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The King Of Swing

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Posts posted by The King Of Swing

  1. I cant tell if you are being serious or if you are just being a sarcastic cunt for the sake of it.


    Why is it anyone in this thread that doesnt follow the mainstream idea that politicians are fucking us or are trying to run the poor into the ground are usually called a cunt or some other lame insult?


    It's not my fault that Steveo2007's last two posts look like nothing more then snarky bollocks.

    Well I'd love to go along with this "Tories are cunts" idea that seems to dominate the thread, but they're quite obviously the best people to deal with the deficit problem.


    I'm not telling or asking you to go along with anything.


    They are all a bunch of cunts in my eyes and its going to take a lot more then pandering to Daily Hail reading knuckle draggers before I take the current cunts that are in power seriously and I can just about remember just how shit things were under the last Conservative Government when the only work most people I knew could get was on the fucking fiddle so excuse me if I don't think this current lot are going to be upto scratch especially when it comes to creating jobs.


    When I start seeing "real" change for the better and not just some numbers being thrown about that says we are doing better then I may just change my tune.

  2. I cant tell if you are being serious or if you are just being a sarcastic cunt for the sake of it.


    Why is it anyone in this thread that doesnt follow the mainstream idea that politicians are fucking us or are trying to run the poor into the ground are usually called a cunt or some other lame insult?


    It's not my fault that Steveo2007's last two posts look like nothing more then snarky bollocks.

  3. Taps out.


    I'll leave the politics to the rich, the scum sheet reading mongs and those with more will power then me because after months of reading scum sheet propogander (unemployed = scrounger no matter the circumstances) and hearing the same old shit from scum politicians I no longer have anything left in the tank it genuingly is breaking me.


    I'll just sit back and laugh at the angry scum sheet reading mongs the next time some scandal breaks out that involves "our betters" screwing the system for millions while telling us to shut up, do as we are told and take whatever shit they drop on us like good little commoners.


    Labour, Conservative, Lib Dems it doesn't matter and as long as they are living the good life fuck the suffering of everyone else.


    I hope this whole stinking nation collapses.

  4. there's not much else around at the moment for them to do thanks to the erosion of the manufacturing and heavy industry sectors...


    Those jobs could have really been a big help right now but never fear I'm sure that David Cameron (never mind Clegg he doesn't matter) and his muckers can find plenty of jobs for the common folk.



  5. I'm not asking you to apologise for your political leanings. If I was going to do that I'd ask Carbomb and Bobbins and whoever to do the same thing. We all are entitled to our political beliefs.


    You don't discuss SHIT. You *tell* people how they are wrong, how they are stupid, how their beliefs, politically, are so wrong. And it's annoying. And coming from somebody who "ironically" voted BNP, it's laughable.


    You have an agenda. Perhaps you meant to me more discussable about your opinions but you don't come across that way.


    Seriously lad whatever you have been on tonight lay off it before you suffer a stroke or something.

  6. For every 10 people who cheat the system I'm happy if my taxes help only 1.


    When our MP's give up their expenses and second home allowences I will start taking them seriously because its pretty rich to expect people to comute to work or even relocate while the people preaching that get their expenses paid and in some cases have tax funded second homes which unless rules have changed they can actually sell on at a pure profit.


    Now tell me who is scrounging off and robbing the state?


    Isn't the average MP's wage something liek

  7. Currently loving people acting like the Thatcher/Major years were some sort of "golden era" even though the sheep and the dirt rags couldn't wait to kick the Conservative Scum out of office in 1997 and people will be lining up to piss on Thatcher's grave when that cunt finally drops dead.


    This is no Coalition its a Scum Government being propped up by a bunch of sell outs and anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking idiot.

  8. What would he say to people in Cardiff who are unable to get a job? go to Newport.


    Obviously people should make an effort to get a job even if its in another area but the Conservative Scum seem to assume that no one is making that effort or that the jobs in another area are actually suitable to every person who is unemployed also public transport is not always reliable and I doubt an employer would hire someone who would have to rely on public transport over someone local or someone who drives.


    Sorry but its just typical Conservative Scum mentality showing that they are the same now that they were in the 80's/90's.

  9. Hammond answering the Scottish guy's question about what measures are being made to drive the economy by waffling about Labour's deficit was hilarious. He might aswell have said "actually we're doing fuck-all".


    I didn't get much further then that before giving up.


    No one seems to have the slightest fucking idea where all these jobs are going to come from and it simply seems to be a case of leaving everything up to chance also I loved one of the dirt rags saying that the cuts were like a trip to the dentist bad but not as bad as you feared yeah well tell that to the half a million people about to be left unemployed (a.k.a. benefits scroungers to the dirt rag scum) though knowing how honest the scum and the sellouts we have in parliment are it will probably be at least double that by the time they are finished.

  10. Speaking as a working person I find it utterly patronising whenever an MP says "we are all in this together" or "we all have to feel the pinch" so I can see where even some council estate rat is coming from when it comes to the Cameron's.


    Most MP's never mind the PM are not in the same position as someone like myself who is earning less then 16k a year nor is my wage proped up by a vast expenses and allowance system.


    So like fuck are we in this together and we never will be.

  11. Just caught the news and let me get this straight the ConDems basically want to allow Universities to charge what they want?




    Just caught the headlines and its actually a review by some guy I have never heard of so I dont know if the ConDems would actually go through with it but I would love to see the Lib Dems (who lets face it would savage such a proposial if they were not in Government) suger coat this on QT if such a propsial went through.

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