was just picking forgotten northern actors from the nineties.


    You'll probably piss yourself when Mike from Casualty shows up.


    it also has a really fit girl who was in Hollyoaks a few years ago, she played Louise, can't remember her name in GOT!


    Do people in England know who Stephen Nolan is? He's the worlds most ultra-mega-cunt. He has his own show on Northern Irish TV right now. its atrocious. it makes me feel embarrassed to be from here.

  5. So now in The Voice the contestants attempt to try and outsingshout each other. Genius...


    Not loving this quite as much now.


    I tuned in for a few minutes here before Homeland, its beyond awful. Jessie J is horrible looking, but her little dances and doing the air drums is the most fucking annoying thing i've ever seen. The sing battles are terrible. I hate everything about this show.


    Holly looks nice though.

  6. Much TV to watch. Just finished the first season of Friday Night Lights, what an emotional ride. A fantastic show, in which i felt like crying in every episode. Is there are finer TV screen couple that Coach Taylor and his wife? Also I don't know why they would, but if someone ever made a film about Daniel Bryan, the guy that plays Matt Saracen should play him.Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.Also finishing the final season of The Shield and it is definitely up in my top 5 TV Shows ever. Season 6 seemed to dip a bit, but i dont think its as rubbish as people say, i feel like they tried to condense it into 10 episodes (whether that was FX or the Creators) was the major fault. I'm worried about how its gonna end though. (it was also nice to see Tavon in The Cabin In The Woods too)and finally i bought the West Wing Complete Box Set and the smell in the box is fantastic (that sounds a bit weird, but it smells like a new book or something), can't wait to start watching it now, I'm hoping for great things.

  7. Went to see Cabin in the Woods the other night based completely on the strength of the recommendations of certain posters in this thread. Knew fuck all about it before going in. Thought it was wildly entertaining, but nothing revolutionary or all that ground breaking. Its definitely an enjoyable movie, but one I dont think I'd bother sitting through again. Having said that, I have recommended it on to other people. Also, its not that hard to see how the story was going to progress, I made a pretty accurate call on it about half way through.


    However, the main thing I wanted to talk about from my visit to the cinema was that I seen the trailer for Prometheus and it made me super excited. How is everyone else feeling about this movie? Looking forward to it? Think it will be a disaster? What?


    I can't quite work out if I'm excited because its about Aliens, or because its one of the finest trailers ever but my god it makes my heart beat faster. That noise is immense. CANNOT WAIT!

  8. No. Not slightly.


    Put it this way, I assumed the trailer gave away too much. I now think the trailer was pretty fucking genius.


    Sweet, I felt the way Mr. Seven felt, but glad to know that! I had heard the whole don't read reviews etc, but when i saw the TV ad I felt it was all ruined for me! Glad its not, can't wait now!

  9. 8 Simple Rules was pretty rubbish but I didn't mind it because I had a soft spot for John Ritter from watching Three's Company every day when I got home from school for a couple years as a kid. (and his turn in Stay Tuned, amongst other classics).


    David Spade is such a turd. I can't believe I used to like him in Just Shoot Me.


    What's that other sitcom with David Spade in it now where we're supposed to find it believable that he is some amazing ladies' man? Absurd.


    Yeah I quite liked Just Shoot Me, although there is that fear if I rewatch it I'll find it shit. Rules of Engagement I think its called is the most recent one!

  10. What, miss Piggy? All yours mate.


    I was only joking, but I'm sure shes lovely. Add me to the list of Alison Brie lovers.


    Anyhoo, I've just finished the first season of Game of Thrones, top quality stuff, shall spoiler the rest just incase!


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Joffrey Baratheon is perhaps the most detestable person on television. Argh, God I hate him so much (in a good way). Jon Snow and the Wall was probably my favourite part of the show, loved that storyline. Its all great stuff really. Although I knew Sean Bean and Mark Addy didn't make it through Season 1 i still enjoyed it.


    [close spoiler]



    Can't wait to watch Season 2 now, I'm probably going to have to read all the books as well...

  11. had a nice lil run of movies over the Easter Weekend, saw 50/50, We Bought A Zoo & The Prestige and i enjoyed them all, all good for different reasons but id recommend them all.


    50/50 was one of my favourite films of last year. God i loved it. I also really enjoyed We Bought a Zoo, its impossible to not fall in love with Scarlett Johansson in it!

  12. Antonio Cesaro looks the freaking business. I reckon we'll see him, Seth Rollins and Husky Harris called up within the year. Hopefully they all keep the gimmicks too. Anytime i've seen Rollins he looks great, something Triple H/Bobby Roode-esque about him.


    Hopefully the rumoured Dean Ambrose call up happens soon, he's one convincing nut job.

  13. I've just finished Shadow of the Colossus. I can't really describe how I feel about it, first of all, it took me an hour to get to grips with the controls and the camera. The controls and camera system were rather infuriating at times along with the collision detection when you're riding Agro and you brush a wall and he stops completely. Also the get on horse button is the same as the jump button which can be frustrating especially in the colossus battles where you use the horse.


    Now, with that out of the way, much like Resident Evil, I feel that the control system, terrible as it is endeared the game even more to me. Though I keep reminding myself its a ps2 game as well. Each Colossus battle was immense, and there really isn't a better feeling in all of gaming than when the Colossi come crashing down, almost euphoric. It makes you feel silly and smart at the same time, when you realise how to get on a Colossus THEN take it down there is no finer feeling. The beautiful scenery and sense of isolation is absolutely great and the scope of the Colossi battles are awe inspiring. Oh and I forgot to mention how beautiful the music was, when it was used. I'll spoiler the rest just incase....(its about the story/ending)


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    The ending? WHAT? Whats going on? Its mental. The last Boss was rubbish though, especially if you die and have to start at the start of the level again. Also just before you got there it took me ages to discover that you had to ride the horse over the bridge so the cut scene would trigger, i kept trying to run over it, duh. Anyway, he turns into a baby, and they live peacefully sealed away in the forbidden land...I think I liked the ending...


    [close spoiler]



    anyway, now for ICO...

  14. How is Paul Scheer in it?


    Watched the first episode of Community. It was.... ok. I fucking hate Ken Jeong. He's such a fucking try-hard cunt.


    It took me a few episodes for Community to really hit me, once you see the Greendale Human Being you'll be hooked. I do agree with what was said earlier in the thread. I'm watching the 2nd series now, some quality episodes and its funny, but I'm struggling with it and I don't know why. They were all loveable in the 1st series, now...not so much :(


    although Alison Brie is forever gorgeous.

  15. theres only 6 or 7 episodes in the first series so you mayaswell give them a watch, its not all bad, infact its the only series I watched and I thought it was okay, I'm sure you'd appreciate watching those episodes instead of going straight to Season 2.


    Also, I'm glad Chris Jericho's Kitchen Nightmares, I mean Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares is back, I love this show.

  16. its rather odd he only had one match, it wasn't terrible or anything. I don't see why he was a face though, surely an evil magician would have worked better. Ah well. The gimmick wouldn't have been out of place in WWE-ECW you know.


    Anyway, does anyone know if Sky Sports are showing any of the Hall of Fame this year?

  17. Former WWE NXT star Husky Harris debuted a new gimmick at Thursday's FCW show, playing a religious zealot named Levi Wyatt. He was introduced as a member of the audience, then cut a heel promo before defeating FCW star Jiro in a singles match.


    The Wrestling Observer reported recently that Harris has been on the radar of WWE management, and could very well be brought up to the main roster soon with a new character.


    could be good...

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