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Posts posted by garynysmon

  1. The Austin beer bath is the most overrated segment for me. I much preferred the one when Vince tried to make Austin wear a suit and become the corporate champion, but he just smacked Vince in the balls and took a photo. That one is never repeated.

  2. To be honest, when I first heard about the neknomination craze I did think the mass media was making a bit of a song and dance of necking a pint, which is something i'm sure the vast majority of us have done in the past. I'll also admit to having laughed at some of the clips I've seen, including that bloke in McDonalds covering himself in milkshake.

    That said, necking a pint of top shelf or some of the weird shit aforementioned, is a different matter altogether.

  3. I'm finally getting around to watching the 50 Greatest Superstars DVD and while the rankings are pure bollocks, the section on Nick Bockwinkel looks pretty interesting. Never having had any access to the AWA, my only real access to him was as an authority figure in WCW, but he looks like he's great on the mic and a pretty interesting character in general. Any thoughts from anyone who knows more?

  4. The match was terrible.


    Really, really poor.


    The bit before where they had to cover for everyone shitting themselves at the cage stalling was great, but the match was a bit of a disaster.


    I think with a lot of these showpiece gimmicks, they're defined by 'moments' and then, in time, those moments become more than just the standout memory, they become the only memory. So now, post attitude, you've got a lot of people who remember cage matches for extreme violence; or see HIAC matches as vehicles for someone to fall off something; or ladder matches as something that has to top the last Jeff Hardy effort.


    It happens a lot of these days that when you don't have real, bonafide stars in these matches the crowd sit on their hands for a bit because they've forgotten that prior to these big moments, there was a wrestling match that was building to said event. The crowd weren't interested when the NAO/Brotherhood were wrestling but once they started eating steel or climbing cages, they livened up a bit.


    I guess there's no real escaping it, as its human nature. Everyone remembers Solsjkaer scoring against Bayern in the last minute, few people remember the pedestrian one-two between Staam and Irwin that started the move that led to the corner*.


    Though, I think you can argue that the attitude era exacerbated the problem with their mental booking and mental matches.



    *the Stam/Irwin one-two may or may not have happened. Predictably, I don't remember.


    Cracking post, couldn't agree more. I've said it before, long term anyway, the Attitude era was the worst thing that happened to Wrestling.

  5. Yeah, I did the 1997 run last year and it was as brilliant as a I remembered. Still my favourite.

    That said, 1993 is a very nostalgic year for me (although a lot of people think it was shite) as it was when we first got Sky in our house and I could stop depending on others to record PPV's for me.

    As a result, I've started working my way through 1993 Wrestling Challenge episodes when there'e nothing better to watch, which is great as episodes only last 45 mins or so.

    Anyway, apart from the brilliant Terriffic Terry Taylor, another short lived jobber to the stars has popped up which I have no recollection of whatsoever.




    I don't remember Lance Cassidy at all, so he mustn't have been there long. He wasn't even in the Royal Rumble, so I wonder what happened there.

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