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The King Of Swing

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Posts posted by The King Of Swing

  1. Just got this from the Telegraph.


    14.26 Contrary to earlier reports we've now confirmed that the Islamic Bank of Britain was not damaged in the rioting. It appears that worshippers leaving the East London Mosque after prayers were able to successfully chase of rioters, protecting both the bank and the mosque.


    EDL take note this is how you defend England.




    14.41 Boris Johnson's first public appearance since the riots began has been a bit of a disaster. He's been heckled loudly in Clapham Junction, accused of racism and failing the community. Standing next to a stoney-faced Theresa May he was eventually forced to abandon his impromput press conference.


    I would say poor Boris but he has been such a train wreck over the years it's hard to feel sorry for him.

  2. I think we had the worst last night.


    I would predict a few minor incidents in London tonight, but a much more uneventful night all round.


    I tend to agree with this though at the same time the Police have been shown as so toothless and undermaned by recent events I wouldn't bet the house on it..

  3. Bugger. I thought you might say that. Again, apologies for the stupid question but is this kind of what happened the last three days? Everyone went to work, left and had a cheeky riot?


    I don't think anyone expected this kind of escalation so it was business as usual until it became obvious that things were getting well out of control by that time though iot was too late.

  4. I'm trying to get a feeling from news sites but I'm struggling ( and meltzer has been no use). Is it over? Are we waiting for round four? Or is this 'just' people picking up their lives afterward


    I think we are in the wait and hope for the best period now.

  5. Considering they are rioting because of police brutality


    Have a word with yourself.


    This is nothing but people using recent events as an excuse to on a rampage and even the original incident was nothing but a case of people (many of whom were not even local according to some reports) using a peacfull protest as an excuse to go on a rampage.

  6. and they're just going to keep pushing and pushing until they're hit hard.


    And no doubt when the police do finally hit back the extreme hug a hoodie left will be out in force crying foul.

  7. As long as there is still a gang culture there is simply no point in attempting to tackle the root causes, break up the gangs and bang up the ring leaders and then you can start to get to the root of the problems.


    Waving your arms about crying about the injustice of being stuck in a poor area is no better then writing everyone off as scum.

  8. Problem is when the Police use their powers they are being heavy handed but when they hold back you then have people complaining that they are too soft, Justice Secretary Ken Clarke is an utter cock but he probably has one of the worst positions in the Government.

  9. Christ I'm amongst the first people to call the police ot for acting out of line but even I can't deny that this was a by all accounts peacfull protest that was hijacked by a bunch of thugs.

  10. People have been killed for lesser atrocities than the above




    And what the fuck is a "swagger jagger" anyway?




    Seriously that "song" is even worse then Harajuku Girl's.

  11. Haven't they already released some kind of nWo DVD at some point? I've no idea how comprehensive it was, but I definitely remember seeing it reduced to next to nothing in price when Woolworths went bust alongside other older WWE titles that were probably laying in their warehouse for years beforehand.




    It was a pretty shit rush job from what little I can remember.

  12. Just trying to make funny videos to share not like I'm makin revenue from YouTube I can't and i don't understand how the idiots that leave comments sayin I'm spamming by sharing a link about a YouTube video in a YouTube section of a forum lol and I honestly can't believe you guys don't find them funny...you guys watch episode 3 or 4? Episode 3 is probably the best one in my opinion...


    This guy (yea it's me) robs people at toys r us with SUPERKICK to the mouth and at gunpoint, plus robs a hot milf it's really funny




    I hate you.

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