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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. 5 hours ago, Max Power said:

    I play in the league under the Yorkshire League South Premier and it's very much the same. Biggest spender generally wins the league. We've lost a number of players over the years who are chasing an extra couple of quid - you can't blame them, but it is a little frustrating whereas if our side stuck together over the last couple of years then we would have a chance at promotion.

     The exception to the rule in our league is Appelby Frodingham, who are from your neck of the woods I believe. They've a couple of lads who play Lincs Minor Counties and they came down from the Premier League last season. They've kept all their players and will bounce straight back up. It's been good to see the attitude of lads who after a relegation have decided to stick together, rather than disburse to other clubs.

     Right. I'm off to get a lovely twenty in the style of James Vince.

    Edit: I play for a club called Wath. I know you're from round here Cod Eye, so you'll probably know of it.

    Yeah, I know Wath. They have had some decent teams over the years, and is a good little set up from what I've heard. I played for the Mon Bretton Bteam a fewtimes in my younger years, but had to give it up due to ill health. Really miss playing when we get to this time of the year.

    Good to see a local lad make it to the Yorkshire T20 team in Jack Shutt. He was very well thought of in the Elsecar CC set up...

  2. I understand the view that the photo was for the TV executives etc, but isn't "TV Guide" just the same as the Radio Times/TV Times is over here? A magazine for people people who watch TV to see what is being broadcast and when? If that is the case(I honestly don't know if it is, or a TV industry trade mag etc) then they would have been better having a more traditional wrestling photo. Then again, I assume it's an independent magazine, so they may have had no control over the photos used...

  3. 10 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    For a TV Guide photoshoot promoting a new wrestling show, this is what you want to see. Not you brothers wedding reception, like those cunts above. You're selling professional wrestling. Nothing else.


    Was thinking exactly the same. I've said before that I am fully on board with AEW, and find myself looking forward to a wrestling product for the fist time in years, but not a single person on that TV guide shot looks like what a wrestler looks like to the general public and the highly coveted lapsed fans. Although, maybe they have had to do the shoot suited and booted due to the lack of stereotypical wrestling bodies on their roster(i.e. lack of traditionally looking heavyweights?)

  4. I wonder how much creative freedom the likes of Moxley has in AEW? His character compared to the one he had post Shield in WWE is like night and day, so is it down to the man himself or is there a potential creative genius moulding the character from within the promotion? 

  5. On 7/22/2019 at 4:51 PM, The King of Old School said:

    "The Blackburn Rovers"

    To be fair to him, with Blackburn that could(in theory) be grammatically correct as they are the "Rovers" from Blackburn. Obviously we know that it's wrong, but for an American you can understand why he pronounced it like he did... 

  6. The little sub 10 minute shows they are putting out online are great.I am already on board with AEW and can't wait for the weekly show to start, but I can also see it peaking the interest of the oft mentioned "lapsed" fan too. Moxley just looks like a mega star in said videos(especially if you compare to what he looked like in WWE), and they are doing a class 1 job of putting over how big a deal Omega is to those who don't watch any Japanese stuff(like me). 

    I also like the little touches they are putting into the single match storylines, like Moxley saying he's going all over Japan to learn Omega's style and tricks. It's simple, but a great way to explain away Moxley's working of the indie scene.

    I also thought I'd hate that Darby Allen bloke, but like Janela he's got soemthing about him that makes me want to watch him be a mad bastard.

    Still not buying Spears as anything other than a solid lower card hand though...

  7. 1 hour ago, King Mal the Glorious said:

    I'm going to a cricket match for the first time ever on Saturday, Derbyshire vs Yorkshire. I have no interest but the other half's family is all well into it so I'm willing to give it a try. Are you expected to cheer when someone scores a run or is it more of a tennis "polite clap" sort of thing?

    Just give out a huge cheer every-time Yorkshire score a run or take a wicket, you won't be going far wrong then...

  8. Looking for some recommendations please gents(and the occasional lady that frequents this place). My sons got to that age where he is really curious about the various conspiracy theories that float about. The main one that is fascinating him at the minute though, is the fake moon landing ones that won't seem to die(the 50th anniversary has really got him interested). So, does anyone have any recommendations for some decent moon lading conspiracy docs please(on both side of the argument)? 

  9. Is there a reason I'm suddenly seeing loads of "Area 51" memes in my news feed, or just a coincidence? Things like a video of a bloke running into a brick wall with the caption "trying to get into Area 51 be like...", or a bloke running full speed in and out of a building captioned with "me trying to get my hands on the radioactive spider in Area 51 so I can get bitten and be Spiderman". I've been offline for the last day and a half, so not sure if I've missed something?

  10. I had my factory closed last year. While preparing for the doctor to open my ball bag up, we had an in depth conversation about the state of Yorkshire cricket, and in particular Gary Ballance. Funnily enough, just like Ballance, the surgeon had a habit of making nicks himself...

  11. 4 minutes ago, Ricc1PW said:

    Ha. Andrew Cole made a visit to our training ground to talk to Phil Parkinson about why we weren't picking Devante Cole, and not playing to his strength's. he was soon shipped off to fleetwood in a swap deal, we took Jamie Proctor. who was much better.

