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The King Of Swing

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Posts posted by The King Of Swing

  1. Lets also not forget that there is a good chance that many people convicted probably have family who were not even involved in recent events and could suffer as a result of the GMP's idiocy here.


    These fools have been convicted and setenced so I see no reason for this kind of stupidity.

  2. It's a good thing that cuts haven't taken effect yet pat because I would take a guess that things could have been a whole lot worse otherwise, I don't care about party politics but anyone who still defends cuts to the police force is mental as far as I am concerned.


    Like I posted the Government can suddenly find billions when it suits them.

  3. I love how people are so quick to blame the lib dems for everything in this and further afield


    Good thing I (and I don't think anyone else in this thread) isn't doing that then isn't it?

  4. Thats the problem Vito be it Lab, Lib or Con we get the same shit it's really no fucking wonder that the extreme right parties are slowly gaining more support by the day.

  5. Cancelled my Prison Planet subscriton today, been an on off subscriber for a few years now but he is clearly pushing an agenda of his own now and is showing his true colours.




    Where has Duane been lately? don't think there has been much of him on the forums the last week or so.

  6. People did vote for the Lib Dems and they sold the nation out at the first sniff of power and have continued the trend ever since.


    All this "stop benefits" and "chuck em out on the street" talk is just another indication that Britain isn't worth pissing on any more, our politicians don't have any concrete answers and the general public are idiots.


    On the plus side Alex Jones rant was pure gold for all the wrong reasons.

  7. What is the alternative to the cuts? Spending money we haven't got for another 5 years, and making the cuts then?


    Well they don't seem to have a problem spending money that we don't have when it suits them, if we are at the point where money comes before public safety then we may as well just give up now.




    Alex Jones has lost the fucking plot or is finally showing his true colours, seems like even a lot of his supporters are stunned by his outburst.

  8. How is this going to help anything?


    "Lets kick them on the street, that will anger them"


    Oh I agree it's a frankly daft and counter productive threat.

  9. Councils now threatening to evict people found to have been taking part in the riots, not much point really considering they will just be housed on some other sink estate.

  10. Have the riots died down because of then Police because they were bored or because they had already looted pretty much everything worth nicking?


    Combination of those two I would say.

  11. Yeah a great and very informative thread all around.


    Hundreds of people across London got together and arranged to clear areas up before Dave managed to utter a single word in public about the situation.


    That's not 'having the bollocks to deal with the situation'. That's waiting for photo opportunities before doing anything about it.


    Spot on, hearing "call me Dave" talking tough now while as far as I know he still won't officially class the events as riots is nausiating.


    Anyway even though we have almost certainly seen the worst of the current situation you have to worry about what lies down the road especially when Government cuts finally start to really hit people.

  12. I'm seriously baffled by the sudden "Cameron is the man" mentality of people he is just being the same oppatunistic pig that he has always been and has no real answers to the actual social problems in the UK.


    If he still goes ahead with police cuts then he is either mad or wants further social decline.

  13. And Water Cannons won't do anything now especially if as people suspect the worst is over it's just big talk from Dave as far as I can see.




    They really should just rename Clegg's position in Government to Bullet Catcher.

  14. Cameron has hidden behind his podium while the rest of his cronies were thrown to the Wolves and Cameron deciding to get tough and green light water cannons now is a fucking joke.


    Too little too late Dave.

  15. Is it safe to assume that the worst is over now?


    I don't want to tempt fate so I right now I would just say there is a good chance that the worst is over.


    I may get some flak for this but I can't help but feel that parts of England were left more vunerable so Cameron and The Met could have a massive show of force in London.

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