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The King Of Swing

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Posts posted by The King Of Swing

  1. Just caught the news and let me get this straight the ConDems basically want to allow Universities to charge what they want?




    Just caught the headlines and its actually a review by some guy I have never heard of so I dont know if the ConDems would actually go through with it but I would love to see the Lib Dems (who lets face it would savage such a proposial if they were not in Government) suger coat this on QT if such a propsial went through.

  2. Power Slam sells because of its nae its 90's run it was something now its put this in there put that inthere, im suprised it aint goan turn into reporting on OVW or w/e WWE's trainign ground is instead of TNA.


    I no longer buy magazines why? its all online anyhow search for power slam issue ** year **** pdf u will find it FREE.



  3. Good god that Tory whore really made a fool out of herself and her party on QT this week on the child benefit situation and as for the Lib Dems when this coalition finally comes to an end they are finished as a serious political party imo.




    Also on getting people off benefits in general where the fuck are all these jobs going to come from? I mean last I checked the jobless already out number the amount of jobs on the market and thats before these cuts kick in which in turn will increase the unemployment levels.

  4. Currently in the middle of QT and they should have Brian Cox on the show more often because seeing him rip into that cunt David Starky was a joy to behold.


    Why they insist on having that obnoxious, arrogant twat on the show time after time is beyond me.

  5. Sadly David the election finally showed without any doubt that all politicians are the same.


    Before the election the Dems sounded like a genuine voice for change (even though they had no chance of actually winning) and then on the QT following the election they sounded and acted just like the last lot.

  6. Okay after posting in the tagged classics thread I just remembered something that has bugged me for quite some time now.


    Anyway during the 20 man Tag elimination at Series 87 for some reason the only part missing from the match is the elimination of The British Bulldogs does anyone know why that part in particular was cut?


    I know that the first two Survivor Series VHS's were clipped but cutting an actual elimination is pretty odd.

  7. No idea if this has been asked so apologies in advance.


    Anyway on the old VHS release of the 1989 Survivor Series Barry Windham is on the back cover as a member of one of the teams (forget which team) but for some reason does not appear on the show at all.


    Anyone know what the score is with that? all I know for sure is that he was in the WWF at around that time.

  8. ^ :laugh: I can imagine that in Shane Douglas's voice as well.


    I watched the Uwe Boll movie Rampage last night, I really enjoyed it, I think it would've been better if it had just been totally linear as opposed to having flash forwards and stuff but I thought it was awesome, really pleasantly surprised.


    I was intrigued by Rampage because I'd heard a whole load of people say that this was supposed to be Boll showing that he could do more than video game adaptations and that he proved he can be a competent filmmaker.


    Balderdash. It's even worse than Bloodrayne 3. At least that had Natassia Malthe.


    Didn't she play that purple haired whore in DoA which also stared that one and only Kevin Nash?


    If I ever see a good Uwe Boll film I will start calling pro-wrestling art.

  9. I watched the Uwe Boll movie Rampage last night, I really enjoyed it, I think it would've been better if it had just been totally linear as opposed to having flash forwards and stuff but I thought it was awesome, really pleasantly surprised.


    Uwe Boll












    Uwe Boll









    Uwe Boll













    Uwe Boll
















    Uwe Boll






















  10. Aye I would presume that airing a doc like that would could leave them well in the legal fireing line.


    Wasn't there a doc in America about child abuse at the hands of people in politics that was actually recorded but never got to TV?


    Does anyone know the real story about that?


    I know its online but cant remember for the life of me what its called.

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