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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. 41 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Cheers for that, difficult to keep track of all the sex offenders on here at times.

    I was just thinking exactly the same! I just don't get why anyone, on a forum where you can call yourself anything and thus have total anonymity, why someone who had been publicly shamed like this numpty has would post under his real name? It's got to be arrogance, hasn't it?

  2. Just got home from a day on Headingley's Western Terrace(they can shove the new name up their arses, it will always be the 'Tarrace to me!). I'm pissed, a bit on the sun burnt side and still buzzing after an amazing day and one of the best innings I have ever seen in any format! Best thing is, we were going to chuck the towel in and go to the pub after the 9th wicket went, and it was only the fact one of the lads had gone to the bar to get a round in that we stopped. Imagine, sitting there all day and fucking off and missing that ending!

  3. 17 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    I've been watching this very closely and the developers have apparently been working on really giving the series a revamp.  I will buy/pre order this year's if we get a gm mode that everyone has been begging for years for them to put back in. I think a nice up to date wwe version of something like ewr or whatever other simulation games there used to be. 

     I think alot of people are pretty sick of the season modes they have been putting in each game for years now it just gets so samey and boring after a while but a big beefy gm mode would really inject something back into the series that has been stale for years now

    Thing is, the fun of the EWR/TEW games was the huge database of wrestlers and promotions to choose from, and giving the folk the big promotions would never take a chance on(well, now they would, but not back then) a huge push, etc. With the WWE games, you would be limited to those already under a WWE/WWE development contact, and those under legend contracts. It would get real old, real quick.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    OK. So the £10 a month plan is basically the same as we have now(less the bits of "indie" content that is on there)? And for the extra £5, they would remove the ads and unlock the indie stuff? 

    I think I'll stick with the £10 plan if that's the case. I personally only watch the classic content like WCW TV/PPv's and the old WWF/E stuff. My kids will only really watch the live PPV's, NXT and a bit of the old WWE shows. As long as you still get all the live PPV's included(including 'Mania), then £10 a month is enough for me...

  5. 7 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    This massive relaunch has been a massive cock up but what more can we expect from this company. What's mental is they have done this in preparation of the new tiered pricing system (which I read how it's going to work and I'm more than happy to pay £15 a month for the huge amount of content they will be giving us) however from what I've read this has Pissed more people off than it has impressed and as a result have lost a shed load of current subscribers. 

    My honest opinion is we will get the new content and it will be green lit by the end of summer 

    How is the tiered pricing going to work?

  6. 10 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    But if he shows up dressed to fit the gimmick, he'll get eyes on him without having to be seven feet tall and 300lbs. 

    This, is the point I was trying to make about the Balor/Coronation Street photos and what I think is a very important aspect of the industry is missing these days. I've already mention the Hogan's/Savage's only appearing in public in their trademark looks, but even during the attitude era, you would be hard pushed to catch Austin making public appearances dressed in anything other than the jeans/jean shorts and t-shirt look he was famous for which differentiated him from those he appeared with.


  7. Has anything ever come out about Tenta and AA having any heat or anything? Just seems really off that he glares at Big 'Quake when delivering the "Amateurs" line, when there were to actual amateurs stood next to him...

  8. How do things change down there once the summer season ends? Only asking as I did 2 years on the Lincolnshire coast when I was a secondment at work, and once the season ends it become an almost completely desolate ghost town. Even most of the houses were empty during the winter...

  9. Those photo's made me realise why modern day wrestlers don't have the pure star presence and charisma than the older guys did. If that was Hogan touring the Corrie studio's in his prime, he'd be decked out in his red and yellow spandex, Savage, a colourful outfit, complete with hat and shades. Even a more normal looking geezer like Bret Hart would look like a proper bad arse in his leather jacket and shades. Basically, they would just look like wrestlers even to the untrained eye. Balor, as handsome as he is, doesn't look to different to the actors he is posing with.

    That's not a knock on Balor by the way, or any other modern day wrestler to be fair. The business has moved on from those larger than life characters. It's just, to me anyway, it's one of the reasons I struggle to take to todays crop in the same way I did to the heroes of yesteryear...

  10. I makes me laugh how gullible the British public can be when it comes to politics. I've heard loads of people around Barnsley actually praising Johnson for this 20,000 police officer "promise" he made. They seem to all have forgotten that he was a large part of the reason(with his party) that those officers sacked off in the first place...

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