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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. 3 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Boris Johnson on LBC during the interview said the victims of the recent flooding were given £5000 in terms of compensation.

    Turns out it was £500. But Diane Abbot is shit at maths.....

    It wasn't even that much around our way. My cousin's entire downstairs was under a foot of water for about a week(it's still nowhere near drying out) and she was given £200 by the government, and later another £150 from a charity collection for flood victims).

  2. I thought The Irishman was tremendous! It brilliantly wrote, the acting was great and some of the direction and cinematography was amazing. I've always been a huge fan of Scorses, but when I saw the running time I was worried it would be a slog. But no, I was hooked from the first minute to the last and I'm sure it will become a film I watch fairly regular.

    Only thing I didn't like was the de-aging stuff. It looked great, but I'm convinced that as long as your brain knows that someone has been de-aged or recreated in CGI then it makes the effects stand out like a sore thumb. Well, it does to me anyway...

  3. 56 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Give it a month or two and you will! (It’s what da yoot now say to an older generation when they moan)

    Ah right! Yeah, I have seen that mentioned a few times come to think of it. Fuck it, if being a "boomer" means I don't spend my time making shit memes, that I'm a happy to be one!

  4. 29 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:

    Saw this & thought of you (all)





    Where did this "I'm going to tell my kids this is..." gag originate? It was mildly amusing the first few times I saw it, but after dozens of variations have popped up on my news feed every day for the past few weeks it's really run it's course.

  5. I've really been enjoying AEW, and it's become the first wrestling show in about a decade that I really look forward to and try everything I can to avoid spoilers. I think the biggest reason I am into it though, is that I have never been able to get into indie wrestling, so AEW is my first exposure to some fantastic characters like MJF, Derby Allen, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus(and shit loads more!). You can tell MJF is miles ahead of everyone else on the roster barring maybe Jericho in terms of character work, and I can really see Derby Allen being a breakout star. He's already connecting with his audience and if they handle him right, he can be one of their fist "homegrown" stars.

    I also love how they are presenting Moxley. He just looks like a mega star every time he is on TV, and looks a million miles away from what WWE eventually mae him!

    There is a few that are not clicking with me though. I can't get on with Adam Page for one. He's dcent enough bell to bell, but the character feels he's realised hes a bit balnd as plain ol' Adam Page, so picked a random Cowboy gimmick and I don't think it fits him. i also have no interest in the woman division so far. Hopefully that changes! Also, Justin Roberts can fuck off...

  6. That Omega enterance made him look a right tit. When the 8-bit video came up I, like a few others have mentioned, thought it was a mystery wrestler who wanted at him(kind of like the Sting/Black Scorpion from WCW), but then he walked out in a mask and fucking slippers! IT made matters worse that the Bucks(who have really impressed me) looked fairly decent in their Street Fighter get up!

    I'm really enjoying AEW in the whole though. There is some shit on it(Justin Roberts announcing, that Dark Order wrestlecrap and the sheer amount of dives in almost every match), but they are also managing to make some look like mega stars. Moxleys music and enternce video of him smashing through the cell is great, and obviously Jericho and the Inner Circle just ooze class.

  7. The politics here in Barnsley are really fucking strange. Almost all wards are almost nailed on Labour seats(the old saying goes you could put a red rosette on a broom here and it woud be voted in), but the lave vote was mega high, and as @Max Powerpoints out(as does the cringe inducing video he posted) the anti immigration mindset seems deeply ingrained into the older inhabitants. The two mindsets are at total polar opposites(the traditional labour fundamentals and the "kick em out mantality) so no idea how this election will go. You might see the LibDems, BREXIT Party and Greens making headways though(and the odd indipendant), as the idea of voting Tory is(rightfully) totally out of the question...

  8. 2 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

    The company doing it around here got sacked by the council for being a bit overzealous. They were straight on to old fogeys dropping litter by accident but doing fuck all about dog shit which was their top priority.

    People letting their dog turd all over and not cleaning it up is something that should lead to a public flogging.

  9. Has this XFL got any chance at all of "making it"? The reason I ask is I have zero knowlage of the standards of the modern day NFL, but with the money they seem to be offering they are going to even struggle to attract second rate players, aren't they? Is there an obvious path for those who chose to take the little money on offer to make it to the NFL and thus earn earn the big money? 

  10. The litter police(of litter Nazis to those they have caught) are all over in Barnsley, and they are prolific in the amount of tickets they gove out on a day to day basis. The frustrating thing about them though is that they will blatently witness a big, manley bloke dropping a fag end and dare not do anything, but if they see a random t'old lass dropping a bus ticket, they are on to her and writing the ticket out like a shot.

    I think they would be a brilliant idea, but will only work if they grow some bollocks and fine everyone who drops litter...

  11. 7 hours ago, Mikeymike83 said:

    Am I missing something? I'm 99.9% certain I bought a Texas Tornado and Bam Bam Bigelow Hasbro (amongst others) from Argos. Can't see them anywhere though! Lesser so but I seem to recall the first jakks being in there too. Remember the HBK, Bret and someone else there.

    Is this my Mandela effect?!

    At one point, Argos used to just show all the Hasbos as one item, and just used to pick and send a random fugure from the line. That might be what happened...

  12. 12 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

    Index was basically an Argos and Generation Game hybrid wasn't it? I was fascinated by the little conveyor belt the items used to arrive on.

    Our Index had a smart little lift that the item arrived in. Kind of like a DumbWaiter that you get in multi-floor restaurants. It always seemed more exciting waiting for a toy to arrive in the Index lift, than it did waiting for a random middle aged woman with too much make up on to bring it from the back at Argos.

  13. 35 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

    Never even considered that, but it's a cracking shout. Would be a cracking match too. 

    Completely agree. I'd never heard of Allen before he did that match with Cody on the mini-PPV thing AEW put on, but he's really impressed me and has made me a fan. I honestly think he and PAC will tear the house down(if the match does indeed happen).

  14. 1 minute ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    God Of War May be up your street.

    Acyually, I did mean to pick that up. Cheers, I'll grab that next time im in town.


    1 minute ago, Astro Hollywood said:

    Friday the 13th is currently free on Xbox Games with Gold, and I've been having a blast on it for the past 90 minutes. Great Halloween season game.

    I have F13th on the PS4. It's one of the most fun online games I've played. Just a shame they can't keep adding content to it, as I think a proper single player campaign would be fantastic.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    I also hate Football fans who's politics are decided by which team they support.

    It's a funny one. Without the tribalism and passion, football would be dull as fuck, but it's a double edged sword because people let that passion blinker them(as seen with the Celtic/Rangers talk in here).

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