    How's O'Donnell been doing in goal for you lot? 

  12. I'll back up @Ricc1PW's view of Devante Cole. He was at Oakwell and was woeful. He's lightening quick though, like shit off a shovel, but his end product was almost none existent.

    Talking of other kid's of former "greats", we had George Moncur, son of former West Ham player John Moncur until January of last year, when he went to Luton. He's a classic example of a player having a god gifted talent, but not having the application to make the most of it. We got1 good game in every 6 appearances from him at best. Also, from what I can gather, his dad is really hands on with his career and was often of the phone to his manager demanding to know why the club wasn't building a team around him, which I can imagine went down well.

    Just remembered we had Rob Lee's lad Elliott Lee a few years ago too. He was very similar to his mate, the afore mentioned George Moncur, in respect to his good games to appearance ratio. It may have been the way we played at the time though, as he went to Luton and was decent by all accounts.

  13. What a fuck-nut. 

    Fair enough, you've seen someone famous. and got your phone out to record/photo them. That's just a downside to being in the public eye. But to then continue filming after the guy, very politely I might add, asked you not to film without asking is a cunts trick.  

  14. Just signed up for FITE again using the $10 credit code from the last page(thanks) and the $2 twitter code. I did pay for All Out and loved it, but I'm skint flint this weekend so thought I'd take advantage of the offer.  Way I'm feeling at the minute, is I'm all in(pun intended) on AEW and can't wait for the full time show to start. 

  15. 13 hours ago, Daaaaaad! said:

    Not so long ago I was fortunate enough to visit The South Yorkshire in Mexborough. If you want to know what Mexborough is like, a quick Google suggests that the best place to visit in Mexborough is 'Conisbrough Castle' - which, unsurprisingly, is actually in neighbouring Conisbrough. Anyway, some of my wife's family were getting together so we were invited along to this venue. A warning sign should've been that you could book the entire pub out on a Saturday night - not a function room, the actual pub - with no deposit. It soon became apparent why when there was a noticeable leak in the roof as we sat down, and the loo did not have an operational flush as they looked more like they had been installed prior to that particular function being added to toilets.

    Crap karaoke was a staple of this particular evening - crapper still when you note that the only person participating was the "DJ" (and I use that term loosely) who would occasionally come down from her perch above the seats to sing songs nobody had ever heard of incredibly badly. Naturally, the beer on offer was also awful and consisted of multiple terrible lagers, all of which essentially were the same piss. We foolishly dared to try and have a game of pool, only to discover all of the cues were missing their tips and there were more yellow balls than red. That, plus for the four or five locals that were actually in the pub at the time, the decision to actually use this table was seen as some sort of declaration of war, resulting in stares, grumbles and general 'not from round here' chatter throughout.

     Amusingly, we had friends from down south staying with us that weekend who'd been encouraged to 'just come along, the more the merrier'. I don't think she trusted us to take them anywhere after a couple of hours in this establishment.

    EDIT: on looking for a picture it seems at least half of the building has a flat roof:


    Ahhh, the good 'ol South Yorkshire in Mexborough! Only been in once as it was a work colleague's regular and it was his birthday. As soon as you walk in you get everyone staring at you as your not a local, and the beer is as bad as Daaaaaad! says. We actually got barred from there after an hour as a mate won the jackpot on the fruit machine, and doubled up on the repeater. He won £30, and the bar man demanded he pay £15 into a glass behind the bar to pay for the regulars beers when they were skint. Apparently, it was a sort of "tax" they ran*. Of course we refused and were quickly kicked out and barred. Thank fuck!

    we did ask the lad we worked with, and according to him it was a bit of a scam they ran with "strangers". Lovely place. 

  16. 10 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    Natasia Demitriou is also in What We Do In The Shadows which I have enjoyed, although I'm pretty sure I would watch Matt Berry in just about anything. One of the episodes this week had one hell of a guest cast including off the top of my head Tilda Swinton, Danny Trejo, Bautista, and Wesley Snipes!

    Really please to see some love for What We Do In The Shadows! Along with the film it is based on, I am a huge fan!

  17. 40 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

    The following could potentially be the spine of your side for the next several years:

    GK: Kepa

    CB: Rudiger, Ampadu

    CM: RLC, Mount (Kante, although you never know he could end up moving on)

    FW: Pulisic, CHO, Abraham


    That's an exciting project to spearhead.

    Completely agree with this. A transfer ban might be a huge blessing in disguise for Chelsea if they give the likes of Mount and Abraham a go and they step up.

  18. 3 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    Peterborough have signed Niall Mason who Doncaster sacked after his conviction for sexual assault. What do you think? Live and let live or should a football club have more responsibility to not make a hero out of someone who's committed a despicable crime? I'm uncomfortable with it. Not a dig at Peterborough because we know someone would have signed him. Glad it's not my club.

    The responses are mostly what you'd expect but not this Donny Rovers fan. She don't care...


    I'll be following the 'Posh's fortunes for the next few years as my brother-in-law has signed for them. From what I can gather, their fans don't seem to care about his past "indiscretions"...

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