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Posts posted by Cobra1000

  1. Watched The Adjustment Bureau

    Shit, really shit




    I watched it on Blu Ray recently, I thought it was okay, more a failed opportunity than shit. I thought the relationship between Matt Damon and Emily Blunt was one of the best I've seen on screen, it just felt so genuine and real and believable. The black guy from the Bureau was cool, shame Terrence Stamp and John Slattery were absolute balls. (and I usually love Slattery...well when he's in Mad Men)

  2. Agreed. I like to think its like the old cartoon crossed with Game Of Thrones. I'd say they've aimed it at the adults that watched the old show as a kid and at todays kids to gain a new following and succeeded in that.

    Check it out if you like the sound that,guys.


    There is deffo something very Zelda-esque about it, the journey, the fish guys and those plant dudes. I love the design of it aswell, which is something that has divided people. I just finished the 4th one and am dying to see the next one :(

  3. There isn't a dud in the Ghibli collection, only the Earthsea one is a tad less wonderous than the others. I'd say that Mononoke has the greatest story and is suprisingly VERY deep.


    If you want a series to follow then you can't go wrong with Neon Genesis Evangelion, it's up there with the best TV shows let alone Animes but can get a tad hard to follow near the end and if you watch the End of Evangelion movie too.


    I watched Evangelion 1.0 You Are Not Alone or whatever its called very recently having never watched any of Neon Genesis Evangelion before and really liked it. Its like a re-imagining isn't it, very good. Looking forward to getting the second one on Blu Ray :thumbsup:


    Also Robotech and Cowboy Bebop are well worth watching too.

  4. My Neighbour Totoro is one of my absolute favourite films of all time, just magical. I've still got Kiki's Delivery Service and Princess Mononoke on my DVR to watch.


    Yeah mine too, that and Spirited Away are just flat out incredible. I honestly think a lot of Miyazakis films would be in my top 100 of all time. Love Kiki's Delivery Service and Prince Mononoke, Mononoke is a harder watch than most of the other Miyazaki films though.


    also Porco freaking Rosso. The english version is worth a watch too cause Michael Keaton is fantastic. Whipser of the Heart is another one of Ghiblis hidden gems. Although it isn't officially Ghibli Nausicaa is great too.


    Oh and everyone should watch The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.

  5. went to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes and really enjoyed it, considering I thought it was going to be terrible I was pleasantly surprised. Great sci-fi movie and the effects were great, I kept wondering how I could care so much for a computer generated chimp! - Serkis is awesome.


    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    How fucking scary would being in the Helicopter be when the massive monkey Buck jumped towards him. Properly loved Caesar aswell, his journey was great, the "NOOOOO" and "Caesar is home" lines made me(and the rest of the cinema) gasp out loud.



    obviously it isn't perfect, Frieda Pinto does nothing, Brian Cox and the Harry Potter guy are just incredible dicks for no reason amongst other things. Plus I'm now terrified of an Ape unprising.

  6. Trollied is ok, not complete laugh out loud funnyness, but not bad at all.


    Watching OZ. IT'S F'KIN AMAZIN'!!


    Oz is awesome :thumbsup:


    I've been watching American Restoration which I really am enjoying, still watching random episodes of Man Vs Food even though I've no doubt seen them all!


    Gonna try and watch The Hour now and see if its any good. Bought the first series of Luther the other day so that'll keep me busy for a while.

  7. Exactly some of the best horror films were more about the suspence and tone than the gore. Rosemarys baby and Dont look now are more about unsettling people than grossing them out. I thought Let The Right One In was a great film, the remake wasn't too shabby either (although the naff CGI ruined the tunnel scene and wasn't needed) Sadly the majority of modern horror is either excessive gore or flash cut edits and loud music cues to try and make people jump.


    Anyways as well as Super I watched Submarine last night. Missed it at the cinema and it was fantatsic. Its Richard Ayoades first feature film, has some great performances and Paddy Considine has some amazing hair in it


    Couldn't agree more about the horror stuff, and Submarine is fantastic.

  8. Went to see it last night, got the balance between humour and action right and was another strong film for Marvel

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    think Bucky was wasted in it, the relationship was never really built on, also there should have been more Howling Commandos, maybe even a link to Nick Fury taking over after Cap went. Also would have been nice if they'd somehow left the opportunity to make a 2nd film set during the 2nd world war. Oh and a surprising amount of violence for a kids film, didnt expect the Hydra guy to hit a propeller and explode in a shower of blood


    [close spoiler]



    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    I loved Bucky in it, granted he didn't do that much but for what he was it was good and the little dynamic that shifted between him and Cap was great....and maybe just maybe they could do a Winter Soldier film cause I don't think they'll mae a Captain America 2 for a while



    Also with the bit after the credits The Avengers just became my #1 must see film of next summer, surpassing The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises at the moment!

  9. Why did the Steiner Brothers leave the WWF at the time? I was reading on wiki they went to ECW and didn't go directly back to WCW...so was it for more money in WCW, if that was the case how come they went to ECW? Did they have a bad reputation in WWF?



  10. If I remember correctly she was with her highschool sweetheart all along, and they're married now. Possibly making her the first woman to be in the WWE and not be


    a) Somewhat "loose"

    b) Batistad




    Cool, cheers!

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