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The King Of Swing

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Posts posted by The King Of Swing

  1. It will be ridiculous if Cleetus wins this. Anyone seriously suggesting that they dislike him more than ajmcstyles and EmperorDashing wants looking at.


    Yeah I can understand the you think your funny nomination (though I personally do find him pretty funny most of the time) but shitarse poster of the year is complete bollocks compared the some of the spanners that populate these forums and Cleetus has started some pretty decent threads imo.


    I voted ajmcstyles but it was close between him and Dashing.

  2. Just found out what JNLister meant by number 4.


    Palin is a headcase of the highest order.


    Having her anywhere near the White House would worry me immensely.

    Events like this only go to show that Palin was right all along. If everyone in America was carrying a gun, then the gunman could have been shot before he killed 7 people!


    Yeah lets just ignore the fact that the Democrat shot was on Palin's "hitlist" you mong.


    If it turns out that this shooting was politically motivated and the shooter is/was a Republican then Palin is almost certainly finished.

  3. Dangerously420




    Laura is a very nice girl. Im very happy with Laura. She is very good friends with a lot of people in the Scottish wrestling scene and workers. She is also very good friends with the TNA roster and its owner Dixie Carter


    There is no other option.




    I had forgotton about that.

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