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The King Of Swing

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Posts posted by The King Of Swing

  1. Anyone seen Save the Green Planet?


    Waiting for that one in the post and it looks like a good one, also ordered Happiness of the Kakaturis(sp?) which is a Miike film so I will either love it or hate it since there has never been any middle ground for me when it comes to his work.


    Back to Confessions I simply didn't care about anyone or anything by the end of the film and I certainly didn't find it tense but revenge thrillers have always been a hard sell for me (I fucking hate Oldboy with a passion), the opening 20 or so minutes of Confessions was amazing though and the acting was superb.


    And whats with the explosion in low budget Japanese garbage gore films hitting the west? I couldn't even get through Tokyo Gore Police (I really should finish that one day) and looking at some of the shit that is hitting stores that is probably a masterpiece in comparison.


    And when I post "hailed as a masterpiece because its Japanese" I actually mean the tossers who infest places like imdb.com who believe that being able to read subtitles makes them superior to everyone else and I don't mean everyone in general.

  2. Confessions


    A film with a superb setup that sadly it never lives upto and at the end all I could think was is that it?, in the end it all just felt so pointless and the over use of slow motion was annoying.


    It also touchs on many subjects (bullies, over protective mothers, worthless teachers, etc) yet never really commits to anything other then teenagers are cunts I guess.


    KoS Rating: 6/10


    Could have and should have been so much better but since its Japanese it will no doubt be hailed as an absolute masterpiece of epic proportions which some people just "don't get"


    The performances were superb though its just a shame I hated everyone in the film.

  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13...ffs-bosses.html


    Amnesty International have jumped on the big payoff bandwagon, paying 2 of it's former bosses 6 figure sums in hush-hush deals. I am sure the people who donate every month by direct debit are pleased to see poverty campaigners getting rich from their donations. Just goes to show what a waste of time and money charities are, just an excuse for middle-class lefties to feel self-important and get rich at the same time. Only a miniscule amount of money ever gets to the people portrayed in the adverts.


    What a suprise Happ changes the subject the moment he is shown up as the fool that he is, I don't care how over used the word is but you are indeed a cunt Happ and thats all that is left to be said when it comes to you and you views.


    And yes David fucking hell pretty much sums that report up.

  4. And yet the same people will still blindly support Labour in everything they do and claim that they are the party for the normal working-class Briton today. Unbelievable really. It's got to the stage where it is worse than religion. No evidence will ever be good enough to change their mind.

    What people? Are you talking about anyone who posts in this thread?

    I don't know. Are there any Labour voters in here? Or people in favour of mass immigration?


    I'm working class and voted Labout in 1997 and have not voted for them since and I'm in favour of immigration if done right.


    The people who blindly vote Labour are no different to the people who blindly vote Conservative, the morons who will continue to vote Lib Dem even after they sold out or even the people who vote BNP well the ones who could stay out of the pub long enough to vote for Big Nick's crew anyway.

  5. What's the forum's opinion on Ed Miliband renouncing New Labour's open door immigration policy?


    Many people (myself included) including many Labour voters knew full well that Labour's immigration policy was a ticking time bomb problem is in my experience when most people down the pub or in work mention immigration what they really mean to say of course is blacks and muslims.

  6. More from Libya its looking more and more like Gaddafi has competly lost control of the East..


    1855: The BBC's Jon Leyne has been describing the atmosphere in the opposition-controlled city of Benghazi: "There are signs everywhere urging people to go back to work. Some people from the city have armed themselves with looted weapons. They're now pushing forward to oust Colonel Gaddafi's forces from their remaining strongholds in the west of the country."


    1835: S Hamroush, from Manchester, writes: "I've just got hold of a newspaper being published in Benghazi by the anti-government protesters - this is the first newspaper in Libya to be printed that is anti-government since 1969."


    1813: Jon Leyne is the first BBC reporter to reach Benghazi, which has seen some of the worst violence in the country and is now under opposition control. He says the city is largely calm and being run by a committee of lawyers, judges and respected local people, operating from the court house and urging people to begin restoring the city to normal.


    1557: The emergence of several privately owned media outlets is reflecting a new reality in eastern Libya, reports BBC Monitoring. The media scene in the eastern cities is starting to change rapidly amid new freedom from Col Gaddafi's control. There have been reports of two medium-wave radio stations broadcasting from eastern Libya and a Benghazi-based newspaper. Citizen journalism pages on Facebook are also recruiting reporters in Benghazi and other cities.

  7. It's amazing how easy it is to stand back and pretend it isn't your fault.


    Something the Torie's were also guilty of when starnded in opposition after being booted out in 1997 fact is both parties are as bad as each other and the Lib Dems are not even worth mentioning anymore.

  8. Libyan Youth Movement tweets: "under ground prisons being discovered in Benghazi, political prisoners being found alive, not seen light of day for years#Libya"


    Hardly a suprise but still terrible.


    BBC Arabic are reporting that former Libyan Justice Minister Mustafa Abdul Jalil - who has resigned during the unrest - has told a Swedish newspaper that he has evidence Colonel Gaddafi personally ordered the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988, which killed 270 people.


    Not sure what to make of this one but honestly wouldn't be at all suprised if that was the case.


    The BBC website has collated strong eyewitness testimony from Libya, including one Tripoli resident who told BBC Arabic there were now four military frigates in Tripoli ports, amid fears the gunships are on standby to fire on the capital.


    New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof tweets: "#Libya military officer tells me 3 naval ships ordered to sail to Benghazi to attack it. Crew torn about what to do."


    New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof tweets: Amazing: I hear by phone that Tajura, #Libya , less than 10 miles from Tripoli, has fallen. Rebel flag flying over it."


    Sadly I think it this whole situation has now become a case of how much damage Gaddafi and what is left of his support can do on his way out.

  9. Regardless of what the West says I think it is less to do with Democracy and more to do with worsening conditions in the countries, increasing food prices, widespread corruption and rampent nepotism.


    People are simply reaching breaking point.




    As for where it all started I'm sure myself all I really know is that Tunisia fell out of nowhere and that was the first major event, I get the impression that protests have been going on in some countries for some time before Tunisia but for whatever reason (no believed anything would change perhaps) the media pretty much ignored the situation.

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