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The King Of Swing

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Posts posted by The King Of Swing

  1. I don't mind so much.


    Tbh, I'd be a bit embarassed for us if the US President went to our Prime Minister's house and it was a bit shit.


    I think the general point is that when the nation is in the shape it is in it is not the best idea to pose for a pic in your designer Kitchen not that it it wrong for them to have a decent Kitchen.


    Still though I'm with Magnum

  2. There is fault on both sides but Israel's (Government anyway) attitude at times indicates to me that they don't want peace at all, in fact the Israeli Government is so predictable these days I was actually reading that story earlier today and before Israel was even mentioned I knew they had probably kicked up a stink.

  3. Sure, Jamie Oliver's annoying and infuriating, but at the very least he tried to accomplish something that would help deal with the child health problems, and what happens? You get a whole bunch of people slagging him off for being irritating, and completely ignoring his contribution, because, y'know, being annoying means that nothing you do can ever have value, of course.


    If he toned it down and stopped being such a smug little prick he probably would have accomplished something but the sad fact is when you carry yourself like a cunt people will tend to ignore what you have to say even if it is positive so Oliver has only himself to blame for how the public thinks of him.


    I think Charlie Brooker summed it well.



    The genuine contempt Oliver had for that kid was plain to see and I refuse to take anyone who uses the mix loads of food up so it looks like shit method of making a point seriously.




    Serious question what legal means can a parent use to FORCE his, her or their child to actually eat what healthy food? Im betting that if Jane Bloggs tied little Jimmy to a chair and force fed him his greens things wouldn't end well.


    I know you were mainly getting at idiot parents who clearly don't care what their children eat btw.

  4. Excuse me? Asking a question consitutes "moving the goal posts" now, does it?


    Yes bacause your entire routine is that you post something and when shot down you resort to either changing the subject, playing the victim of an imaginary leftist conspiracy or ask a question slightly related to the subject while avoiding actually countering something put to you.


    What does "good behaviour" in prison actually mean? Lack of bad behaviour? Or does the prisoner actually have to do something good in order to warrant the rewards? I tend to doubt it.


    Which is why its pointless to actually engage in any kind of debate with you, you have no interest in any point of view unless it matchs your own so stop pretending you give a shit what anyone here actually thinks.


    Also see above point about using a question to avoid actually countering other opinions/points.


    ]Stop calling people who have views you disagree with "trolls". It's a ridiculous attempt to stifle discussion that is all to common, and is the main cause IMO, of so many people feeling disengaged from politics. People that think the left is generally full of shit aren't stupid, and shouldn't be afraid to make their opinions known.


    See above point about imaginary leftist conspiracy only thing missing from this is a reference to The Gurdian which I don't read by the way, fact is Neil explained in very simple words why people think you are a Troll and as expected you ignored everything he had to say.


    So stop acting like a Troll and people will stop treating you like one and for the record I personally don't give a shit if you are right wing almost everyone I know is and I believe that both the left and right are needed and that both sides have their fair share of idiots.

  5. I'm not opposed to prisoners being allowed perks. But they should have to earn them, by working. They shouldn't be given as a matter of course.

    Can you show me instances of criminals being sent to prison and being given playstations, big televisions & nice comfy cells straight off the bat?


    I know for a fact that anyone who get's sent down to Barlinnie prison in Glasgow gets put in a small cell with another person, and they stay in that cell for between 20-22 hours per day most of the time, with an hour excercise allowed.


    They get three one hour visits per month.


    There's no Playstations, no Sky television in their cell etc.


    Once they put in a period of time with good behaviour they get moved to a slightly bigger cell, get the opportunity to work a job (for around

  6. The intro to Angelo Poffo's (Randy Savage's father's) outlaw ICW promotion running against Memphis' TV show. One of the best Wrestling TV intro's I've seen. It's fucking superb. Despite the poor filming it looks action packed as you like, and it's to top music in Moroder's The Chase. Quality.



    Thats class. It had cages, flash bombs, tables, snakes, stetcher jobs, gang attacks, big stars and all kinds of other stuff packed into that intro. All that was missing was Angelo's 1000 sit-ups and Lanny Poffo sucking his own dick. As far as jamming footage into a intro to make you want to continue watching that'll be hard to beat.


    It even had the Midnight Express theme :cool:

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